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Everything posted by fs1
I heard they are announcing a new working relationship of some sort between the two, but mayo is not buying altru.
My mistake, I ment to say the men's basketball coach jones, was all for this action and getting into the summit. But also ment to make the point that the football coach is also in favor of this action, they are both 100percent behind the seeing the nickname go away. And that is a FACT. In my pissed off mood I mixed the 2 comments into one, again sorry for my error.
Board president richie smith along with president kelley are just another 2 of the liberals that are much smarter than we average folks. They know better than the incredibly large majority of North Dakotan's, let alone 67 percent of Spirit Lake tribal members who strongly support the Fighting Sioux nickname. We are so lucky to have "friends" like that on our side. They are identical to the 3 stooges we have in the U.S. congress representing the people of North Dakota, the stooges who dont seem to know the people they represent overwhelmingly dont support the health care bill they voted to pass. They are identical situations, where the will of the people is overruled by the people elected/appointed to represent them. Yababy8 is exactly right, this action can not stand! I am all for protesting this move. When AussieSiouxFan says f--k the summit league, he is 100percent correct! But truth be told, the UND head football coach would sell his soul and who knows what else to get into that league. He is 110percent behind this action today. That is the sad truth. And it is the truth! JODY HODGSON is my hero! Hearing him speak the truth in no uncertain terms tonight on the news was priceless! He said what many of us believe and he didnt shy away from saying it so everyone could hear it. I am sure he would be front and center leading a protest against this action. correction after original posting: My mistake, I ment to say the men's basketball coach jones, was all for this action and getting into the summit. But also ment to make the point that the football coach is also in favor of this action, they are both 100percent behind seeing the nickname go away. And that is a FACT. In my pissed off mood I mixed the 2 comments into one, again sorry for my error.
It is true, Chorney signed yesterday.
Sioux-cia, when you say "I'm not talking about Buning's job performance. I'm talking about the circus/freak show we're calling his firing", how can you put any responsibility on UND for what it has become? Are they responsible for him pulling the leave of absense out of a hat? If you want to call it a circus/freak show then go ahead, but remember, and that is you and the rest that feel that way, who is responsible for what it has become, Mr Buning and he alone is responsible for it. He could have just walked away but chose not to do that. He alone made it into what it is, and I am sure in his future job search it will come back to haunt him.
In sicatoka's mind and according to his sources the negotiations had been stopped sometime between Aug26-29,(those are the dates he indicated to me) when it is now apparent to everyone he was off by a roughly a week or more. So his posting: "Like my post said, I wasn't going to say more then. Now, however .... Yeah, pretty sure." is not correct. Not even close based on the dates he himself has indicated. Heck the contract had already been agreed upon by the time he said the negotiations were called off. I for one am waiting for his retraction on that earlier post. Sorry to all if that seems trivial(it is to me also) but the post he made was directed at me. When I post things some people are quick to jump on me as being for lack of better words arrogant, but yet I havent seen anyone jump on him for his "arrogant" posts(and that one in particular). So if he made the comment, and it is now obviously incorrect, I was hoping he would post something similar to "Like my post said, I wasn't going to say more then. Now, however .... I guess I was wrong and they were right".
mikejm, when you said "Obviously both Tom and Debi were more than a little surprised at the revelation", that is not true, he in now way was surprised, I know for a fact of Tom asking area UND supporters if and when he was going to be fired. So it was not a suprise at all to him, he just didnt know exactly when it would happen.
"So do we know for sure that he asked for the LOA?" We know that UND didnt and in that case whether it was him,his wife or his dog isnt important. He or someone on his behalf did,thats all that matters. The fact that the LOA came at the exact moment he was going to be fired is more than just a coincidence. To believe otherwise would be like believing Hillary Clinton knew nothing about the whereabouts of the missing law firm papers that mysteriously were found on her desk in the private residence of the White House. If you are one who believes that then I cant help you with this one, but if not then yes it is cheap. A cheap ploy by a desperate person. Again we are all held accountable for our actions and when the time comes one would expect a LTC to stand accountable. So again, he and he alone is responsible for the situation. And it seems to speak volumes as to the person he is when he is not giving his rah rah speech or doing his pushups.
You dont have to come right out and pledge your support for Buning, your posts make it clear you are in his corner. Perhaps you shook his hand once, or heard him give a pregame speech, or maybe even counted his pushups! I dont know what it was but again from your posts you make your support for him obvious. You need to step back a bit and deal with the reality of the world, you will get no sources, it just wont happen, but it doesnt mean that the common message you get from several posters isnt the truth. Here is a hint for you, take post #200 as being as close to the facts as it can get. Accept it and believe it. Mr Buning is soley responsible for the situation that has developed and for what led up to this situation in the first place. He made his bed and when time came he wasnt man enough to sleep in it. We all would not choose have happen to us, what has happened to him, but if our own actions are responsible for it, then when the boss comes knocking we should be man enough to accept it. In this case he wasnt! Another hint, this post or 7nationaltitles post have nothing to do with validating stromer's post. His post was as far off base as yours is.
Dont blame the administration, blame the man who came up with the LOA route. He should have just accepted that his actions led to his firing, we are held accountable at our jobs for our actions, and in his case they brought about his being fired. He should have accepted it and let it run its course rather than the lame LOA route he took. The administration cant be held responsible for the route he decided to take this. To me it clearly shows the real person he is, and it isnt the politician/rah rah pushup guy we see in public. To me it just validates the survey results.
An average of 2 something out of seven doesnt validate the info for you?
I would assume Buning,realizing his being fired was just a matter of time(a day or so away), and as stated earlier that process takes a bit of time, requested the LOA to stop/delay that process. If he could make his LOA request to be or at least seem "legitimate", UND would be required to give it to him, whether they wanted to or not, due to the fact he had not yet been techinically fired. This would seem to be the way it happened. It is now common knowledge that he was being fired. And now he is on a LOA, which was not initiated on UND's part. I see it as a delay tactic by a desperate person. There is no way he could think the firing will not happen, its just a matter of time, when and if he comes back from his LOA. One can only assume his delay tactic is being used to determine what if any legal options he thinks he can pursue.
pcm, I guess thetriouxper and I arent quite as smart as you. How else was he suppose to take your comment of "Regardless of how this comes out, it appears that UND is continuing the well-established trend of chewing up ADs and spitting them out. That should be of concern to us all"? Please share your wisdom with us. Or do you need a certain poster (you know which one I mean)(hint: the one that gave you the heads up on this topic) to pm you with reasoning for it.
siouxnami your starting to show your knowledge on the subject, wait let me rephrase that , lack of knowledge on the subject. Let me give you a bit of advice, if you dont know the facts regarding something, dont try to act like you do, it makes you look even worse. Because you cant figure it out for yourself, let me help you, the 9 mths remaining and 5 yrs remaining are quite different, and the Buning sitauation is a legitimate problem, just because you arent aware of it doesnt mean its not legitimate. And one last thing, quoting homer simpson also shows your intelligence level.
The point I am trying to make here is that we are not talking about things like how we think we will do this year or who will win the hobey or who will play on what line or such, we are talking about factual information. And when doing so we should be dealing in the facts. That is why I feel that when something is stated as fact but is not a fact, it should be corrected.
I think that the comment was ment to show that someone other than Buning made the deal happen! I think that is clear from the article (in which the AD is almost nonexistant). That should speak volumes to those who wonder if there is a problem with the AD. And I wonder why a new position was created for Mr Harmeson to oversee the athletic department? Again that should speak volumes.
sicatoka, the negotiations were NOT ongoing when you made that comment. You may think they were, but again you,( and mikejm for that matter) , just saying something doesnt make it fact, especially when related to this topic( and in this case my saying so does make it fact, everything I have stated in this and related topics are 100 percent factual). Again the negotiations had ended! THAT IS FACT. A question for those of you that dont think there are problems with the AD, I wonder why Mr Harmesson is quoted all over the article and Buning has one little comment?
Now I dont care who you are,but that is funny! We have a winner! mikejm, this is like when the source said ""BINGO WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! sICATOKA = NO INFO WORTH POSTING!" Now we can safely say mikejm=in over his head on this one even if he thinks so highly of himself as to use the "suffice" comment!
mikejm, just becuase you say "Suffice it to say I have had countless communications with people a lot closer to the situation than anyone on this board and there simply isn't any fire where fs1 and 7nationaltitles are seeing smoke. People both inside and outside the AD's office" doesnt actually mean that that statement or your communications are any better than mine. I dont know who you are, and franctly dont really care who you are, but that fact of the matter and truth be told you need to reevalute your connections and how close they are to the situation at hand. Or maybe they just dont tell you everything they know! Or perhaps they dont tell you the truth! Or perhaps you put to much weight in your sources. As highly as you think of yourself (and I state YOU think of yourself), I hate to knock you down a notch (well honestly I really do enjoy it), I dont like to boast about things as much as you obviously do (Suffice it to say I have had countless communications with people a lot closer to the situation than anyone on this board) but on this one you take a back seat to me(and also 7nationaltitles). You dont know me and I dont know you, but you should now be thinking , even if just slightly in your mind, could it be true, could he know more than me? and YES he does, it is true he does! Truth be told that is FACT. So your "suffice" comment is 100 percent incorrect! There is fire where there is smoke! And as far as you go PCM and your cute little post, as much as your thought of and think of yourself as the one who knows all, you might even be behind your friend mikejm on this one. Believe it or not there are people who know more about this situation(and others) than either of you 2. And this case is a perfect example of it. This one is a little bit different than writing a story about the recap of the game or that the team is undefeated wearing the new black nike jerseys! mikejm, TRUTH be told ,on this one you are sadley missinformed. You shouldnt have thought so highly of yourself as to have made the "suffice" comment. You dont know me, but if you did, you would know why it is incorrect. To all the posters out there( other than above mentioned), sorry if I am coming across as an a--, but sometimes people need to be told when they are wrong, and need to be made aware of it in no uncertain terms, and in this case they are. The "suffice" comment made me do it!
mikejm, I am not sure exactly what you ment by the comment you made regarding 7nationaltitles comment, but nice comment anyway, it really adds to the discussion at hand. He says something of substance and you come back with "Do you even read your own words before you hit the "add reply" button? Try it sometime",again thanks for adding substance to the topic at hand. I strongly suggest you take a seat next to sikatoka,and I am sure you will correct me if I spelled that or something else wrong,sitting this topic out. You obviously have no input or information whatsover to add here, just as he doesnt. And redwing regarding your my thoughts exactly comment, maybe you guys can make it a 3some! As informative as you try to come across, you are far from it. Some people with something serious and legitimate to add on this subject are trying to portray how serious and desperate this situation has become but you 3 seem not to be able to grasp it. It is serious and at this point dont look for anything positive regarding this situation to happen for long time, unless things change drastically. If that doesnt concern you , well it should. The UND hockey program is drastically underfunded in every aspect compared to its piers, but at the same time is expected to outperform them. Not an easy task if you ask me, outperform your rivals but with your hands tied behind your back. Yes UND has the best arena in the country, but that alone isnt going to get the top recruits. It takes among other things great coaching staff ,with a solid foundation and a solid future. Imagine your a top recuit who can have his pick of schools or major juniors and at this point you dont know who will be the coach at UND in the future ,whereas you know who the other teams coaches will be. It might very well have an impact on you and your family when you make your choice. It will definitely be used against UND by other schools recruiting the same players. Again, look at what Hakstol and his staff have done in their first 3 years, in regards to performance and in regards to the quality athletes they have brought and have committed to UND. That speaks volumes. And for him to be entering the last year of his contract unsigned to an extension is incexcusable, no if ands or buts about it! One person alone is responsible for getting the coach of UND's top program signed for the long term,and that is Mr Buning. And he hasnt done it! If you honestly know Hakstol or anything about him, and Mr Buning or anything about him, you know where the problem exists. And if you dont, which you must not,considering your comments regarding the situation, then take what other people that do are telling you to be serious! Now feel free to make your worthless comments like if I have read this or not or my thoughts exactly, without stating something of substance. Like your buddy sikatoka, maybe you have something valuable to add somewhere, like who the next softball or baseball coach will be and that we are entering D1 withouth coaches set in those sports, but for god sakes sit this one out! You obviously dont dont have legitimate knowledge of this topic!
sicakota, or whatever you call yourself, NICE COMMENT with the "Alumni would be working hard to keep Hakstol and their grandkids, er, uh, (oops, I mean,) and Hak's family, in Grand Forks" line! YOU HAVE NOW VERIFIED AGAIN WHAT THE "SOURCE" ONCE SAID, "BINGO WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! sICATOKA = NO INFO WORTH POSTING! and what I once said "This one is real and serious, and it may in fact cost UND a great coach, so maybe you should sit this one out"! Seriously sit it out. You proved your worth, OR SHOULD I SAY LACK OF, when you told us how you held off letting us all know that the basedball coach was stepping down. I do have one question regarding that situation and your not disclosing it right away, did you get any sleep those days you held it inside or were you tossing and turning. I can only imagine the weight on your shoulders trying to decide what to do and then keeping it inside for several days! HOw did you do it? That situation and your comment above prove your worth in regards to a situation like this. I dont know you or what you could help with but its not here. Seriously sit it out! I have come to the conclusion that either you are Mr Buning or you should be extremely careful if he were to stop quickly.
Sorry you dont agree with the word top. I guess I use it in the sense of there are none better,maybe equal but not better. By the way, who would you rather have?
I am sure the only reason he would leave is for an NHL related job, but again it isnt about that its about showing the man respect! The lack of an NHL offer is no reason to treat him like this. He has earned and thus desreves better than this. He alone among his peers without a legitimate contract extension, what would any of us think if we were in his shoes or were one of his peers? Thats what its about. Give him what he has earned!
When you take into account all the college hockey coaches that have gotten extensions,and at a sizable increase in salary, does anyone have any concievable idea WHY THIS HASNT BEEN DONE YET? We all dont know Hakstol personally,but many people do and based on what the rest of us do know about him, we all know this cant be because of him. Whereas many of us do know about the AD problems and his way of doing things, and know that it totally his fault this isnt done yet. Again, it is inexcusable to have the top college hockey coach entering the final year of his contract and just a short time away from being a free agent. But besides that , JUST THE FLAT OUT LACK OF RESPECT IT SHOWS TOWARDS HIM AND HIS ACCOMPLISHMENTS. He could pick his job in college hockey, but for some reason our AD cant seem to give him a contract extension worth signing. If you know nothing about the AD situation, that alone should scream loudly at you as to him and his way of doing things. FOR GOD SAKES MR BUNING, DO THE HONORABLE THING AND MOVE ON! Let someone who would get it done and would show Mr Hakstol the respect he has earned from this university and deserves from this university!
I saw that late last week another hockey coach got an extension well before his contract was up when Rensselaer extended Appert through the year 2012,extending his contract for 2 years after just one year of his current contract. Wonder why our coach cant get an extension? He has accomplished a bit more than Appert has so far! Appert is just one of several coaches that have gotten extensions well before theirs current deals expire. I find the situation with Hakstol's contract to be unbelievable and inexcusable. A great coach and all he has accomplished in his first 3 years and he enters the final year of his initial contract without having received an extension. Simply inexcusable.