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Posts posted by OETKB

  1. in this i assume raw=young? that doesn't constitute their coaching being better than UND's.

    Another sore spot with me is the "young" label. UND has 11 upperclassmen. That has to be average among college teams. The "young" label just means the coaches have not done a great job of landing players at UND lately, which is why I suspect Eades was let go. However, in all fairness, this is not a "young" team.

  2. Well, frankly, when the coaches all claim to have a "professional approach" to the game, and yet the team can't perform, then what is left but to blame the coaches? Honestly, the last decade has been a bust, and it's not looking good for the near future, either. At what point do you hold the coaches accountable?

  3. Let's see Rodwell Thompson and st Clair tomorrow. The new goalie as well. Just a awful 3rd period

    Can we get some new coaches too? I'm sorry, but after a decade of BS reasons why we have not excelled as a program, getting outplayed at home tonight is enough for me to blow my top. GOD, I'm sick of this mediocre crap!

  4. This could turn into a "careful what you wish for" real quick if the big schools actually travel to the small schools and hand them their lunch. Not saying that it for sure will happen, just that if it does happen it could be devastating for the small schools' chances of making the NCAA at-large.

    Exactly. This may get the elite teams to travel more, but that doesn't mean they will win less, so this may accomplish nothing, if the goal is to get more smaller programs into the playoffs.

  5. I like this tidbit:

    Though the draft is in the back of his mind, Poganski has a harder time suppressing his excitement for playing college hockey next season at the University of North Dakota.

    “I think about it every day when I wake up, just playing college,” he said. “It’s always been my dream to play college.

    “As a young boy I played for the Junior Sioux AAA team and ever since then, I just had the feeling if I ever had the chance to pick a college it would be North Dakota. Now that it’s coming to life, it’s a dream come true.”

    "Next season"? Isn't he coming in 2015? UND already has a huge class for 2014. I count a possible 30 player roster as it is.

  6. IMO, the fan base would probably not care as much about the rest of the teams, if the men's hockey and football teams were doing well. However, this years' football team is getting smoked for unreal points against. 55 points by Montana - wow.

    And as for the hockey team, last year was the first time under Hakstol that they "accomplished nothing". By that, I mean they did not win the WCHA regular season, the WCHA Final Five, nor did they make the Frozen Four. Additionally, they had no "second half surge", and the result was the fewest wins in the Hakstol era. Some people tried to spin it as a good season because they had over 20 wins, but that will never be the standard at UND. Consequently, people are rightly questioning where the program is headed. With each passing year since our last national championship, the heat is going to get turned up.

  7. Whoever made the decision to sign this contract for the entire conference should lose their job. Und fans aren't the only ones upset by this.

    The fact that today's headlines read "league leading six games", as if we should be happy about that, is kind of pathetic. Nobody who cares about UND hockey should be happy with this deal. It's a huge step back.

    • Upvote 3
  8. I think the "fire Hakstol" folks are out in force this offseason, for a couple of specific reasons:

    1) Lowest number of wins in the Hakstol era =22 (previous low was 24, if I'm not mistaken). You can say that a "good" season is 20-plus wins, but I think standards are a bit higher here.

    2) No "biggies". In every other year so far, Hak's teams have had at least one major accomplishment (WCHA Champs, Broadmoor Champs, or Frozen Four). This is his first season where none of those things happened.

    So, I think a lot of people are wondering if the program is headed in the right direction.

    • Upvote 1
  9. I wonder what kind of goaltender the coaches will look at to replace Maris. I have not heard anything, but I'm hoping they recruit a "real" goalie, as Saunders will be a senior next season, and UND had consistency problems in net recently.

  10. Yeah, something just isn't clicking right now with the line combos. Obviously Kristo-Knight need to stick together, but right now 1-4 is anybody's guess.

    Pattyn is a fourth liner....plain and simple. Why is a fourth liner centering a line with Rocco? Something just doesn't seem right. I'm a 100% backer of our coaching staff, and I know they have to make tough decisions....but that just doesn't seem like the right fit.

    One decision I hope they make is Schmaltz upstairs in a suit tomorrow.

    I don't normally like jumping on individual players, but I have to agree - Schmaltz was brutal tonight. But this loss was a whole team defensive failure. Even Forbort did not have a good game.

    Saunders started well, but finished very poorlly. Forwards could not get any reboud opportunities at all. All together, a weak showing that got worse as the night went on.

  11. Wish I could beleive that UND will be much better tomorrow, but this is 4 straight where our defense has been terrible, the goaltending has been average, and the forwards have been anything but impressive.

    Woog put it best: especially toward the end of the game, UND's defense was poor, the goalie was not making many saves, and their "big guns" did not do much of anything.

  12. If they can't break through with a sweep this weekend, I fear they might very well end up within 1 game of

    .500 by Christmas because with road games at Notre Dame, CC and Tech I don't know if a sweep is a sure thing, and Denver here could be another split. Surely the Sioux could sweep any of those weekends, but if they don't have the urgency now, will they then? Sometimes I think the team thinks it's a badge of honor to make their second half run, and that it is a given every year. We know with how tight the Pairwise gets in the second half, that there are no guarantees and it will take once coming up just shy for the fans to voice their displeasure more than they do now. I think fans have been conditioned for the second half run, which makes them accept some subpar performances the first half.

    I am in the camp that says "surging" should not be part of the season plan. Not that Hak & Co actually plan it that way. Rather, I would think that they believe in their overall system, but whatever they do seems to take half-a-season to come together.

    One or two seasons where they don't "surge" would kill the buzz bigtime. But, to their credit, it has not happened yet, and they've got mutliple pieces of hardware, just not the Nattie.

  13. Last Saturday, I stayed up late and watched the Fairbanks game. Even though Hak said he was pleased with the effort at the time, he later admitted that the players were not getting to the hard areas and giving themselves a chance to finish plays.

    Tonight they showed the kind of scrappy, fast, & tenacious play that will give them great success this season, if they keep that mentality. They deserved to win by a wide margin, and they did.

  14. Only 16 skaters playing in a time zone that puts them past midnight come the third period...after playing the previous night with only 15 skaters? Alaska brought it and we just couldn't keep up. We'll be ok.

    Of course they have the POTENTIAL to be great. But, tonights performance was simply disgusting.

  15. Terrible loss...this should hurt us in the rankings. Missing players really don't matter Fairbanks is one terrible team. Wonder what happened we were average about 4-5 goals/game. Line combos seemed odd to me to begin with. Luck this is early.

    This is one game I wish I hadn't paid to see. One hell of a half-ass performance by UND. Frankly looked like they didn't care for a large part of the game.

  16. Roster is posted on UNDsports.com, and some of the players have listed weights that have gone up or down. Mostly in the right direction, from what I can tell.

    Dickin is gone. Wonder why we did not hear that earlier?

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