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  1. And I don't think it should be.
  2. We're talking about football.
  3. But the standard for college sports was no scholarships. That's the way it started out, anyway. Scholarships were only added later as a way to pay players without actually "paying" them. There's too much money tied to college sports now. It's basically the NFL minor leagues.
  4. It still wouldn't be a level playing field. UNE and UFL have better facilities, coaches, fan support, and tradition than UND. But at least scholarships would be gone.
  5. Have the PSAC and RMAC schools been in D2 from the start? If so then I don't think your argument holds water. If not, then you have a point.
  6. Right, so only the teams that can afford to supply 36 scholarships have a chance at winning it all.
  7. I think the idea is to get different teams winning the championship each year. It was nice to see someone other than GV and ND winning it all this year. Personally I think the NCAA should get rid of all scholarships and go to grant based aid.
  8. Didn't Monticello MN lose to Centennial MN and Moorhead MN like by 20+ in both games last year?
  9. Once UND has a guaranteed spot in a DI conference, then they'll move.
  10. It could simply be a school rule too. They can make up whatever rules they want.
  11. He probably has plans for a DIa move down the road.
  12. The typical D3 school is small and private which means tuition is very expensive. I doubt D2 or DIaa players should expect much of a look from pro scourts either. I can imagine that players at high profile schools would qualify for federal aid and school sponsered scholarships. They'd want to play for the best coaches at the best facilities and get the best possible preperation for the NFL.
  13. DIII seems to get along ok.
  14. To be fair, the amount of quality competition in hockey is far less than traditional sports. Alaska, for example, I'm guessing has titles in Rifle.
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