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Posts posted by NDFlyer

  1. 20 games and .5 million $ for a fight?:)

    A bit extreme, wouldn't you say?

    I notice that you are quick to address fighting, but mention nothing about headhunting or cheap shots. Is it because you do not know how to address it? The league should enforce it rules when it comes to cheap shots, you say>

    BTW, what ARE those rules?

  2. Marty is absolutely 100% dead on here. If I want to cheap shot a guy and take my chances with the League and if I know that I will not have to fight or that I will get the living crap kicked out of me, I'll probably take my chances with the League.

    One good butt kicking goes a long way to preventing cheap shots; it is much more of a deterrent that anything the league is willing to implement.

    Get rid of that idiotic instigator rule and the cheaps shots will decrease.

  3. This could be considered a desperation move on the part of the debbies. Only a few games left in the regular season. Defending champs jockeying for playoff position should have their playoff roster set by now. Debbies are in trouble if they expect a young college kid to immediately make the jump and provide the offensive spark they need. It's just too much to ask of anyone.

  4. OK. Here is the deal. I HATE the debbies as much as you guys hate the Goooofers.

    NJD "enforcers" , such as they are, are most likely Colin White and/or Grant Marshall who just busted the heck out of his hand after punching the helmet of Eric Cairns the other day. He is done for a month or so.

    Scott Stevens is now a total mellonhead like Eric Lndros and has missed half the season. Doubtful he'll ever fight again.

    John Madden has 1 fight in the last 3 years.

    Thus, now that it has been mentioned, David Hale probably IS the best fighter on the team.

  5. Someone suggested that if anyone messes with ZP in the Natinal League he'll have to answer to David Hale.

    Now, Hale is tough enough and can handle himself when he deems it necessary, but he is hardly a feared fighter. I trust that you people know what happens to the instigator of a fight in the NHL?

    That's right. You get 2, 5 and 10 and you head to the locker room thanks to Mr. Gary Buttman.

  6. One more thing, fellas. David Hale is NOT considered an NHL enforcer by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, you might want to check out his fight card, if one even exists, before you start making any such statements.

  7. Some of you guys are either completely nuts or you do not watch any NHL games.

    There is about 100 times more hitting, clutching, grabbing, holding, high sticking and cheap shots than there is in any college league. A college kid turns pro for a variety of reasons: it has always been their dream to play in the NHL, the money, the need to elevate their game, etc.

    He will find that there is much less space at the NHL level than there was in the WCHA.

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