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Posts posted by BringDeanBack

  1. I have a problem with students wanting to move behind the net the Sioux shoot at twice. I have had season tickets there for close to ten years and consider them to be better seats than those between the blue lines. The students real fight needs to be defending their rights sitting at center ice. Yes you should be able to stand during scuffles, close plays, goals, etc. However, you do not need to stand every second of the game. From my seat, it looks like the students have been doing a good job of this as of late but apparently people sitting next to them must still be whining.

    It all boils down to the strong anti-youth sentiment that exists in this community. Adults consume way more beer and do just as much swearing at UND games. However, when a student does it, it is a big deal and when an older guy does it, people turn their head the other way. When a student seat sits empty, it is interpreted as students not appreciating their ticket rights, while when adult season ticket seats sit empty, no one says anything. It goes on and on, basketball court at University Park taken away after people complain about it. Guess what, that BBall court was there longer than most of those people in the neighborhood. How about the frisbee disc course at Optimist Park? Gone after people in the neighborhood complain. What's next, will they shut down Ulland Softball course after the rich people at Deaconess Greens complain? There, I am done for now. And yes, I have a stomache ate from all the crow I ate regarding Hakstol.

  2. Someone needs to do something about the consistent officiating bias against the Sioux. Once again, the opposing team gets three more PP than the Sioux, including a lengthy 5X3. The Gophers were thoroughly kicked in this game but crappy officiating almost let them back in to the game.

  3. Sioux will win 5-2 against BC and send Jerry York's pompous New England a$$ home crying just like Gionta in 2000.

    PS. Get ready for the Flutie cam tomorrow night and about 50 replays of "the play"

  4. Again, illegal by law or illegal in a hockey game. Please explain to me how a kid's sexual assault conviction has ANYTHING AT ALL to do with a hit in hockey. You can say poor judgement and violent behavior all you want. But to connect the two is ridiculous.


    How about having everything to do with his character. Both situations involve attacking or taking advantage of people in defenseless positions. Sure, I think that he deserved a second chance after messing up PRIOR to coming to DU. However, he ruined that chance and should be gone now. Anyone that rooted for Bochenski should believe in second chances. However, I have a problem when third and fourth chances start getting handed out.

  5. It will be interesting to see how Dorreen Yellow Bird will blame the shootings on the Sioux nickname.

    In her column on March 19, she blamed the Sioux nickname for alcohol abuse and meth addiction among Native American youth. Why stop there. Let's blame the Sioux nickname for every problem Native American youth have.


    I feel sympathy towards the plight of native americans, especially the children killed at this shooting. They never had a chance to be successful because of one disturbed kid with a gun. However, I will never feel guilty for the plight of native americans. In my opinion, many of the reservations have the tools or means to be successful but due to corruption, they can never flourish. Most of this corruption is by members of tribal councils and other leadership positions. the white man can no longer be blamed. Tribes need to look at themselves and give the boot to corrupt members that steal from their own people. The white man does not throw the rocks through the windows of most new buildings on the reservations. the white man did not overfish the red lake robbing it of it's walleye. It is not because of the white man, that Red Lake reservation needs a correctional facility bigger than what the entire county of grand forks needs.

    Red lake reservation has absolutely beautiful natural resources. Why can't they utilize that beauty and build a resort of some sort? The casino that is there now is a dump. Build a nice resort/casino right smack dab on the Red Lake. Build a golf course to go with it. Have guided hunting during the hunting season. Set up a camp where people can visit and learn about the culture. They could teach people how to make jewelry, blankets, and moccasins. Change has got to start from within.

    Just my thoughts.

  6. Red Lake is correct.


    I have business that takes me to Red Lake about four times a year. It reminds one of a third world country with the poverty that exists there. Most of the people that I have encountered have been very nice but I never feel very safe there, mainly because it sure seems like a lot of bad things happen there.

  7. he can get as big as he likes as long as he brings what I think is a key element to every Sioux hockey game at the REA....


    One could say that the Sioux played their best hockey of the year this past weekend without Hennen announcing. He does have a good announcing voice though.

  8. So whats the deal with no Scott Hennen this weekend??? Man what an entirely different atmosphere when he isn't on the PA....I'm about to start a petition...we need that guy at EVERY home game - he interjects excitement and adreneline into the crowd in my opinion.


    Maybe he finally got so big that we are all in him right now without knowing it.

  9. Last night I could here viks announcer Paul Allen screaming into the mike saying

    Fabian scores, Dave Hakstol turns to the crowd and says"What do you think of my fourth line now."  LOL  Only  PA and Dubay listeners will under stand that. 

    to answer questions last night when Canady went out Zajac played with the fourth line a couple times.  Tonight we must put the pressure on Prpich, Fylling and Porter.

    Bringdeanback    Stick to FAGSONICE or Gopher dead or alive or what ever that dumb websit is. 

    Goaltending and special teams wins big games and last nigh Duluth didnt have goaltending. 

    I love the Seniors this team will only go a far as they carry them.  Gritty performance by Colby and Rory.


    Nice, any other personal prejudices, phobias, or bias that you want to get out in the open?

    I have said, Massen had a nice game (and looking back he does have a three game point streak) and have also said that I like Fabian because he can make plays, but the seniors will need to continue this run all the way to the National Tourney for me to think of their careers as anything but underachieving.

  10. All I can say is wow. 

    Doubters slam Massen's line and that line explodes.  I can't wait to hear what line those losers slam between now and tommorrow's game.  Maybe they'll explode too!

    8-2 Dogs now.


    Nice game by Massen, but sorry, one game does not make up for the whole season. If he can put together a string of good games when they count (like he did tonight), then his supporters can start talking. If that happens, I will be the first to say that I was wrong.

  11. If you look at the Sioux teams since 1997, how many guys have went from the 4th line, to the 1st line. There may have been a few.  Guys are brought in for their specific purpose.Guys like Canady, Prpich, Fylling and Kaip will always be on third or fourth line.  In the past there was guys like Armburst, Dafauw, Bull even Spiewak and Noterman (although they scored some) were more your role players, penalty killers.  But them guys are never going to be skilled guys you want on the ice when you pull the goalie or guys you want on your power play.

    It seems like the Gophers had the same 4th line for four years (Jon Wibbel? Fleming and smaagard).  Masson was brought in as a goal scorer, but now he has a different role and he is doing it well.

    You have to remember evr guy on the Sioux, Gophers, Badgers or other top teams was one of the best players on their junior, high school  or midget team.


    What is Massen's role? He does not score, he does not play on special teams (pk or pp), he is not a bruiser even though he probably should be given his size, and he is not the guy that we depend on to win that critical draw late in the game. What else is there? In my opinion, one example of a guy that evolved is Rory McMahon, he started out on the lower lines as a defensive specialist. He is still that great defensive forward but when called on earlier in the year, he put some points on the board. I appreciate your point that some players are role players but some players are not pulling their weight in my opinion.

    Regarding the Gophers 4th line of Waibel, Fleming, and Smaagard, I can't stand the Gophers but that was an awesome 4th line that probably would be the second best line on this current Sioux team.

  12. I can't believe any of you are qualified to make fun of any of these players.  How many of you (I am talking to the people being critical of players) ever played hockey and how many of you ever played a division 1 sport or for that matter sports after High school (not counting intramural).  Every team has a 4th and 5th line, a couple back up goalies and a 7th and 8th defensemen.  These are the guys that could cause internal problems or friction in the lockerrooms.  These are the more dedicated players for going to every  practice working hard and not getting to play much.  I would rather be on the Sioux 5th line then another teams 3rd line.


    That is the problem. These guys have been getting alot of playing time. I like Fabian because he actually makes a play once in a awhile. Massen and Canady are stiffs and have been for four years. You could take any two forwards from Red River or Central this year and simply by chance they could probably match the point totals of those two. Guys like Prpich have not produced either but at least Prpich makes up for it with his high energy and penalty killing (something that neither Canady or Massen brings to the table).

  13. Correct me if I am wrong, but are these stats correct for Fylling, Canady, Massen

    Fylling 35gp 10 pts

    Massen 32gp 4 pts

    Canady 27gp 3 pts

    Those are three seniors who all have got significant playing time this year. It is no wonder that the Sioux are struggling for a national tourney spot.

    On the bright side, Rory Mcmahon has been solid.

  14. I don't know a lot about Dean Wilson, but I believe he's been at South for a long time. Was he there for the 1st state title in '94? I thought he had a pretty good track record, but then again I really hadn't followed high school hockey much from the late '80s up until just a few years ago when my kids got interested in it. What is it about Dean Wilson that leads you to believe his teams underachieve? Are there any specific incidents that come to mind? Was his defensive scheme somehow responsible for South giving up two fluke goals in the final 47 seconds to blow that championship game last year?


    According to you, South has the state's best feeder program (the Flyers,..wink wink) Wilson should be winning it every year.

  15. Not taking anything away from fargo souths championships, but moorhead has consistently better teams and look what they have to do to win their state championship. in north dakota the first game is always a pushover and sometimes so is the second. in minnesota the teams all have won their conference which means that moorhead doesnt play any bottom of the barrel teams.


    I think that there has been some confusion about my screen name. BringDeanBack refers to "keep bringing Dean Wilson back" as Fargo South coach. As long as he is there, South will continue to underperform with the talent that they have.

  16. I don't think basketball even comes close to hockey for popularity in the F-M area. Just look at how many kids are involved in Fargo youth hockey. Do we even have a youth basketball program here? I'm not positive, but I don't think we do.


    Isn't youth basketball run through the ymca til the 5th grade?

  17. I didn't say anything about the two best teams not being in the Championship, and I think I'm about the only one on the board who is from Minot.

    This was discussed earlier in the thread, but what do people think about moving the tournament out of Grand Forks for a year.  It has its positives and its negatives.  I'm old fashioned so I'd like to see it stay in Grand Forks, but I'd also like to see another city get a chance to host the tournament.


    No other city has the facility to hold the state tournament. Personally I do not think it would make any difference in the outcomes. However, there would be too much lost ticket revenue if it left grand forks.


    God I love it when I am right.  If South's motto last offseason was 46 seconds, I got a suggestion for the coming offseason, how about 102 minutes?  That is how far away they were this year.  They are actually getting farther and farther away from their goal.  Red River was clearly the better team tonight.  I counted three posts by Red River.  That game could have been 5-0 after the first period.  Though I suppose that DaveK will think that they were all fluke goals by Red River.  Apparently anytime someone scores a goal against South it is a fluke.

    South may have some good hockey players but there is one thing that they will never have, TRADITION.  You can run as many kids as you want through the Flyers or Raiders youth programs, but the bottom line is once you get to the high school state tourney, it is all Grand Forks.  It always has been that way, and it always will be that way. END QUOTE


    I think it's time to realize that your high school days are done and you are not a part of either of the Grand Forks high school teams and you throw your cocky, thirteen-year-old attitude out the window.  You have made it clear you have not fully developed emotionally and try to make yourself feel like you are a part of these teams to feel a sense of accomplishment, which you are not and have not.  Red River and Central earned their state championship game spots, but tonight at seven we wont be watching the two best teams in the state, thats a fact.  We will be watching the two teams who just happend to come to play at the right time.  You can go on how this is their tradition and they are playoff teams but I doubt that has much to do with it. Also, I don't think it is a mature thing to rub the loss of a state championship in the faces of kids, because thats what they are kids!  After the statements you just made, I'd love to see the South boys get a shot at you on the ice... after all you are from Grand Forks and it is all Grand Forks isn't it?  Let the players do the talking, your a spectator and that's all you'll ever be.


    Specifics and DaveK should open up a wine factory with all of their sour grapes.

    I find it amusing that I am accussed of "living through high school kids" when DaveK has done nothing but hype the Fargo Flyer Squirt and younger program for the last year.

    Yes, I never played high school hockey so I am sure the South kids would have no problem knocking me on my butt. But I also feel pretty confident that I could score nine out of ten times on their goalie.

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