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Posts posted by 82SiouxGuy

  1. A lot of B basketball is consolidated, even more wrestling teams are... Even moreso than football I'd guess.

    Those towns do a great job supporting it. State tourney is heavy class B fans.

    He said that most Class B high schools have wrestling. That is obviously wrong. Most means more than 50%. Well under 50% of North Dakota high schools actually offer wrestling.
  2. And UND chooses not to sponsor Wrestling and NDSU does. Wrestling is a sport sponsored by Class A schools and most Class B schools. Tennis, swimming and Hockey are Class A sports. If you go strictly by participation numbers, there are probably more high school wrestlers in ND than the other 3 sports mentioned combined. I guess UND doesn't care about the small school athletes in ND. I guess that is just a choice UND and their fans will have to live with. 

    Less than 1/3 the number of wresting programs as boys basketball programs in Class B, and a lot of the boys basketball programs are consolidated. Less than 25% of North Dakota Class B high schools have wrestling. That is a lot less than "most".

  3. We know that Hak leaving wasn't going to be a big deal with Bubs as the coach but does a recruits parents? All they see is Hak leaving for the pros and now that might set his development back. Then these CHL scouts come in and play off of that which will get the player and his parents questioning where he should go.

    Berry was more involved with recruiting than Hak, the assistants do more of the real recruiting. The parents probably know Berry and Dane Jackson better than they know Hak. One of the other recruits said that Berry getting the job was the main reason for staying committed to UND when Hak left, he was very comfortable with Berry and Dane. I would guess that most of the recruits feel the same way, so the change in coaches probably isn't a factor in his decision to play in Canada.

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  4. That's pretty much the definition of a traveling trophy. One side can't unilaterally decide to just keep the trophy. It's not theirs to keep.


    Do any of you have any evidence that NDSU, Blue Key, or any other party ever actually agreed that the trophy would only be contested in "annual" games, or that there was ever any agreement of the parties that UND's settlement with the NCAA affected NDSU's rights to the trophy in any way? If not, the terms are that the current holder brings the trophy to the next game and the winner of that game gets possession of it until they lose it on the field. If UND can't do that, it needs to work something out with NDSU. To my knowledge, it has not.

    Do you have any evidence that any or all of those parties haven't agreed that the trophy would no longer be contested? Do you know of a lot of rivalries where they only play every 5-10 years, yet still play for a traveling trophy? Do you really know what the terms of the trophy are, that the current holder brings the trophy to the next game, or did you just make that up? Do you have any clue at all what has been said between the 2 athletic departments about the trophy? Or are you just here blowing smoke, trying to cause trouble, and filling a Friday night? Have you heard what they say about possession being 9/10's of the law?

  5. Apparently it is your opinion that trumps everyone who disagrees with you, as you repeatedly tell him he is wrong. As a UND alumni and non-North Dakotan, I don't care at all about Red River. If the local community can't differentiate between UND and Red River HIGH SCHOOL, we have bigger issues.

    My opinion is that it is wrong to dismiss the opinions of a significant group of people.  Like Roughriders all you want.  But it isn't right to dismiss the opinions of those that don't want the name because Red River uses it, especially when you act like their opinion doesn't count because they are "townies" or that they "can't see beyond the city limits" or some other insulting language.  Talk about an elitist attitude.  Somehow you think that you are better than people who live in Grand Forks?  Roughriders may or may not end up being the best choice, and may or may not end up being the final choice.  But this attitude that the opinions of people in Grand Forks don't count if they disagree with you is my problem.


  6. The high school argument does not make sense to me at all.......these are high schools? They don't play in front of crowds of 2,000-12,000 people like UND does. Their not on national TV like UND is, they don't have 15,000 students and 100,000 some alumni.

    The townies that are making a big deal about that need to realize there is much more to this state/region than the little Grand Forks bubble. UND reaches beyond the borders of Grand Forks and even the state of ND. if Fargo North wanted to change their name to the Bison few would care. They are high schools where most of the crowds are parents and grandparents of players. If that is an issue I suggest you travel outside of Grand Forks county more.

    There are 50,000 plus people that live in the city of Grand Forks.  They buy tickets to games at UND.  Their businesses are sponsors for events.  The kids become students at UND.  The community is a major support system for the school and the athletic program.  This isn't some rural school with a couple of hundred students.  Some of their games do have attendance of at least a couple of thousand.  That's why it has to be taken into consideration.  It doesn't matter if you can't see a potential problem, I'm sure that officials at UND will take it into consideration.  The local citizens get to have their opinion, just like you.  If Fargo North wants to change their name, let them.  That doesn't mean that Grand Forks residents and former residents don't get to have an opinion on the subject that you may not like.  Your dismissal of that opinion isn't going to help the argument.

  7. What's the "problem"?

    Herald articles (a sports writer already said one of his favorite UND nicknames was Roughriders) that states "Roughriders beat Fargo Shanley for EDC Title" will confuse 12 people?

    Does the sports writer now speak for the entire community?  Or is it that your opinion trumps everyone who disagrees with you?  There are people that don't like the idea because a local school already uses it.  A sports nickname helps give a school an identity.  Some people see it as UND stealing or diluting the local school's identity.  Red River has used the nickname for almost 50 years.  Others, mainly Central alumni, don't like the name because it is associated with Red River.  You don't have to agree with either of them.  But the school has to recognize the potential conflict and decide if it is enough of a problem to choose a different name.

  8. They might be 2 miles apart but it just isn't a problem.  The people connected to Red River know the difference and most everyone else doesn't care.  Most of the Red River people I have talked to have no problem with it.  Every possible nickname has some negatives.  The University has to sit back and look at the big picture.  The negative    with using the Roughrider name is  far and away outweighed by the many positives with using  Roughriders.  Nothing is going to be perfect.

    It is a problem, it just hasn't been decided how big of a problem it is.  I've talked to people from both Red River and Central that have a problem with it, and people that don't.  Yes, there are problems with every potential nickname.  My point was that comparing UND and Red River using the same nickname with NDSU and Hazen was not an equal comparison.  I agree that UND needs to look at the big picture.  Part of that is recognizing any potential conflict with Red River using the nickname, and whether that is bigger than the potential good that could come out of it.  You think the positive outweighs the negative, we will see whether the committee and the University agree or not.

  9. Thank you for proving my point,.  In the big picture,  not a lot  of time is spent talking about Red River either.    It is like a drop in the bucket to what the University of North Dakota represents.  The University of North Dakota represents a lot more than just the south side of Grand Forks.  Thanks for your comment.

    Yes, UND represents a lot more than just the south side of Grand Forks.  But you are discounting the fact that the schools are less than 2 miles apart, that they are covered by the same local media, and that there are thousands of local and regional people that are either affiliated with both schools or are at least familiar with both schools.  None of these factors are true for your comparisons of Hazen or Milnor, which means that those comparisons are not very relevant.  That was my point.  The situation of having UND and Red River using the same nickname is not comparable to any local situation, and definitely not similar to Hazen or Milnor.  The only comparison that I know of that is close is Iowa State Cyclones and Ames Little Cyclones.  That is a case where the high school copied the college team, but added Little to acknowledge the fact that they were the different team.  Not a case of the local university copying the local high school with the exact same name.

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  10. Some people have said they do not want to use Roughriders   because Red River is using that name.  That happens all the time.  How many schools in the area used the  Bison for their athletic teams.  Just off the top doesn't Hazen use the Bison.  Isn't Milnor the Bison.    Are their any other schools?   That is hard to avoid.

    I didn't realize that NDSU was located in Hazen, or in Milnor.  How many thousands of people are affiliated with the Hazen Bison?  They average about 60 per class right now, so probably not a lot of thousands.  How about Milnor?  They average less than 20 per class, so even fewer thousands.  And how about those Milnor/North Sargent Bulldogs?  You know, since Milnor coops with North Sargent for sports like football and girls basketball.  Does the Fargo Forum, KFGO, WDAY and the rest of the Fargo media spend a lot of time talking about the Hazen Bison or the Milnor Bison?  Maybe those situations aren't exactly the same as if the University is located in the same town as one of the larger high schools in the state that has several hundred graduates each year.

    • Downvote 5
  11. That district attorney needs to watch the video. Based on what we could see, she was definitely the original aggressor.

    I would be willing to bet he has seen the video, has talked to others involved, and knows more about the case than rubes that have watched the video on the interwebs. The start of the video probably isn't where the incident started.
    • Upvote 1
  12. Not excusing the QB's actions at all as what he did was very wrong and he should have just walked away but did the woman face any punishment in this? It looks to me like she plays a big part in it by threatening to punch Johnson first and then kneeing him in the groin area and punching him when he tries to restrain her. I also see Johnson's lawyer has come out and said the woman provoked Johnson with racial comments as well. I would think Johnson will get another chance probably spend a year at a JUCO and if he plays well many teams will probably be after him again. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/13215817/deandre-johnson-was-provoked-woman-racial-remarks-lawyer-says

    The District Attorney has already stated that the woman will not face any charges. He stated that she was acting in self defense, that Johnson was the original aggressor and he started the chain of events.


    He will have to be very talented to get a second chance under the current conditions. Most teams do not want to deal with someone that has physically assaulted a woman for fear of the public backlash.

  13. Willing to take on a new name when one that isn't brutal comes along......hasn't happened in this process unfortunately.

    Any name that is discussed and chosen is going to be considered brutal by some group of people.  Having no nickname is brutal to a lot of people.

    • Upvote 1
  14. Wow its been there for along time. I lived in the cities in 80-82 an picked up food from there. Downtown on Hennepin there was a famous rib place that I cant remember the name of? Any idea?

    Are you talking about Market BBQ?

  15. There's no doubt some people have left because of layoffs. But rent declining hasn't caught up and its hard for a family to continue to pay $2,000-$3,000 in rent. Its easy to hitch up the rv and head out of town from the rv park that they were paying $800 a month for a spot.

    Lots of people probably heading to Minot to find a job, save on rent, be able to find single ladies and feel safer. Knowing they could always head the short drive back west if they're able to find an oil job again.


    I was in Williston about a month ago.  From the people I talked with it didn't sound like a lot of people were leaving yet.  Many of the people I talked with were happy to be working more regular hours rather than working 18-20 hours a day.

    • Upvote 1
  16. There's half the rigs and half the construction as opposed to last year.

    "These people" didn't move there to work in retail. They moved on the hope of mega bucks working in the oil field and are more likely to move back home than apply for other area jobs waiting for the upswing.

    A lot of the people that moved for oil jobs are used to the oil industry. They know all about the ups and downs. They also know that the same slowdown is affecting other oil areas. Some will move away and some will take "regular" jobs to hold out until things pick up on the rigs. Others came from places where there were very few jobs of any kind, and that hasn't improved in a lot of those places. Most know that they are going to have a hard time making big bucks anyplace in the oil industry right now.

  17. Florida has more than one Seminole tribe, at least from what I've read on the subject. Not all of them support the nickname.

    There is one Seminole tribe in Florida and there is a tribe called the Miccosukee that broke off from the Seminoles about 50 years ago.  They both have multiple reservation locations in Florida.  The Miccosukee did not object to the Seminoles nickname during the original policy announcement and haven't seemed to object to it since.  I have never seen or heard of an official position issued by the Miccosukee.


    The other Seminole tribe is in Oklahoma.  They are the largest of the tribes by far.  They were forced out of Florida and resettled in Oklahoma.  There were reports in 2005 that the Seminoles of Oklahoma were against the Florida State use of Seminoles as a nickname.  It turns out that a single member of the tribal government made those claims.  The Seminole tribe of Oklahoma did not have a position on the Florida State use of the Seminoles nickname at that time.  In October 2013 the Seminoles of Oklahoma issued a resolution against the use of Native American sports nicknames in the public school system, colleges and universities, and by professional sports teams.  However, since they are in Oklahoma that has no bearing on a school in Florida as far as the NCAA is concerned.

  18. I have a crazy idea. How bout we follow the existing rules and regulations. If you are unable to then you go back.

    Path to U.S. Citizenship

    This page describes the most common path to U.S. citizenship, which allows a green card holder (permanent resident) of at least 5 years to apply for naturalization. Other paths include:

    •Green card holders married to U.S. citizens

    •Green card holders in the military and their family

    •Citizenship through parents

    Eligibility Requirements

    If you are a green card holder of at least 5 years, you must meet the following requirements in order to apply for naturalization:

    •Be 18 or older at the time of filing

    •Be a green card holder for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing the Form N-400, Application for Naturalization

    •Have lived within the state, or USCIS district with jurisdiction over the applicant’s place of residence, for at least 3 months prior to the date of filing the application

    •Have continuous residence in the United States as a green card holder for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application

    •Be physically present in the United States for at least 30 months out of the 5 years immediately preceding the date of filing the application

    •Reside continuously within the United States from the date of application for naturalization up to the time of naturalization

    •Be able to read, write, and speak English and have knowledge and an understanding of U.S. history and government (civics).********************************

    •Be a person of good moral character, attached to the principles of the Constitution of the United States, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the United States during all relevant periods under the law********************

    Hell, just enforce the last 2.

    Whatever Agency brought you over here will be forced to reimburse any and all government funds they may have received and also pay for returning the criminal back to his/her homeland. They will than hopefully do a better job of vetting any future potential US Citizens since it hits them in the pocketbook. They should also be monitored on their "success" rate and if it is below a certain standard they get unfunded entirely.

    The US government does the vetting now and decides who gets into the country. LSS and other organizations around the country try to help them make the transition. LSS doesn't decide who comes in.
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