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Posts posted by Rick

  1. As has been pointed out, the Blarney's thing was about free cover, free drinks, free tickets, entertaining recruits, etc.

    The only thing that would concern me is if they were given free cover. At Judy's, that could amount to quite a bit of cash and could be a possible NCAA violation. :silly: Also, has anyone heard if they had to stand in line with everyone else or were they escorted to the front of the line by the Videur? :D

  2. Send this to the NCAA. That is a picture of UND Athletic Director Tom Buning doing the Tomahawk chop!!! Pictures don't lie.

    I was sitting behind Briggs and over his right shoulder. It's nothing to get excited about....At first I thought he was saluting me, since both he and I are ex U.S. Army guys. But it turns out he was just waving to me everytime UND scored. :D

  3. Some of whom could not care less about UND's hockey team.

    Well, I guess as long as Ohio State, Michigan, Michigan State, Wisconsin and Minnesota care about our hockey team, that will be good enough. In addition too that, we were already on the Purdue and Indiana basketball schedule this year and I suspect we'll be able to get on the Fighting Illini schedule in the future. And of course, we've been playing those Big Ten schools in D1 regular season games and NCAA Frozen Fours for a lot of years, so it's not as big of a deal to us as it is for you guys. We've had Notre Dame, Boston College, Boston University, Harvard and a lot of other schools coming to play in Grand Forks for years. We even had Kansas come and play basketball in the REA a couple years ago. When are some of these teams going to play "any" game in Fargo? Montana State even dumped you guys even though you had a contract in place. Please name the major universities (any sport) that have played in Fargo. I'm really having a hard time coming up with any. UND has played more major universities in the last 5 years than the Ag College has as a transitioning D1 school. UND will also play more major universities and Big Ten Schools over 5 years than the Ag College will.

  4. I understand that, I think Prp was farther along, but maybe your memory is "longer" than mine. ???:0

    Hey, who needs Prp when we have Robbie Bina. Robbie should be well rested for tomorrow nights game. ;)

  5. In Kupchella's public statements yesterday as reported on WDAZ, CEK stated that "most of the heavy lifting, most of what we need to do to get through the (Division I) transition will be completed in the coming year".

    So what does that mean? Funding? Endowment? Facilities? Conference? All of them?

    I think it does mean all of them. The only one I'd put a question mark behind is the Conference. But maybe the heavy lifting will be completed on that also.....let's hope so.

    I think a lot of the heavy lifting on the Funding, Endowment, and Facilities has been going on for some time now. CK said he's going to stay on one year past Jan. '08 to help complete the $500MM fundraising effort. I originally thought that was going to be a real stretch to achieve that goal. But I have a feeling that he's well on his way. My guess is that, from January '08 to January '09, his time will be spent buttoning up the loose ends of the campaign. My prediction is that, in about 1 1/2 years, we'll be looking at what CK accomplished on his fundraising campaign and we'll all be amazed.

  6. Me too. I was awake all night thinking about that conundrum.

    It's a little known fact that some seedless watermelons are actually derived from the murdnunoc melons.....although, not all murdnunoc melons are seedless. Murdnunoc melons were first developed at the Fargo Ag School in an attempt to bring a new cash crop to area farmers. The new seed never really took off though. Ag School Professors would attempt to remove the non-seeds from the seedless melons and then plant them in the rich Red River Valley soils. After years of failure and millions of taxpayer dollars wasted, the Ag School discontinued planting the seedless seeds. :whistling:

  7. Don't forget to set up your lucrative severance package, so you have a golden parachute should things go south down south. ;)

    Yes, I have a call into Glenn Mason's agent.....he seems to know how to set those packages up. :silly:

  8. I knew that Toews' F-bomb would drive you right over the edge. :D

    Please keep me in mind to provide sudo coverage of your sudo hockey program. :D

    Virg has already applied for that position. You can apply for the sudo assistant job if you want. Things are moving along fairly fast here so I wouldn't delay on getting your application in.

  9. Why would he apply for a job that doesn't exist? :D:silly:

    I'm also applying for this job. Since it doesn't exist yet, I'm also in process of writing my job description, compensation and incentives package.

    I figure I'll start interviewing potential assistant coaches in the next month or so. Blaiser will be welcome to apply. :D

  10. When I started this post I mentioned that "Character" is what separates Jonathan Toews from star players of other programs. I think Craig Hartsburg says it best.......

    "I guess we kept throwing Jonathan out there," Canada coach Craig Hartsburg told Sportsnet. "He is an amazing kid and he is character. When you describe character, Jonathan Toews is a character player. He does everything for the team. He is a heart-and-soul kid."

    This kid is very special and UND fans are extremely fortunate that he wanted to come back to school this year when the Chicago Blackhawks were putting a lot of pressure on him to sign. It speaks volumes about JT and the Fighting Sioux program. I can't think of another player that would've done that, or another program that creates that type of loyalty from a student/athlete.

  11. That line was buried in the middle of Sioux Hab-it's paragraph and I wondered how many people saw it. Cracked me up!

    That's what I was referring to in the Jonathan Toews thread. If you look at the high draft choices over the last few years, you have three guys who were very high 1st rounders at UMTC but you wonder how they gained admission. The standards must not be very high.

    Then you have guys like Zach Parise and Jonathan Toews who were also 1st rounders and these guys are very articulate and extremely smart. Both programs are extremely successful with high-end talent, but UND is getting the cream of the crop on the ice, off the ice and in school.

  12. Pierre McGuire 12/27/2006 6:03:09 PM

    One of the reasons that I love Jonathan Toews so much is the fact that he's the ultimate competitor. He can win face-offs - like he did in the first period Wednesday against Team USA in a 5-on-3 situation. He can score goals

  13. Getting swept by MT in your own barn is disgusting. Getting swept in your own barn on consecutive weekends is disgraceful. If anybody finds any "silver lining" in this team's recent performance, I suggest they put down their bong.

    OK Scott, I think I've found the silver lining. I heard the last time UND was swept by Tech in Grand Forks was '87. If that's the case, maybe there's hope yet. :silly:

  14. I dont have any sources but... My dad was telling me that UND Football is getting a 100,000,000$ football stadium! Gunna be built by know other then Ms.Ralph Engelstad! has anyone heard of this also!!

    I wouldn't be surprised if UND is looking at a new stadium, but I'd be shocked if your sources of the funds are correct.

  15. Former Sioux playing tonight:

    Matt Greene: Phoenix

    Mike Commodore: Carolina

    Drew Stafford: Buffalo

    Zach Parise: New Jersey

    Travis Zajac: New Jersey

    David Hale: New Jersey

    Jason Blake: New York Is.

    Edmonton: Matt Greene

    LOTS of former sioux talent out there tonight.......LETS GO SIOUX!!

    Matt Greene is going to be busy tonight. :silly:

  16. I mean we can talk about this or we can talk about how many deer we are going to shoot this weekend.

    At the present moment this seems to be more exciting. :lol:

    If you go to mile marker 142 on I-94 West you can pick up nice buck. It had a good rack of horns. You don't even have to bring your rifle as it's laying (dead) on the side of the road waiting to be picked up. It's about 2 miles East of the Freeport exit. Last night wasn't a good night for deer (or cars) between Alex and Mpls. There were about 4 or 5 new ones along the road from the previous day. Goon, why spend all that time running around out in the woods when you could just drive down the freeway tonight and run into one? Get a nice buck and let your insurance agent buy you a new car at the same time. ;-)

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