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Everything posted by rellim

  1. I wrote briefly for the sports section of the DS in the early eighties. I'll try to be nice but the editors and workers were arrogant and gave off the vibe that they were the anointed. They were typical knee-jerk liberals. Why aren't knee-jerk liberals as annoying to all as conservative ones? Perhaps they are but not enough speak up! There is nothing worse in my mind than a Pravda-like, we're so obviously right and can't be wrong, attitude, especially in the media. Three cheers for the Student Journal!
  2. Sultan wrote "The intentional grounding call was obvious to everybody in the stadium except the referee, because he's watching for holding and hits on the QB...with the QB out of the pocket, the ball has to cross the line of scrimmage on a throw-away and it came up about four or five yards short...should have had another grounding call earlier in the game but didn't get a call...as for the Sioux program, I'd say they're very good hands...very well-coached football team, which we all knew coming in." Well stated and I'll leave it at that. Btw, all y'all have a very nice stadium and quality team. Also seem to be well coached. Congrats and best of luck the rest of the way.
  3. Sultan wrote "All in all it was a good performance. The future is very bright." I agree. Couple things: Big passing plays killed the Sioux. Stop one of those and we win. Intentional grounding call was assisted by the home fans, several seconds after the play was over. We are good up front but not great. I was invited by Ryan Kasowski's parents to meet their son Ryan after the game. He and every player and coach I met were top notch. Anyone who meets these kids and their parents is going to come away impressed. Lastly, a Southeastern fan sought out some Sioux fans after the game because he wanted our coach or athletic director to know how impressed he was with the Sioux players and fans. Good stuff! Our program is in very good hands!
  4. I'll be at the game tonight as it's just 50 miles from home! Go Sioux!
  5. Please update us when you post anything! Thanks and go Sioux!
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