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  1. On the Directv schedule on my TV it shows UND vs Duluth to start at 8:30. ??
  2. At Joe Sensers in Roseville, MN and game is on here!
  3. I know in the past, and I think it's still the same, certain programs hold a couple spots for Native Americans, even if they have lower grades to qualify, and could potentially take someone's spot who deserves the spot. If that's not racism, what is?
  4. I agree completely and have wondered the same thing. What they should do is have a Native American Student club, not a special Dept paid for by the state.
  5. Yes hopefully. I believe in an effort to create equality they've created racism.
  6. Something that has been bothering me for quite a long time in regard to minorities and equality, etc, is TV programs like BT black television or Hispanic awards or black awards. What if there was a television channel called WT white television or white awards? OMG, it would be considered racist or worse. It would not be allowed! But why not? How can it be okay for minorities to have these things? Equality is equality!
  7. Maybe UND should have a satellite campus for Native Americans only, then Native Americans won't have to see anyone who has a different culture, opinion, religion, tradition, etc. And at that campus make a no logo rule so they won't enroll any Native Americans who don't conform to the anti-nickname Native Americans' opinions and politics. I'm tired of their complaining! Anti-nickname Native Americans will never be happy as I think it's obvious they hate Caucasian Americans. I wonder if Native Americans have to do diversity training to understand and accept Caucasian American's culture, beliefs, traditions, etc.
  8. How about Warriors (but I'm sure someone would object). Warrior noun 1. a person engaged or experienced in warfare; soldier. 2. a person who shows or has shown great vigor, courage, or aggressiveness, as in politics or athletics.
  9. I wonder why on the UND website it doesn't list the Direct TV channel 626?
  10. Maybe it's already been discussed somewhere, but does anyone know if it's ever been discussed to air the hockey games (or any sport) by air/antenna?
  11. I pressed "3" and the guy seemed to know what was going on and was really nice.
  12. Oh, I know, I thought I was going to go nuts! (I hate lacrosse now). And then it ended up being the worst ending to a game ever with 7 seconds left. Uggggg! I was already celebrating that we had won! :'( Also, I just called ESPN and the person I talked to said they have been receiving many calls about this game and that they are reviewing it. So please call, like the person previously said who put the number on.
  13. Does anyone know what happened to Dell? He's out of the lineup.
  14. Sat: Malone Sun: Hextall
  15. Gregoire Friday Marto Saturday
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