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Posts posted by ESPNInsider

  1. They did talk about something that I have agreed with, but have not posted yet though. If it does come down to UND fighting for the name saying, as some on here have posted, that the tribes don't own the name so we should be free to use it, that is just wrong. I believe it was still Mr. Williams that was talking about it, saying that people on message boards and fans of these teams are claiming that no one has ownership of these names so they are free to use. I thought maybe Mr. Williams had popped into ss.com. (Hopefully he is not SiouxFootballField :lol: ) UND can appeal the ruling, but if that meeting does not go well today and the tribes are against it then I would want UND to stop the fight.

    The reason I have been against the change in the past is that there has been no "clear" tribal objection to the name. Maybe that is because the media has kept that out of the papers and off the news, or maybe it's that they don't have one and the stuff that does come out is drummed up by only a few vocal minority.

    Hopefully today's meetings can clear some things up and maybe even start to solidify a strong relationship with the Sioux tribes. Watching last night, you could see the pride that the Seminole tribe has for the use of the name at FSU. They are involved in the decision for Osceola's clothing and many other aspects of the use of the name. Maybe UND and the Sioux tribes can start to build a relationship that someday would resemble that of FSU's. Now that would be progress!

  2. The piece didn't talk much about UND, but what I did get out of it is along the lines of what PCM said. It didn't sound good for those who either, don't have the full vocal support of tribes or aren't a highly powerful D-I school.

    Doesn't look good.

    As for the talk about a DIII school, they were not referring to UND so don't get upset about that. The question was just being asked if a DIII school would have much of a chance. The columnist from D.C. said probably not.

  3. Administration makes ALL the difference.  For example, parents' constant griping to coaches and administrators happens more prevalently at one school in Grand Forks then it does at the other.  And that is because one of the schools "put their foot down" on that stuff from the very beginning.  Support of the coaches is huge.  One GF school has a great tradition of coaching continuity in alot of their programs, the other does not.  See my point here?  Directly and indirectly, it has EVERYTHING to do with your top 5 list


    When teams are winning you don't hear about the complaining, because other parents will keep quiet. But, when the team starts losing everyone joins the chorus. Especially when the chorus leader is someone in the public athletic spotlight.

    Either way, I hope Vern can win a few games this year and turn the tides a bit. And hopefully the next crop of kids have some football players in the bunch!

    Does anyone here work with the 5th and 6th grade league in GF? I watched one game the first year it started and although it wasn't very good play it was sure nice to have kids playing football. I'm really glad they started the leage and I'm just hoping that it is getting more kids into the game. In the past middle school football was just getting kids used to wearing pads and hitting a little bit. Now it can be used a little more in-depth for the game. I'm just wondering how the league is doing. Who are the coaches? Where are they learning the game? Any info would be great, thanks.

  4. In my eyes ESPN, you forgot the most important reason. #1 on my list of problems at Red River is administration. Many of those reasons that you mentioned are results of poor leadership at that level.


    Like I said before, hopefully Vern will stick around for a while, which I'm thinking is your reason for the administration thought. Perry seemed to always be kind of a Central guy, but I don't agree with you that administration makes the difference. Many other teams seem to have won while he was there.

  5. Getting back to football. I skipped a 9th grade basketball tryout just to go tailgate before a Sioux Bison football game at Memorial Stadium. I will be honest, I was about as good at basketball as Mark Mangino is at figure skating but it still was a lot to give up for a football game. If I could go back, I would do it again in a heart beat for another Saturday at good 'ole Memorial Stadium.


    The Red River coaches were very happy that you chose the football game as well!

  6. Now I've heard that Drew has MS. He went to Rochester to get a second opinion after Altru made their diagnosis.

    That's horrible news. I feel terrible for Drew. Hope that his health allows him to live a fullfilling lifestyle.

    I've never heard of someone getting it at this age. Does anyone know more about the disease? If so, could you fill me in a bit.

  7. Paul Roberts and Cullen Keller.  So horrible, it's hillarious.  They may as well have a couple of the HS kids in the stands do the games.  :glare:

    Ball on the Jamestown's 45. Back to pass, he's hit! Fumble!! Their's a mad scramble for the ball, looks like...............................................................TOUCHDOWN CENTRAL!!!!!  Oh boy, what a play that was, huh Cullen?


    Haha, this reminds me of one of my favorite calls in baseball history.

    White Sox game. Ken the Hawk Harrelson doing the Play by play. bottom of the 10th, White sox up 1, bases loaded.

    Hawk: Bases loaded, one out, the pitch

    (you hear the crack of the bat)

    nothing said for many seconds

    (you hear the crowd cheering)

    still nothing said

    (you hear the crowd erupt)

    Hawk: White Sox lose on a single to the gap.

    So terrible it's great.

    Same reason I love to listen to Bill Walton do NBA games and Madden do NFL. Why I loved Harry Carey too.

  8. Newsflash for you Mr. Cratter.  You've got 15 year old info.  Maybe it's still that way in G.F.  But, that's not the direction that the rest of the country is going.  Look up gentrification in a dictionary.  People don't want to commute anymore and spend all that time away from their families (not to mention gas prices), large spread out neighborhoods with no social interaction promote screwed up kids, people don't want to pay taxes on a bigass yards anymore when there's a beautiful park one block away.

    The weakness of downtown is largely a function of not enough of a population base.

    Sad but true.  Not rocket science BTW.


    Just had to go back to this post as I finally realized why your argument is so bad. Take a look at the bolded sentences. You obviously thought that we were talking about the revitalization of ALL downtowns in the country, not just GF. Sorry for tearing your argument apart, it was an honest mistake by you.

    Now, what do you think about the GF downtown?

  9. Oh I forgot...you're a www flamer.  All criticism...no solutions.


    hahah I love this, this guy is spouting off about random stuff, calling people flamers and basically putting everyone else down. Then he says, "all criticism...no solutions." Good stuff.

    Like I've said before, I think they'll need to bring a mix of housing and bars, restaurants and shops to the downtown area.

  10. Even more classy was the comment on just having to drive through a couple of neighborhoods.  Maybe you could ding a kid or two on the way home.  Local boy has some maturing to do I think.


    Local Boy's like school in the summer...no class.

    But he seems to be an expert on the growth of cities :glare:

    So Local Boy, what is your main point here? People are all moving into downtowns? People no longer want to live in suburbs? People base were they live on how many neighborhoods they'll drive through drunk at night?

  11. Not me!  It's a general speculation (true BTW) why people who live on one end of town don't generally support night life on the other side of town.

    I can tell you have more expeiene with the internet flame thing than demographics, trends, and pop culture.

    That's cool...to each his own!

    What do you propose for downtown G.F. to get to that mythical, romantic, vision of boppin' around bar-hoppin' from spot to spot, enjoyin' this club here, that club there...


    Seriously...I'd like to hear it.


    Have you ever heard of cabs? They started in the 1890's and are still around today. For more on cabs check THIS link. read it, learn it, know it. Thanks

    I'm sure you don't need to use a cab though as you were so eager to tell everyone about your $350K house :glare:

  12. GROW UP?  Great for GF? So more available gambling is good, we do not need more forms of gambling in the area. So taking money from local charities that have gaming in the bars and giving it to the Indians would be good, especially when most $ from these casinos on the reservations doesn't seem to do much good anyway. These charitable gaming organizations also pay the state millions of dollars in taxes, which the Indian ones wouldn't.

    If you don't think that the name opposition doesn't lead to more opposition against letting Indian casinos come into town, then I don't believe you really understand the local people and culture. I'm not saying everyone should or does feel this way, but there sure are a good number of people way they feel this way.


    So maybe I was a bit harsh in my original post, but that is pathetic if people feel that way. Well, they don't want the University in our town to use their name, so let's not let them build a casino. That's the reason for my "Grow Up" statement. That is acting like a kindergartner. Most rational human beings would look at each separately and I would expect the GF City Council to do so. (although they aren't always so rational)

    I still think the casino would be of benefit to GF. Not only personally for the residents who need to drive to DL, TRF, or Mahnomen, but for the people that would now come to town. You think that people from Fargo would rather go to Wahp or Mahnomen or GF. I think that's pretty easy. Go up, hit a Sioux athletic event, hit the casino, hit the bars and restaurants, stay in a hotel. $$$ I know part of the concern was that the casino would build a hotel and that would have to be squashed. The tribe did say that they had no plans for a hotel. That would have to be written into the agreement, although, I believe that as soon as it is ok'd the tribe basically has all rights on the land. Some agreement would be needed.

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