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Posts posted by YaneA

  1. Check out Brad's story about the reality of home-ice advantage at the Ralph:


    The paper edition contains additional jaw-dropping stats including this one: Months since last swept at home:

    UND 35 mo.

    Denver: 32 mo.

    From there, it drops off precipitously for other WCHA teams

    ...and since it's all Gophers, all the time around here (not!), our friends and fellow scholars from UM are in 9th place, with only 1 month since last swept at home

  2. OK, I have until November 15th to round up some funds...I'm a bit hesitant to put my home address here, so if you're interested in contributing, send me a PM and I'll reply back with my address. Judging by the handful of responses I've seen so far, I'm in the neighborhood of $100-$150, so I'm hoping for some more interest. Thanks everyone!

    How is the fund raising going, MM? Are you near your goal?

  3. So does anyone know the deal with the missing BMT?

    Hexy mentioned Hazing and censorship?

    What up with that?

    The vid had been removed by the time I went looking for it. Apparently, it included scenes that were deemed to show instances of "hazing," which is a no-no

  4. Thank you, my Siouxsports friends. I have never been though this with a parent but I know that kindnesses from friends and strangers are and will continue to be a comfort to me and my family. Your prayers are appreciated and I'm sure that they were heard by the maker of us all. Thank you all for your empathy and humanity. Sioux fans are the best.

  5. I have to go out of town unexpectedly. I have 1 ticket both nights to Gopher series, lower bowl, sec. 114, row K (end Sioux defend twice). I am in Grand Forks. You would need to pick the ticket up from me before Tues. Oct. 13. PM me with an offer.

    Aw, c'mon! I know it's only one seat, but surely one of you Siouxsports readers is friendless, or a loner by choice, or can be satisfied just to text high-fives to your posse across the rink?! I'm not looking to make a killing; I'll take face value but I do need a local buyer and I have to sell the ticket quickly. Can anyone help me out?

  6. 79-yd touchdown for Jacks. It's 65-31 with a couple minutes left

    And, that's the final score. Mussman pulled the first string and gave everyone --except the Sousaphone player and the lady who sells soft pretzels--a chance to play

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