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Posts posted by NDFlyer

  1. Players like, to be honest, Jason Blake, Matt Cullen, and that ilk are what the US needs. Guys who excel on the big sheet/play an open style of game.

    Our goaltending is a joke. Our defense is marginal at best, and our forwards can't keep up enough pressure to threaten anyone.

    Going into the tournament I thought USA was extremely weak in the net. The last two games, however, have shown that creating offense and scoring goals is a much bigger concern than defense or goaltending. I have always thought that the rink size is irrelevant when there is this much talent on the ice. Talent is going to win on any size sheet of ice.

    Blake and Cullen? The team needs a hell of a lot more than these two guys up front. In the large scheme of things Blake and Cullen are very average players.

    On the other hand, it would difficult to imagine any team which has the scoring depth and talent as the Canucks and they have been shut out in two straight games. Who knows the answer?

    The most impressive thing thus far in the tournament, to me, has been the penalty killing abilities of most teams. Even on the "big ice" the defensive players get to the puck in a nano second.

  2. I'm with redwing77 on this one in all aspects.

    Enough of the "no practice" crap. These guys have been playing hockey since September and have 55 NHL games under their belts. This is freekin LATVIA, fellas. LATVIA!! Not a world power in hockey.

    How many practices do you need before you can beat them? If you simply go through the motions you are going to lose especially in this type of tournament.

    There is no excuse for that tie and there is no excuse for not having Ryan Miller on the team. Grahame, DiPietro and Robert "Red Light" Esche ain't gonna cut it.

  3. I believe the response from Lotysz after Cummings simply skated away was "Get that guy a saucer of milk!"

    Lotysz could not have been more accurate. Radke kicked that guy's a$$. Twice his size and got totally bitch slapped. Near the end the big pu$$ even had his jersey and pads off and was in a great position to really throw 'em instead he skated away from a guy half his size. What a wuss. Dude should quit the game.

    The most important thing about the way this weekend ended is not only the 4 points. They stood up for one another and fought -- literally. Things such as this works wonders for chemistry regardless of what the deluded anti-fighting crowd may believe.

  4. Ovechkin is better than Crosby in every aspect of the game. The only things he doesn't seem to do as well as Sindee are (1) pass the puck and (2) cry. But with a shot like his he has no need to ever pass the puck. His shot is as deadly as any set up.

  5. Thibault I thought was on Pittsburgh but the Canadiens incident had Jose Theodore doing the saves. He even dove back in to make the initial save!

    Seriously though, it was a good save and really, I may not be a Habs fan, but I like Theodore.

    Yeah, you're right. It's those French goalers with wierd first names which always gets me.

  6. Besides the play of the Penguins defense this year this incident is the funniest of the season. Apparently Jocelyn Thibeault said to the guy, "Take your best shot." The only way it would have gotten funnier is if Souray or someone like that had taken a run at him.

  7. In listening to XM 204 Bob McKensie (sp) from the XM hockey channel and he basically said the Phil Kessel stock dropped from his in the WJC. Basically Bob said that he thought Kessel was over rated.

    The very same Bob MacKenzie who proclaimed the US were "overwhelming favorites" to win the gold this year.

    Two years in row without a medal. Everyone is looking for an excuse. Perhaps the teams were simply not good enough to win a medal.

  8. TSiouxnami,

    Funny you raise the subject. In Philly, Jagr is known as Jagirl. While in Pitts he had a reputation of quitting in games against the Flyers and never really seemed to hurt the Flyers as much as some other players. For some reason, the most worthless piece of crap defenseman to ever play the game, Chris Therien, has always been able to shut down Jagirl in Philly. Makes no sense but it is true.

    For the record, Jagr is just slightly behind Darcy Tucker and Martin Havlat in the category of most despised opponent in Flyerland.

  9. I really think this team lacked chemistry and that is the biggest reason for going home without the gold. It seemed to me like there were to many individual agendas and one on one play. This was more a team of all stars than a team assembled to win a gold medal. The 2004 team that won gold seemed to genuinely like and get along with each other and the result was gold. Everyone on that team seemed to know and play their role (example Stafford as a checker) and it worked to a tee. This team had the tools to win gold but to me it seemed like guys were more concerned with impressing the scouts in the stands rather than do what it takes to win. Oshie is the one guy who stood out to me as the total opposite of this, he did all the little things and if more guys played with the grit and determination that Oshie displayed this team would have won gold. Erik Johnson was the other guy who really stood out to me. I thought Lee and Chorney were a little out of their league against the Russians.

    This sums it up. Good post.

    I laughed when Bob MacKenzie said USA were "overwheming favorites." LOL! For a team with supposed offensive talent they scored 5 goals in the final three games; the games in which goal scoring was truly needed.

  10. We follow Steve Downie closely on the Flyers message boards since he was our first overall pick in 05. No doubt he is one of the chippier/dirtier players in major junior hockey but it does not seem as if Johnson's elbow was justified after having exchanged a couple of little slashes. Hard to believe he wasn't suspended.

    Downie is no stranger to cheap shots. Before he was traded he cross checked a teammate in practice for, he claimed, not properly running a drill, although there is some speculation the incident was related to some off ice hazing. Dude lost some teeth over that one.

    Frankly, Johnson's move was gutless. If you don't like the slash then drop the gloves. Settle it like men. In sum, Downie is no stranger to cheap shots, but he probably didn't deserve that one. He claims he is ok and has been hit harder. lol!

  11. I'm not sure what you heard, but it's still 11-2 and Borque still has 5 goals. Yes, the Canadians went nuts again....they acted like the Stanley Cup made its way back to Canada.


    I can tell you why Borque did not do that last year: they did not play freekin NORWAY! Who is next on the chopping block? Western Walsh County Outdoor Bantam League champs?

  12. True dat.

    I am a pi$$ poor hockey fan and am the first to admit it. I enjoy a loss by the rangers, devils or leafs more than a Flyers win. I understand that it is a psychological problem or even perhaps, pathological, but I cannot control it.

  13. And, even if Robinson and Burns are good head coaches, I'd much rather have a guy that can mold an offense and a defense instead of just an offense or just a defense. That's why I loved Bowman so much. He seemed to get the most out of his players on both sides of the rink. Well... it seemed that way anyways.

    As for me, I like the Devils because of what they do with their draft picks. It's also one of my biggest criticisms about the Red Wings. The NCAA barely exists to Detroit's scouts. Sure, they get a player every now and then, but if it isn't Swedish or at least European, chances are they are not going to be very high on him in the Detroit system. Jimmy Howard seems to be the exception to the rule, but we'll see about that.

    Detroit has the same problem the Rangers had in that they would rather use their minor leagues for substitute players and trade fodder rather than developing their stars in house. Sure, they've had a few players come through, just like the Yankees of the Major Leagues, but when push comes to shove, they have no faith in their own scouting and just sign some old fart that used to be good.

    Like I said before, Detroit and NYR are on one side of the spectrum (to hell with the minors sign free agents) and the Wild are on the other spectrum (To hell with free agents, if we can't get them cheap or in house, screw the playoffs) with the Devils more to the Wild's side of the center than the Red Wings. Does that make any sense?

    Glen Sather showed that $$$ alone cannot guarantee a Cup. In his case, it could not even guarantee a playoff berth. LOL!!!!!! What a tool. If signing big name F.A. is the way to go then obviously he was signing the wrong ones. Remember, Slatsy is the idiot who gave Holik something like $9 million per year.

    I believe, redwing, that with the salary cap situation you are going to see more teams building from the draft or from within the organization. If the need arises, and if they are able, they can go out and pick up some big name F.A. but the spendthrift days of Glen Sather are over. In fact, I foresee a rather substantial turnover of talent even from within the system as a player matures and becomes one of the league's most expensive players.....in some instances it might be difficult to keep him and stay under the cap. Thus, GMs are gonna have to keep rebuilding or reloading, however you want to put it.

    But come now, you are being a bit too paranoid about NCAA players in the NHL. I seriously doubt there is a GM out there who will not take a player simply because he played college hockey. I suspect many have preferences based upon the league in which the player was developed but to suggest a bias against the NCAA player is a bit of a stretch.

  14. I don't mind that you hate disagreeing with me but please find another reason! Not sure why a redwings fan would care that I hate the debbies. To me it is perfectly natural.

    Re: debbies news. In addition to some scoring depth it also appears they are in need of a head coach. Word around the campfire is that Robinson has decided to hang it up in NJ.

  15. Redwing,

    Something is wrong with the entire debby roster. They have no legit first line players. Mogilny is clearly on the downside of his career. Gomez is most certainly NOT a first line NHL center. Elias is doubtful for the season and it remains to be seen whether or not he will ever be able to be the player he once was in this league. Gionta is having a decent season considering the debby state of affairs but, still, his numbers do not compare to the big time first line players in the league.

    Their "dynasty" , if you will, was based upon defense, clutching, grabbing and tackling forwards. Gone are the anchors of their defense. Their blueline now consists of very average players. Unless Blowdeur can conjure up a way to score 3-4 goals per game himself the deborahs are going to miss the playoffs.

    Frankly, I find it ammusing as hell. Big Lou, in spite of his past alleged moments of genius, has done nothing to make this team a contender.

  16. I agree with IRanger. Walt Kyle's theory is sound. It is true you need a physical presence and/or a guy who can check and shut down the opponent. You need this type of player on any team regardless of whether it is a short tourney or a long season.

    The question is, "Why Paukovich?" I just don't see him as being this great physical presence or a grea defensive forward. USA Hockey seems to be somewhat mesmerized just because of his size.

  17. If a player such as Paukovich makes this squad one has to question the depth of the team. If depth is an issue (as well as goaltending as far as I am concerned) then how can Team USA be considered a "heavy" favorite?

    Do decscirbe them as a "heavy" favorite is totally absurd.

  18. I wouldn't read too much into the whole Tallackson/Parise thing. Except for Gionta nobody on the debbies is having a good season offensively. Rookies are sat every once in a while for a variety of reasons. Some rookies are brought up and given some ice time just to see what they can do while the staff has no immediate plans for them staying up on a permanent basis. It's really nothing more than some experimentation.

    The debbies have had their 10 year run. They are now a less than mediocre team and I am enjoying every minute of it.

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