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Posts posted by Sioux-cia

  1. drunk guys who passout and need to be carried out by arena emt officals and it freaks your young kid out so much it ruins his experience and doesn't want to be at the ralph anymore and you need to leave after two periods. thanks drunk guy.

    Aww, man, I'm so sorry. Seriously, the servers at the Ralph need to stop serving some of these people.

  2. I'm sick of contractors saying they would do the job and then never show up.

    Most recently>>The front of my house looks like a rain forest! I contacted a landscaper three weeks ago, he came over, he's wearing a Sioux polo shirt, we talk about what work I want done to the forest and cleaning out my rain gutters, and, no I don't want to contract for lawn care and snow removal (happy with my guys but they don't do shrubs). He was going to be back the following Thursday. He's MIA.

  3. My dog had smelly ears and those stink bad. I think he had ear mites and I had to put drops in his ear, that was like all-star wrestling. Well his gas stinks too, but I have noticed that as he ages, he's gas factory.

    Vet said Boo's is a fungal thing. When he's at the lake, he lives in the water>>>>fungal infection!!!

  4. Boo (my Newfie) has stinky ears! I can only clean one a day because he flops down on his side and won't turn over so I can get the other one. I can't turn him, he weighs 110#. Keeping this a Sioux topic....he is wearing a green Fighting Sioux collar.

  5. Gramma it is. And Gramma, because you (most clearly) genuinely care about how UND treats its fans, I welcome your continued participation in this discussion (which I started, for whatever that's worth).

    But please realize that when it come to parking, there are haves (the landed gentry, so to speak) and have-nots (the rest of us). I will therefore continue to defend the honor of well-meaning posters on this thread who have called out the 'bigwigs' and 'corporate elites' for having neither expressed empathy for, nor given due consideration to, persons directly impacted by UND's decision. 'Save your money, work harder, donate to UND and get yourself a parking permit' (a statement which I am attributing to no one) is not, in my opinion, a constructive response.

    Enjoy the privileges your efforts have afforded you. I certainly won't tell you how to spend your hard-earned money, but I will tell the University of North Dakota how I think it should spend its less-hard-earned money. After all, he's a big boy now, and I'm sure he can take it.

    Meh, as if I need your permission....

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