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Taz Boy

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Posts posted by Taz Boy

  1. Dean should maybe have skipped the interview right after the game tonight. He was clearly frustrated, and didn't provide much more insight than any fan watching the game wouldn't have offered. I don't like singling out a particular penalty call as impacting the game. Sure, it may be true, but damn, ya gotta stop the puck so penalties aren't so brutal.

    The Sioux are a little snake-bit by the NHC. 3rd embarrassing loss in a row. I agree with you, jk, that this year they just look better. More offensive movement, scoring potential. It just didn't happen this evening.

    Wow. How spoiled we were with the great Karl Goehring.


  2. (re-edited my message, sorry)

    I think it does matter for the team. I was surprised at pulling Josh. I think it rattled the team, rather than rallying them. I would have rather seen him stay in and then make a couple of key saves to build confidence. You knew Brandt wasn't going to give any improvement. The team knew this and shut down.

    But I honestly have no clue. Dean is the expert and I defer to his wisdom.

    All things considered, if the Sioux steal a win tomorrow night this will be a successful road trip-- very happy to get 2 pts.


  3. No question the difference tonight was goaltending. UND did what was necessary to put shots on net. Moreland showed up, Siembida did not. The game was over at 5-3 when the Sioux team realized their backs were exposed.

    This evening was a significant step back for the Sioux in goaltending, but certainly not the end of the world. Shake it off and come out flying tomorrow. They showed they can carry the play and work the puck in the offensive zone. Do that again tomorrow and those pucks will go in.

    Whose in net for Saturday?


  4. Only 8500 at the game? Was there a Threshing Bee going on in West Fargo that day?

    Seriously, there are idiot students at every school. This is certainly not an idictment of NDSJC as a whole. That institution has countless other reasons for being an embarrassment to higher education.

    JBB = Pucker, perhaps?


  5. Taz, I did not hear this interview.

    I did hear Dark Star one evening this week. I only caught a few minutes of his show. He was talking about the NCAA wanting to take away the tournament games from UND because of the logo and nickname.

    Dark was very clear that he was tired of the political correctness that is running rampant at this time, and that no one should make UND change the name if they don't want to. He did say UND should listen to the American Indian people and their wishes but it seemed to me that unless there were overwhelming numbers of AI's who wanted change and their reasons were not compelling then there is no reason UND should make a change.

    I thought he rather strongly supported UND in this case.

    Dark was clearly on Vernon's side last night (Thursday, 10/17), almost patronizing. Very much supporting his efforts to remove NA nicknames from all of sports. Dark's mantra was basically that schools should just abide by the wishes of the NA leaders. He never once challenged any of the outrageous statistical claims Bellecourt spewed out. It was laughable.

    I think he takes this position just to rile up callers. He didn't really seem that interested in the whole thing-- joking around a lot, interrupting for a Wild interview, going off topic. Certainly his heart wasn't in it. His show is bad. I've listened to him rant after Vikes games and he's just in it to p!ss folks off.

    Very bad radio, even for the 10pm slot.


  6. Was I the only unfortunate soul that stumbled on to Dark Star hosting a discussion on UND's use of the "Fighting Sioux" nickname Thursday evening? His guest, none other than Vernon Bellecourt.

    Unfortunately, the discussion rarely touched on the issue of the Fighting Sioux. Rather, highlighted points were the egregious behavior of Braves fans, the Cleveland Indians logo, the Redskins, the Seminoles... all with "Dark" chiming in harmoniously with Vernon.

    I was embarrassed for both of them, as well as many of the follow-up callers that could barely put forth a coherent sentence. Is this typical of sports talk radio? Glad I don't listen.

    taz wonders when JBB will realize he's getting his rhetorical a$$ kicked

  7. This is done time and time again with little or no logical parallel to the UND Fighting Sioux name and logo. Perhaps a small case can be made for the goofy looking Cleveland Indian logo, or the big nosed "Blackhawk" logo, or the drunk ND Irish dude ready to partake in fisticuffs. But certainly not for the proud, fierce, majestic UND Sioux image.

    taz wants to be UND's next logo

  8. Only 5K? We need 11K screaming Sioux fans to cheer on the alums. Although, ticket prices seem rather steep so I wouldn't be surprised if there's more than a few empty seats. (Of course, my personal opinion is that the arena is worth the ticket price alone! heh, heh)

    Is the NHL supporting any group giveaways to hockey squads or area school teams?


  9. It would be lots of fun to see Travis in a Wild uniform wrist one in from the blue line for a late third period go-ahead goal at the Ralph. Anyone know how many tickets have been sold for the exhibition game?


  10. The all-consuming jealousy of the stellar academic and athletic programs at UND that this particular NDSJC grad is harboring is rather amusing. At least in times of economic stress, we know we can count on Bison alums to serve up burgers nice 'n hot at the local McD's.

    Thanks a billion (served), JBB,


  11. I'm perfectly happy having NDSU live in Div IAA obscurity. It will rob their program of local talent as well as $$. Far away games against unfamiliar teams will add to the decline in fan base. It's going to be a tough decade for the green n gold, and they know it.

    I think UND is doing just fine as a Div II school with Div I hockey. I like watching UND's local/regional players in football and basketball compete against other nearby schools. If the bulk of the NCC should eventually migrate towards IAA, then maybe we can re-kindle the rivalries again at that level. In the meantime, I will miss the Sioux playing (and beating) the Bison.


  12. I'll never understand the loss against BC in '99.  I was at the Dane, and it seemed like from the first drop of the puck that the game was not going to go the Sioux's way.  It was eerie in that arena.  Very quiet except for a few screaming BC fans.  At times it had the feel of a slow scrimmage.  And then, that bench minor in the third.  Ugh!  I get sick just thinking about it.  Then, I remember 2000, and I'm all better.

    The 01 overtime loss was not nearly as disappointing.  The Sioux were outmatched by a heavily loaded BC team.  They played like champions with hearts the size of North Dakota.  I was never more proud of and happy for those kids then when they popped in that second goal to send it into OT.  A slick move by an NHL'er was the difference.  No shame there.

    Last year's performance was so frustrating.  Some amazing overtime wins, lot's of heartbreakers with the big teams, and several stinkfest blowouts that will go down in history as some of the worst displays of hockey on NoDak ice.  Don't spend too much time doing post mortem on that season.  Just set it aside as perfect timing-- the Ralph stole the show last year.

    What's this thread about?  Oh yeah.  The Sioux will get around 24 wins and be in the top 5.  Home ice for the WCHA playoffs will be nice.  Beating the Gophs at the 'Shrine will be very nice.

    Sweet payback doesn't come until 03 when Lucia brings his boys to play in the well-seasoned Ralph.  That will be the year the Sioux start their climb to national prominence.  Another NCAA banner is less than 4 years away.

    taz digs payback

  13. I think it's great this story was in the Hurled.  Shows just how pathetic these lost souls are.  Misery breeds a very small company, I guess.

    I also heard that the Sugar Ray lead singer told his audience that it was great to be in "Grand Falls".  Ooops.  Then he went on to suck up by mentioning past hockey heros such as Hrkac and Belfour.  OK buddy.  Your 15 minute lesson on UND athletics has paid off.  Get back to singing.


  14. So, did Imoplex G rock the house??

    I'm glad the PSA is working towards providing alternative entertainment choices to rejects who simply cannot interact within a mainstream society.

    You're right, ScottM, they'd be better off allocating their funds towards booze-- a necessary social lubricant for those with less than attractive qualities.


  15. A large crowd like Saturday's can have a huge effect, but I would think for both teams.  Several of the Maine players were quoted in the paper earlier saying they couldn't wait to silence the crowd with that first goal.  I think it fires everyone up.

    Back in the '97 Frozen Four at Milwaukee, the Sioux/Tiger game during the day seemed kinda boring, lifeless.  But the Michigan/BU game that night with a huge crowd was one of the most exciting games I've ever attended.   Both teams skated well beyond anyone's expectations, with BU upsetting the Wolverines.  Unforgettable.


  16. UND was 1, maybe 2 key players away from getting into the NCAA tourney.  I truly think they were that close.  Look at the way they took on Denver and Minnesota at the end of the season.  Aside from the "I'm drunk and I can't get up" Friday in Gooferville, they looked as good as any other team in the nation.

    This is a team with dangerous talent.  They just need the right on-ice leadership to get to the next level.  A lot of those 1 goal games start to turn in their favor, and they'll find themselves right back in the top 10.

    This is a good chance for Blais to re-shape his team and build another 3 or 4 year powerhouse.  Time to reload, baybay.

    taz digs da Hockey Sioux

  17. The Gopher program is indeed storied and has brought a degree of prestige to the sport of college hockey.  This is certainly one of the reasons why it is considered a rival of so many other schools.  Year after year, WCHA teams generally agree that the Gophs are the team to beat-- even when they suck.  Why?

    1)  Pride On Ice

    No other aspect of the Gopher program has caused more nausea than the "All Minnesota" team.  What was once a focus of hockey excellence, became a pathetic crutch to explain why they cannot win the big one.  From the "USA!" chants to the "24 yr old freshmen" excuses, the Goofer faithful had become notoriously predictable, whiny, and embarrassing.  While Lucia has mended this greatly, I can still hear the echoes of the "pride" mentality from out-of-touch Minnesotans who haven't watched the team play in 10 years.

    2)  Big City Media Coverage

    Let's face it, the Gophers are the queen of the midwest media-- even dwarfing the Badgers.  The coverage is all Gopher, even with a losing record.  Up until a few years ago, if you lived in Grand Forks and didn't have season tix to the Sioux, you watched the Gophers on MSC.  College Hockey Game of the Week?  Sure, as long as it's the Gophs.

    3)  The Shrine

    Holds the world record for the longest sustained collective groan during a hockey game.  I can never tell if a Gopher fan is actually enjoying the game.  It looks like they endure pain no matter what the score is.  Woog polluted the fan base by his public rants about how unfair college hockey was treating his poor young Minnesota boys.  I don't mean that other coaches refrain from public whining (see Blais after the Wisconsin series), but the Wooger took it to an artistic level never before seen in college athletics.  The majority of my discussions with "old school" Goofers was almost always centered around the many excuses as to why the team lost, or will lose again.

    4)  Hot Cheerleaders

    The Gopher's always have the best looking cheerleaders for hockey.  This year is no exception.  This makes other schools want to beat the team and then sleep with the cheer-chicks.  When neither happens, this leads to huge frustration.

    Maybe it's all just jealousy and the smaller WCHA schools should be happy they are in the same league with the Big 10 teams.  Or, maybe its just 'cause it's the Gophs.

    Good luck to U of M in the NCAA.  I'm personally pulling for Denver, but mostly want the championship to stay out of the hands of Hockey East.

    taz wants next season to start already-- I miss the Ralph

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