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Everything posted by Sioux-cia

  1. Oh, tv, I thought web cast
  2. There's a network feed!!!!!!!!!
  3. I'm getting really warm in mine, alcohol heats me up! No I'm not gonna take it off, I'm opening the door.
  5. Leaps, and landing on Campion
  6. OK, IT'S TIME TO HURT SOMEBODY, NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. He had to check with Lucia first.
  8. I am bowing as you read!!!
  9. Cheeks get numb after one, no cable/satellite, Dish or anything, so I better slow down!!!
  10. At the old Ralph against Casey, against a really good NHL player now (mayber retired), I think he was with Wi. Shat, the radio guys just said his name, but I'm to numb to remember.
  11. Prp jersey on, Mike's cold and at hand, cheeks already numb(!), looks like the neighbors aren't home, GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Hey, we need you to go make some soup!!!
  13. Until Robbie's goal, I was gonna say let go of the leash and let Jones and Kaip do their thing!!!!! Any more f'in refing like that and I say do it!!!!
  14. WOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. 'This is the worst night I've ever seen' 'why don't you just put 5 goals up on the score board right now' PP 16 to 6 'You wonder why guys go after the refs after the game.'
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