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Taz Boy

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Posts posted by Taz Boy

  1. I really like this thread. jk's tremendously detailed recap makes me a little embarrassed to have once considered myself a knowledgeable hockey fan. Very interesting!

    Any mention of another Sioux slide late in the season is simply wishful speculation. Would it have been better for the program had they lost one or both last weekend? Absolutely not. As I recall from Saturday, Dean and his boys left the ice pleased, and Lucia's lads were less enthusiastic. Apparently they did not understand the new rule that early season victories automatically disqualify you from late season greatness.

    Let's suppose a championship-caliber UM team showed up and UND got swept with 1-goal games, perhaps in overtime. Well, then, the Goofer press would have praised the effort of North Dakota, declaring them a definite force to be reckoned with down the road. The series would have "set the stage" for another heated battle, or "showdown" if you will, at the Mariucci later this season. What a "clash between two hockey powerhouses in the WCHA. Both storied programs with the potential to bring home the hardware in April." Blah blah blah.

    Where have we seen this talk before? One of the main themes in the Bison-friendly press after the NDSJC loss to North Dakota in football was how great it will be when these two teams meet again in the post season. In fact, the Bison now had an edge for such a game-- a greater incentive to win. You'd have thought the Bison master plan was playing out exactly by design. Sadly, it did not.

    The truth is, no one can say with any certainty who of the top teams is going deep this year. Way too many variables for that. What you can say is that it is a good thing to win hockey games and collect points, no matter what time of year it is. Last weekend was a good thing for the Fighting Sioux. A very good thing. And, I enjoyed myself completely.

    taz digs it, baybay

  2. Yellowdog has inspired me. I'll try a few...

    "SCSU: Major in Drinking, Minor in Thinking."

    "SCSU: Educating Tomorrow's AA Members."

    "Hey Huskies: Where's the protest/riot this week?"

    "Hey Huskies: There's concrete here too. We just covered it up."


    "Hey Huskies: We hid our concrete well, didn't we?"

    or some other variation on the National Concrete Center theme.

    Then there's the rip on the Bison...

    "Sorry you had to drive through Fargo."

    Sorry if these are lame. Gotta go...


  3. It is one thing to watch your team have a bad season, but to hope for it is another.  I never thought that I would see the day that I would wish for the Sioux to have a poor team, but after looking at the post on the Engelstad ticket site I long for the days when you could hear a pin drop at the Old Engelstad.  It was those games that brought out the the real fans (as opposed to the status qou of the Grand Shities!)  I am seeing higher ticket prices asked for games then for the Minnesota Wild's first playoff run.  It is absolutely ridiculous!  Last year I purchased tickets from a Gopher fan for the NCAA tournement at face value!  He had mentioned that he appreciates the fan support and following that the Sioux have and was happy to know that the tickets would be put to good use.  Meanwhile the fans in the green and white can't wait to bend over their fellow supporters. Wow, outclassed by a rodent!  Also, the last time I checked I thought that scalping (not to be associated to a Native American reference) was illegal.  Enjoy the tickets for those of you that use them for the good of the team and not for profit and hope that you don't ever have to see the day when the back up plan for the upperdeck is enforced by sealing it off with drop down curtains like left field at the Metrodome.  Did you even know that that plan is there?  Must be for a reason.

    Did I miss something here? I just cannot take this post seriously.

    Some yayhoo on the internet wants to make a buck on tickets and you wish ill-will towards the Fighting Sioux hockey team as punishment? This is what we have to complain about these days? You must have gotten a hold of some of that bad weed the Canadian government keeps pushing on its elderly.

    Seriously. I stop by to get some inside info on the greatest team in the history of college hockey, and I run into this crap. Ralph built the arena for EVERYONE, not just self-annointed hockey purists who cringe at the thought of their favorite sport actually becoming popular with the masses. A$$holes are found on every bandwagon, in every city, all over the planet. You cannot avoid them, you can only just ignore them. Perhaps you think of me as one? Fine. But, you will never see me wishing any sort of bad luck on the Kelly Green just to spite someone I've never met.

    Truly amazing.


  4. NCAA Finals against BU, April 1997

    David Hoogsteen doing his classic "window puppet" on the glass after one of the five second period goals.

    Just two days prior, watching two obnoxious Michigan fans walk the isle from their seats on the glass, through hundreds of taunting Sioux fans, eating crow all the way up to the exit after a stunning BU upset. In my mind, still the best college hockey game I've ever seen.

    Opening Night HOF Game, Friday, Oct 5th, 2001.

    The sustained standing ovation for Ralph before his center ice speech. So loud was the noise that I believe Betty (or was it the grandson?) was covering her ears. After all that controversy BS, you had 11,000+ Sioux fans showing true appreciation for an incredibly generous individual.

    Oh yeah, and beating the Bison the very next day. I'd take a NC loss to the Gophs paired with a Bison spanking anytime.

    taz digs da Fighting Sioux

  5. ...The preview game of last year's SCSU/Sioux game is not too good at this end; probably the quality of my broadband connection...

    No, it's the damn Huskie goal and subsequent 5-3 that causes the marginal video quality. heh, heh.

    taz digs broadband

  6. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/magazine/...kota/flashback/

    I nice flashback article in SI about THE GREATEST team in UND hockey history :):):):):) .

    What a great article for Sioux fans to read! I still remember the State fans after the first period sitting in shock at what was happening on the ice. Too much fun.

    Classic quote by a Minnesota fan when asked by a State fan just before the game if North Dakota was even a threat. The response was something like "Your guys don't have a chance."

    taz digs da Sioux

  7. You are a sick coward. You are an evil man. You are a kidnapper and rapist, a master manipulator of people and the truth, but your reign of terror is over," Aloi told Jamelske.

    Actually, the judge was speaking to Jamelske's lawyer at that time.

    taz wants to be a "retired handyman"

  8. The picture is in Virg's Fight On Sioux book. I was there actually. I believe it was in 1986 when Reagan was in Grand Forks campaigning for Sen. Mark Andrews..who ended up losing to Kent Conrad. :glare:

    I was there as well! Was playing in the marching band (forgive me), and we were cranking out "In Heaven There Is No Beer" when The Great One looked up at us and said something like "You make beautiful music". Definitely a generous comment. I read in a book that Reagan was always a big fan of marching band music, and loved hearing tunes like "Hail To the Chief". A very memorable experience that unfortunately didn't help Andrews much.

    By the way, did you catch Sabo's comment regarding the Goofs and GWB: Said U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo, D-Minn., "It simply proves that Minnesota is the state of hockey."



  9. I blame this whole mess on Krys Kolanos. His overtime goal kept the Fighting Sioux from taking the rightful honors as first B-to-B champs since BU. Yeah, it's Krys' fault. Can't believe he chose BC over UND. Now he's a Coyote. Probably a Democrat too. Blah.



  10. I've now had to watch a Republican President present honors to the Gophers the past two years. Enough to turn me to voting Democrat. :glare:

    Funny, but long ago when Potulny first annouced he was a Gopher, I posted on some message board (perhaps here, or USCHO-- I have no record of this) some joke about how great it would be to see the lone NoDaker turn the program around, beating UND, and winning the NCAA title with all the Minnesota fans screaming his name.

    Ugh. Be careful what you wish for. heh, heh. Congrats again to the Goofer. Truly an impressive run. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go and sob uncontrollably for a few minutes.


  11. How many times do we have to read "If it were not for the students, there would be no UND?"

    Change the word "students" to "faculty", "alumni", "benefactors", "staff", "administration", "people of Grand Forks", or "state of North Dakota" and the statement would be no less true.

    A real fan would go to the games and support their team with consideration for those around him or her. Please, Derrick, stay at home and pout. Use the time not to watch hockey on TV, but rather to reconsider your journalism major.


  12. This is a terrible, pointless article; no surprise it's coming from Virg. Apparently, anytime something negative comes out of Dean's mouth, Virg is there to broadcast it to the world.

    taz not impressed

  13. I tried reading this thread but I got sleepy. Yellowdog cures insomnia through an amazing effort at over-arguing the uninteresting.

    So much effort for so little thought. Just be happy about the Gophs and look forward to your guarenteed three-peat next year.


  14. I agree that UNH wasn't that impressive, just goes to show you that the west is THAT much better than the East. The score could have easily been 9 or 10-1. The only player on UNH that deserved to win by the way he played was Ayers.

    I did not see much of the first two periods, but the third really showed a let down by UNH. When the Goph's went up 3-1, UNH just plain died. Haven't seen that in a championship game in quite a while. At first, I was disappointed with Ayers behaving as he did late in the third. But, then I realized he was just trying to get some fire back in his team. They were rattled. I'm sure it was tough for UNH fans to watch their team slip like that after coming so far.

    Perhaps it's a testimony to just how good the Gophers were this year. Teams seemed to fold against them. Mankato and CC in the WCHA tourney games both looked a little sluggish. Mercyhurts [sic] was predictable, but Ferris was surprisingly impotent for most of their game. And then UNH. The only team that matched up well in the Goph's post season was Michigan-- but even they didn't look like the team that spanked CC all around the rink the week before. Thanks Yost.

    In the end, you place credit where it is due. Lucia has built up quite a franchise in his short time as coach. I was disappointed when he left CC, but certainly can't deny him the kudos for his work at U of M. Plus, I think the Maroon-n-Gold culture is changing for the better-- which is not good for Taz Boy who enjoyed so much lampooning the misery and handwringing of the Wooger era. This time has certainly past, so I guess I need to form new material.

    Congrats again to the team I love to hate. Let's hope the WCHA can continue the recent successes and never let 1999 (HE final) happen again!

    taz is forced to respect the Goofer. Blah! :)

  15. This is not my worst nightmare. It's close, but not the worst. No. That will come next year, when the Gophs do a 3-peat. :)

    I think this team impresses me more than last year's champions. They certainly had the golden touch down the stretch. Vanek is a man among boys out there. It was kinda heartwarming to see his Dad in the crowd cheering. Plus, it's tough to dislike a program that has kept Michigan from winning the title two years in a row! ;)

    Congrats to the Gophers. What an impressive run!


  16. This season was a disappointment only in the way it ended. The sum total was about right where they should have been. Unfortunately, the last two games were showcases of uninspiring peformances for at least 3 of the 6 periods. They just couldn't put it together in the tourney, and bad play attracts bad luck.

    However, it wasn't long ago when the miserable heartbreaking losses belonged to the Gophers. That Maine goal with four seconds left in the NCAA tourney was laughably painful. Now, who's laughing?

    The Sioux slide might be harder to take because the dreaded Gophs are doing so well. However, the focus should be on improving, and they did do that. I think the Hale illness had a much bigger effect on the team than just his absence from the ice. The second half team was playing worse than the first half, and had a much more difficult schedule.

    I might be an oddball, but I think UND has as much talent as any other team in the WCHA-- including the Gophs. Aside from the obvious names, I really enjoyed watching Prpich come into his own. I agree with ScottM in thinking he is going to be a strong force next year. Fiesty, chippy? Perhaps. But, man, that guy works the boards and plays hard. I also thought Massen was doing well. Defensively, Schneider was great. He can only get better and will perhaps become one of the team's leaders. And, no issues with Greene. The penalty magnet will learn to play a smarter game and be even more physical as well. Commie II?

    I'm excited to see the big three on the front line. But, this isn't going to carry the team to the FF. As has been repeated to death, the bottom two lines need to help carry some load.

    Goaltending? It's Brandt next year. If you're looking for a Freshman to save the day, you may want to stop looking.

    I think realistic expectations for next year are no less than a top three finish in the WCHA, playing in the WCHA FF championship, and #2 seed in the NCAA Regionals winning their first round game decisively. The goal, obviously, should be winning it all. That is the goal every year, and should continue to be the goal until college hockey ceases to exist on this planet.

    Long live the Fighting Sioux!


  17. I think the Gophs will win handedly. Everything they throw at the net goes in. I am constantly amazed at how they (well, Mr Europe and Mr NoDak) make solid goaltenders look foolish. A combination of puck-luck and skill, these guys are rolling. It is U of M's game to lose, no question.

    Life is good for the Goofer right now. And, it will continue to be until this virus runs it's course. I have accepted the fact they'll win this year. What I haven't been able to swallow is the possibility of them winning it all again next year. Goofer three-peat: the unthinkable.

    All things considered, I know many Gopher fans who are well deserving of some fun right now. We Sioux fans were only an overtime goal away from the same thing. I think it's best if the West gets it done right this time.

    I can't cheer for them from my heart (three decades of anti-Gopher brainwashing is tough to erase), but my head says West beats East is the better deal. Bring the hardware home, Goldy, because next season your a$$ belong to da Sioux!


  18. Taz,

    Where were all the Sioux faithful on sunday night of that series talk about empty seats.

    I believe around 10K on hand. How 'bout Mariucci that weekend?

    taz, sadly, is a U of M graduate as well

  19. great conversation until you came along farce poobah, what a stupid comment. 

    No Mariucci is not as plush, that is obvious, no arena is, especially one built with public monies.  However the atmosphere there will never be matched by REA.  The band marching around the concourse pregame, students actually know the fight song, and participating in cheers, a band that plays all game long... that is college athletics.  The weekend of the regional was unbelievable in that place, far from cold.

    Don't get me wrong, the new Ralph is great...we are still undefeated in the palace.  Thank you Ralph.  Teams don't dread the trip to GF like they used to, the old place was tough on opposing teams.

    Someone has to say it, and of course it must be Taz Boy.

    ndgoofer, your post shows quite clearly you are an expert on stupidity. A member of the band, are we? The Mariucci was a morgue during the previous lean years-- it was possibly the least interesting place to watch a hockey game until the middle of last season when the Collective realized they had a diamond in the making. The regional this year was a laugher. Sure, when you pump in 16 goals in two games you're going to get some home crowd cheering. In fact, many were giggling and squealing like little sorority girls at their first rush party. Weeeeeee!! It's fun to win!!! I'm like soooo drunk!!!

    Championship teams create atmosphere on their home ice. Expectations are raised as each game is more likely to be a "W". Let the Gophs drop back to around .500 for a couple of years and then help yourself to that wonderful 'ucci "atmosphere" you're talking about.

    The REA is indeed comercialized, but there is also something special about that place. The Denver series unleashed some of the loudest crowd noise I've yet heard at a college hockey game. Sure, tight games will do that, but this was beyond typical overtime excitement. I recommend, ndgoofer, you join your beloved team for the series up in GF next year. The Sioux faithful are already salivating.

    I'm also tired of the "old REA nostalgia" presented usually by those too young to remember when that place sucked as well. Don't get me wrong, I love that old building. Spent much time in there. But, there were plenty of snore-fest games with plenty of empty seats during the early 90's slide. Of course that place rocked in 97-01. Gee, I wonder why?? Perhaps Karl Goehring knows the answer.

    As for the students, in time you'll settle right in to your new home. I'd personally rather have you near the penalty box and across from the opposing team's bench. But, I think this corner can work as well. A few suite owners will need to get used to the "excitement", but I'm sure they'll adjust. Realize you're getting a great deal on excellent seats in a wonderful arena. Keep cheering and good things will happen.


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