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Sioux Hockey Fanatic

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Posts posted by Sioux Hockey Fanatic

  1. I kept the tickets that I received with last year's Final-5 in a place where I knew that I could locate and would not forget about them.

    Anybody else?

    Hey - its hockey - lets go cheer on the Wooster sisters if anything.


    Yeah, I plan to attend. Like you said it's hockey and it's pretty much free. Can't beat that!

  2. What would be even crazier is 5,000 Sioux fans in the stands cheering for Robert Morris to beat up on the Huskies. :D


    Last year we played on St. Cloud's Senoir night....I think there were more Sioux Fans there then too. Sioux fans are dedicated...way to go with getting prime seats for this game. I just hate having to sidestep all those idiots with posters and most of them don't even make sense--one way or the other.

    See ya in St. Cloud, and Duluth and the Ralph!!

  3. Compared to the REA--is anything special?

    We don't need a palace on the prairie. We have the mountains to break up the horizon. Which explains why in Colorado, you can't stand on a five gallon bucket and see the back of your head. :glare:

    The 75 MPH speed limit is there, but depending on the time of day you won't even approach that.

    A short day trip might be to the Royal Gorge bridge. This is the highest suspension bridge in the world. If you're afraid of heights do not go.

    Also a trip up Pikes Peak could be in order, but you are at the mercy of the weather more with Pikes Peak. Even with the temperature being 40 below what it is in Colorado Springs, it could seem like a heat wave for the hearty types from North Dakota.


    When is that series? Royal gorge is a must see, I would take the train up Pike's Peak if it still is running. It has to close do to the large amounts of snowfall they get in the winter.

  4. The Ralph just got in authentic Nike Sioux Hockey jerseys this week.  I talked to someone there today and they said they hope to be able to start personalizing them with name and numbers in about a month or so.


    Last time I tried to get one I found out they sent them to the Twin Cities. Possibly to the College Shop at the Mall of America, you can get them done there too.

  5. I cried when I saw the story on the news last night. I saw her at the Frozen Four at the autograph signing for the Hobey finalists. She looked amazingly happy and proud of her son. I thought it was wonderful that the family was able to spend as much time together as they did before she passed away. They were also honored by the Governor declaring it Marty Sertich day on Friday and Marty threw out the opening pitch at the Twins game. It was a very nice story.

  6. The earlier mentioned comment about getting injured should be the furthest thing from your mind, and if your worried aobut getting hurt your mind isn't in the right place. Is EXACTLY the point I was trying to make. If protective gear ie face masks/shields were mandated by the Leagues then the individual players wouldn't have to worry about if others think they are weak or "Sallys" for wearing one. It would just be the way it is and they can cry about that. Sure protective gear doesn't protect you from every possible injury out there but athletes do take alot of measures to prevent injury. They condition, practice, have physicals, stretch, warm up, wear pads, helmets and etc...

  7. The issue also made mention this weekend on a Twin Cities local news. I missed most of what they said but made mention of the Nickname issue with the NCAA. Must have really been a slow news day as they never even report the UND scores unless they've played the Gophers.

    I am curious as to what would happen if no schools had nicknames after Native American tribes. I see it as an opportunity for the Native Americans to get out information about their culture, heritage, and the sufferings they have had to deal with as a culture. If there wasn't the nickname issue what would most people know about Native Americans? I can tell you I wouldn't know much about Sitting Bull or any of the Sioux tribe if it weren't for UND having Fighting Sioux as a nickname.

    I also wonder if any other groups of people feel nicknames of other teams are offensive? So many teams are named after great warriors, groups of people and some are not around to speak for themselves. Trojans, Titans, at one time in this country the Irish were discrimated against in the same way as many other minorities. Are they trying to get Notre Dame to change it's nickname?

    I try to always respect Native Americans (and all people minority or not) and appreciate the contributions they have made to our country and hope that UND will stick by its decision not to change the nickname.

  8. Good luck, Nick.


    Best wishes Nick!

    I sure hope that he is able to have a full recovery from this. He's young and healthy so that's one thing in his favor, and sounds like he's getting excellenct care.

    When will the other leagues start mandating protective equipment?

  9. Wow WCHA opener DU vs. ND.  I would expect both games to be televised, perhaps nationally.


    If WDAZ broadcasts they usually are available by satelite. Joe Sensor's in the Twin Cities has all the Sat games on.

    But road trips are great fun! I usually make it to Duluth and St. Cloud, I may even try the Colorado series this year.

  10. yeah, it was pretty neat meeting all the people who were at the FF.  I heard Belfour was there, never saw him myself though...as we were painting up in the parking lot before the NC game Brett Stirling's dad walked by and chatted with us.  Man, I hope we get there again soon, a Frozen Four is one trip I am always ready to make  :lol:


    I have been pondering this for the past several days...did you guys go home painted in green or where you able to shower somewhere first? I also stopped by and talked to you all pregame in the parking lot.

  11. We always enjoy the laughs we get at Fighting Sioux hockey games. Here are a few.

    One of the refs as he excorted a complaining player to the box saying "Get in the box, ya F%$*ing Punk!

    Drinking from the opponents water bottle! Or screwing the cap off the bottle so the goalie spills the whole bottle on himself!

    Shepard seeking to be the "center of attention" in every way possible!

    Walking very slowly out of the Xcel, thoroughly enjoying the moment, after beating the Goofs on their turf!

    We could go on but won't you all please share a few of your favorite moments as well?

    "Premere Fighting Sioux Hockey Fans of Western North Dakota"


    Like I have to tell the goofers----the Exel is not the Mariucci!!! Even though they think it's their arena--- it's not.

  12. God Bless you for making it to Sunday Mass.  ???


    I did enough praying on Saturday night to cover me for two weeks of church!

    Mafia Man Did you make the baptism?

  13. I've got a "little project" going on in my house, and I was wondering where I could purchase some of the great photos from UND's sports history... Item's similar to those in Suite 49 & REA. (Large Rube Bjorkman championship photo, for example)

    Anyone have a contact # for someone who would have some of this stuff available?

  14. I too had a great time at my very first Frozen Four! I was especially pleased to get an autograph from Ed Balfour since he was the goalie when I first became a Sioux fan I was only in junior high. We just had moved into the WDAZ viewing area.

    Anyway... the Sioux played great and it was money and time well spent! Even though we didn't bring home the title they played like champions!

    I agree about the footage showed of #28 on the stretcher, I thought that was really distasteful, disrespectful and much more. Robbie was there watching and I'm sure he doesn't like to relive that moment any more often than he already does.

    I skated on the Frozen Four Ice which I thought was great, met tons of really great fans and former players. Last years DU team had a beer with us in the parking lot. It was great to see so many loyal UND fans, not one left early and many cheered til every last player was off the ice.

    I am counting the days til next year!

    But I think the best thing about my trip was the photo we took with Parise!!

    GO SIOUX!!

  15. To expand on this more...

    North Dakota: 2005 Beanpot Champions

    I'd reccommend staying away from Hirsch until next season...


    OK one last jab---we can use it next year.

    What do Hirsch and Herseys have in common?

    Both meltdown when the heat is on!

  16. Good one ;) That's about as good as this sign: "Hey Bina, Hows the view from the Hospital bed" or if we happen to lose to the Gophers there can be this sign " Hey Bina, aren't the Gophers a pain in the neck". My point is is that it is fun to have tasteful signs but when you have a sign that attacks a individual (Hirsch or Bina) that goes to far. I'm sure Sioux fans would not want negative signs directed towards Bina just like Gopher fans would not want negative signs about Hirsch.


    Is it OK with you if I bring my Briggs you're a Sieve Sign? Or is that too mean?

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