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Posts posted by Rick

  1. this might sound stupid, but ive never heard of greg L. before(that doesnt mean much if i havent), but i would assume that if he was drafted that high and has NCAA intentions...he must be pretty awesome...do they draft at 15yrs or later?? how old is he?

    EDIT: the kid is a 92...i should have looked before

    Yes, Greg is a very gifted player much like Roger was, but he probably has even more speed than Roger. Roger played during Bjorkman's last four years so he didn't get the recognition. He probably is one of the most skilled players UND has had. If he had played for Gino, he would have scored a lot more than 60 points in a season.

    Roger came back last winter for the Mankato series and I'm sure he'd like to see both of them end up at UND. It was the first time he'd seen the new REA. His only disappointment was that Frenchy's no longer exists. :silly:

  2. Greg Lamoureux was drafted in the 3rd round of the WHL Bantam Draft. http://whl.ca/hm/draft.php?round=3

    Greg is the son of former Fighting Sioux player Roger Lamoureux. Greg is a very talented player and would have gone much higher in the draft if he wasn't interested in college.

    Roger has one other son, Cam Lamoureux, who plays for Drumheller of the AJHL. Cam has a couple of years of junior hockey left and then will play college hockey.....hopefully at UND.

  3. No nothing is photoshopped. This was taken from my camera just thought i'd share with u


    From left to right: Jeff Frazee, Derek Peltier (partially hidden under Frazee), Ben Gorden (Black Tux), Ryan Stoa, Alex Goligowski (Black Tux), and Erik Johnson. Not pictured to the far right (although, if you look very closely you can see his left hand on the floor) is Don Lucia. It's hard to identify them because they've all colored their hair again.

  4. I'm sure there are plenty of UND alumni in Fargo.

    Gotta go somewhere to get a decent paying job. *rimshot*

    Well, I have season tickets and drive from Alexandria and there are a good number of people who drive from the Fargo/Moorhead area who are NDSU grads. Why do these people have season tickets to Fighting Sioux games instead of driving down the block to watch a Bison game?

  5. Nervous of what? Are they planning on buying 30000 people to put in the stands games with the 500 million? :silly: (there's the smiley)

    No, they'll be making the short drive up from Fargo just like they do for Fighting Sioux hockey games. :D

  6. He was the one player I was hoping would leave. I guess we get to look forward to his stupid, untimely penalties again.

    Let's see.....6'7" physical defenseman, 1st round draft choice, good student, teammates like him, coaches love him, moves the puck well, best plus/minus on the team as a soph, plays on the penalty kill, great slapper, every Gopher fan hates him, one Sioux fan doesn't like him. Yep, sounds like a good one to get rid of as soon as we can. :D

  7. i don't think that they all left because Eades told me that one of them always has to be in GF when I was talking to him about them appearing at an event.

    Hmmm.....one of them must have bailed out then Friday morning. :D

  8. The last time I had Hamm's "beer" was when I was at UND. We started drinking early on a Friday before a gophers game, went to Wilkerson for some "seafood splatter", and I left about a 10 foot long trail of Hamms and Wilkerson in the snow behind Chester Fritz Library. Didn't even break stride. :)

    /good times :D:silly:

    Thanks for sharing Scott. Please don't post the pictures.

    BTW.....you Law Students always drank that expensive stuff. In my day, we couldn't afford the high priced Hamm's, we had to walk two miles (up-hill both ways in a blinding snow storm) to Happy Harry's on South Washington to get our Phifers. I believe it was about a buck and a half a case. :-)

  9. What kind of an idiot steals something like that?

    As soon as I read HockeyMom's post, my first thought is that it's probably on the NDSU campus. They probably have it confused with the Nickle Trophy because it's been such a long time since they've seen it.

    Even if it isn't someone from the NDSU, it's most likely someone who should be from there.

  10. Yeah, cmon dagies, you are supposed to give us the cliff notes version. ;) Most of us are too lazy to go through all the work, plus the sound on my labtop is on the fritz! :lol:

    Try reading their lips. :lol:

  11. Neuharth must be around there.

    Engelstad wasn't a billionaire or anything.

    There's probably about 4 or 5 people who know Engelstads worth. But I know he had more than 30 cars that were worth $280MM. One car alone was worth $35MM. These weren't cars that were kept at the Imperial Palace, they were kept in a private garage at his home. I know this because some very good friends were allowed to see the cars. These cars were sold about two years ago. Then the IP was sold for about $370MM. He also had a lot of properties around the country.

    He spent very little on himself, but certainly was willing to help other people out. I walked with him, Clifford, Strinden, Berning and quite a few other folks from the hotel to the Sioux pep rally in Albany, NY a few years ago and if you didn't know better, you would have thought he was the guy with the least amount of money in the group. Shirt and jeans from the local Target store seemed to be fine with him. :lol:

  12. I'm sorry if this has already been addressed but can we once and forall stop the bring Blais back and fire Hak threads that are utterly ridiculous. the man knows how to coach, I think 3 straight Frozen fours are a pretty good example and if he wins it all next could could almost be considered legendary in just 3 years.

    I must have missed those threads. Are you talking lately, or is this something from a few years ago? I can't imagine there are any Sioux fans unhappy with the coaching we've had over the last few years. Hak is nothing but class. I just wish he would try to control his emotions a little though. :D

  13. I think this is a great Regional for us to be in. Even if we were in a different Regional, we'd have to beat Michigan or Minnesota at some point to win the NC, so it might as well play them in Denver. If I had my choice, the only thing I'd change is the sequence we play them. I wish we were playing Minnesota on Friday. The sooner we play them the better. If I had my way, we would have played them again yesterday. :blush:

    I've heard lots of Minnesota fans say that the Gophers played one of their best games of the season on Saturday. They scored 3 goals. One was a very weak goal that we haven't seen scored on Lammy for quite some time. Another was a "one in 30 years" goal we won't be seeing anytime soon again. If those types of goals happen again this weekend, then the "hockey moons" aren't lined up for us this year. So we might as well see what we're made of in Denver.

    I haven't looked at the bracketing, but I'm hoping for either a Fighting Sioux vs Fighting Irish final, or else a Fighting Sioux vs BC final. If we get to the finals and play Notre Dame, I think Tim O'Keefe should form a protest of the Fighting Irish nickname, logo and mascot. ;)

  14. I can tell you this.....I had 2 extra tickets to the SDSU game, the day of the game the line in the Fargodome was about 90 minutes long to by tickets. When I asked if anyone was interested in bying my extra seats I was damn near trampled by salivating fans.

    I think there's a series of shots you can get for this condition. Just the fact that you had a ticket, let alone two extras, says a lot about you.

    The fact that they were salivating had nothing to do with the Ag College football game. All you have to do is go to the campus and you'll see most people walking around with drool dripping off their chin. I think the condition is more prevalent in the female species of the college, but it's hard to tell when so many have the condition. It would be an interesting research project to see why they all seem to congregate at one school. There are probably some Doctors from the University of North Dakota Medical School that can shed more light on this than I can, but they probably don't want to go to the campus anymore than I do. :D

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