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Posts posted by aff

  1. It would absolutely murder their conference power rankings, thus killing the conference's representative(s) in the Big Dance when seeding comes around
    I don't pretend to know a lot about how the RPI works, so the following could be interpreted as a question more than a statement.

    If I remember correctly SDSU and NDSU won't count for or aqainst a schools RPI ranking next season. After that season they will count in the RPI.

    Here's what I"ve found from the NCAA about RPI rankings determination:

    Team Winning % 25 %


    Winning % 50 %



    Winning % 25 %

    So would SDSU really hurt a conference's RPI rankings by playing the pretty strong schedule it already will have set up for two seasons from now? Next season they already have two tournament teams on the schedule, plus several other mid-major powers. If 75% of the RPI is based on how these opponets play, then wouldn't SDSU already be at least as good as other mid-con teams in terms of RPI?

    Midwestern conferences (Horizon, MOValley, MidCon, MAC (except Marhall and UCF in football) and the Big Ten) have been a sea of calm in this current episode of shuffling. If/when the Big East implodes later this decade, that's when the Horizon and MidCon will see changes.

    I'm not going to argue this because the truth is nobody really knows what is going to happen. It may happen in your time line, or it may happen quicker, only time will tell.

    Your coments point out another weakness in the whole move by SDSU to Div I in that your goal is to be the next Gonzaga. There are 250 other low level DI chools that have that same dream. Well, guess what. Most have failed miserably.
    Wrong. This is a favorite argument of many people, but the truth is that SDSU is making the move for another reason, a non-athletic one. The admin. sees that there is a drop in future students in south and north dakota, and that in the near future there is going to be a fight to get those students to attend SDSU over UND, Lincoln, NDSU, USD, all of the regional institutions. SDSU is hoping that by upping the athletic program they will be able to capture the attention of students across the region, which will make them attend SDSU, and keep the enrollment up despite the falling student population in the state. SDSU would probably be happy with a tournament appearance every 5-10 years, and being in the running for one most years. My point is that SDSU is making this move to try and gain regional attention for itself, so that more out of state kids from nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, etc. will attend the school.

    Why do SDSU and NDSU fans always trivialize UND's seven Division I championships when other Div I schools recognize UND as the gold standard in the sport.

    I wasn't trivializing the national championships, I was pointing out that on a national level one appearance in the big dance would get far more attention than winning a hockey national championship. UND has every reason to be proud of those championships, but I think that with the money that has went into facilities and other costs for the sport, UND could be doing bigger things. Just my opinion.

  2. Where did I imply otherwise? I'm not so dillustional to think DI leagues are clamoring for North Dakota, I simply pointed out a benefit UND could offer if it makes the decision to move up. Also, the Atlantic Sun is pursuing DII Kennesaw St. and I believe NDSU kindred spirit UC-Davis had offers prior to making its position official. Just because you NDSU/SDSU don't fit into anyone's plans, doesn't mean that nobody does.

    Lighten up Francis!

    The implication comes from the previous post that you added on too, specificially in the line

    But more importantly, I would expect a conference affiliation plan to be well along in the informal talking stages, rather than seeking a conference after declaring Div I intentions.

    If it wasn't your intention to back this statement up then I apologize, I probably should have additionally put this quote in too.

    Back to your post though nodakvinny, do really believe that UND will have so much money left after they begin comptetition in D-I that they will be able to give up 10 years of their precious hockey money? Getting that post season money from hockey would be one of the main reasons for UND to become D-I in the first place, but they would just give that money to a conference, and still have to pay for the increased sholies, travel, etc. with their increased budget?

    I know I've said it before but UND needs to move now. A few years from now it will be too late for the school, especially if the bison are in an established conference(s). You guys say that UND is "Biding its time, with new facilities, before they go D-I", and you also say that "I'm not so dillustional to think DI leagues are clamoring for North Dakota", so which is it. Is UND waiting for a D-I conference invite, or are they not? What is UND "biding its time for". WHY IS UND WAITING? Whats going to change in the next 10 years for UND that would be helpful? The conferences are reshuffling NOW. The only thing I can think of is the administration feels its to early to ask the englesteads to fund this move. To me, UND not moving up with the bison indicates that the school will be unable to come up with funds for the foreseeable future. After all, what could make UND alums contribute more than UND keeping up with NDSU. All of the facilities the school has are great, but they are costing you big time in future, because with all of the money that has been put into the ralph, UND could have funded indowements for the D-I move that would have given you the travel budget, recruiting budget, and scholarships of a D-IA school, but instead they went into an over the top hockey arena (which is beautiful, don't get me wrong). I know this is going to piss all you off, but I think that hockey is ultimately going to be the downfall of your school. I know all of you love it, but can you really tell me that you wouldn't give up one of your NC's in hockey to see UND in the big dance? UND being in the big dance would give the school more publicity than all of the hockey national championships combined. Just think about it before you blast me.

  3. Another bonus UND could offer to a conference is in addition to an entrance fee, we could offer up (say for 10 years) any money for participating in the NCAA Hockey tournament. Since as a DII school, we aren't getting any of that money right now, it's not a real loss. This could end up being a nice pot of money if the Sioux make several deep tourney runs. After the probation period, UND would then get to keep all the hockey tourney money.


  4. First, Clarence Kooistra as mentioned is an idiot. He is South Dakota's Ross Perot, a lot of talk but little support and no chance of ever getting anything accomplished. He is not from vermillion like mentioned above and i believe he is actually an SDSU grad so not necessarily a talking head for USD. Just one that we let go off the deep end.
    Jackrabbit, I was under the impression that Kooistra was the current rep. from whatever county vermillion is in, I can't remember the name of it. If this was incorrect I'm not sure where I got it from.

    You seem to think that as soon as a conference(like the Horizon) offers UND and Duluth a chance to move up you will. What about the 5 years of provisional status then. The chances of a conference asking a school to move up to DI is ridiculous. No one would even look at the SU's until they had officially jumped up. I don't think the Horizon will come knocking of your guys door no offense.

    This was exactly the point I was going to make too. Starcity, if UND is waiting for a D-I conference to give them an invite while they are still D-2, then hell will freeze over before UND becomes D-I. I think that UND isn't moving up right now because of financial reasons, and the administration clinging to the hope that the D-I hockey program will continue to provide the idea that UND is already a D-I school, which it may, I don't know. Why do you think that that any conference would pick UND-UMD as travel partners? Why wouldn't they select SDSU-UMD or NDSU-UMD. As you said before, the probationary period hurts a schools chances of getting into a conference, and both SDSU and NDSU will have at least a one year advantage on UND for the probationary period, plus the same general geographic area.

    Why do you even bring up how terrible an east/west system would be when a north/south plan is obvious.
    Thats exactly right. I wouldn't doubt it if the Midcon adds UNC, SDSU and NDSU this summer. In any case it doesn't look like SDSU is doing too bad for bball scheduling as a provisional school any way, according the Grand Forks paper today.

    NDSU and SDSU would provide no auto-bid insurance until 2008-2009. In my view, this issues prevents NDSU/SDSU from getting serious consideration until the summer of 2007, at best. Take it to the bank!

    The midcon may be worried that SDSU and NDSU won't be interested in 2007, plus they would have to compete to get the schools into the conferences with others such as the big sky. If they add them now, they will be able to dictate entrance terms to them i.e. entrance fees into the conference. If they wait, they may not get everything they want from the schools.

  5. "My understanding was that if (SDSU is) not in a conference on Sept. 1, that the Board of Regents would pull out the rug from underneath South Dakota State. For them (Not SDSU, the South Dakota Board of Regents) to say it's not a deadline, that's wrong." -- South Dakota State Sen. Clarence Kooistra, R-Garretson 

    aff: Does either "them" matter when the person making the statement is a part of the group that ultimately controls the purse-strings (i.e. the state senate)? The statement shows what is on the mind of some of those in the SD legislature.

    Yeah, it does matter, because one implies that SDSU is blowing off a deadline, while the other implies that there really is no deadline. To put SDSU in for the board of regents makes it seem like there really is a deadline that SDSU isn't prepared for, when the truth is that there is no deadline for the school to worry about. Also, I seriously doubt that the opinion of the representitive from vermillion is whats on the mind of any representative or senator besides himself. The guy is a voice piece of USD.

    Media. Conferences want exposure. Denver is one of the fastest growing areas into the country. What conference wouldn't want to tap into that population base. That's a big advantage to the Denver and Northern Colorado.

    Nobody has yet shown me that theres any reason that SDSU and NDSU wouldn't also be added. See my above post.

    So is the University of South Dakota, however unlike their land grant counterparts, they have chosen the radical step of directing the funding to academics itself  , instead of a trickle-down method of using athletics to pull up academics.

    Show me one article where it shows increased academic funding for USD. The only thing I can find about that school is declining enrollment, and a lot of bull about the "harvard of the prarie". USD talks a lot, but doesn't fund anything (see baseball).

  6. Just wanted to correct this Sicatoka, read the Argus leader article if it doesn't sound this way in the Grand forks Paper

    "My understanding was that if (SDSU is) not in a conference on Sept. 1, that the Board of Regents would pull out the rug from underneath South Dakota State. For them (Not SDSU, the South Dakota Board of Regents) to say it's not a deadline, that's wrong." -- South Dakota State Sen. Clarence Kooistra, R-Garretson

  7. SDSU and NDSU are going to be attempting to up there academics 

    Starting with the English departments.

    HAHAHAHAHA! Nice catch "sprig"! You really got me on that one, and it has to be the most original joke ever posted on a online message board. I can't believe nobody has thought of that before. Because I'm sure that every other post on this board has perfect sentence structure and grammar, otherwise all of the errors would have been pointed out right? I guess the only thing I can do to top that would be to look through all of your posts and find an error and than point it out for everyone to see, because that would be funny right? Oh, wait, it would be more like acting like an ass, I guess. If there are errors in my posts its because this is an online forum, and all I need to do is communicate my ideas with you, so if you don't understand what I'm saying, say something, otherwise don't, because I don't care that much if I used there, or their, or ANY OTHER ERRORS.

    I think the city in which a school is located in is a better indicator than the entire state. Not to mention (like it was mentioned above) that the ND schools bring in tons of minnesota students every year.

    Wow. Thats the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I mean I guess UND must be better than SDSU, or the University of Kansas, because it is in a city bigger than both of them, right? I mean how could a dump like Lawerance Kansas ever be able to support an actual D-I school? It probably can't. I can't wait until KU comes crying back to D-II begging for a conference, because Lawerence can't support it. UMKC in Kansas city though, they've got it made. They'll be pounding KU and no time. Oh, wait.

    City size helps in some cases, but it definitely doesn't determine anything. Think about it. Why do South and North Dakota not have any D-I schools up to this point? Why does California have over 40? Why does texas have more D-I's than Montana? Why does North Carolina have more D-I's than Nebraska? State population to support the schools is needed. If I were a UND fan I would be screaming for the administration to move up, and to do it now. There's only room for one decent D-I in North Dakota, and NDSU has a head start now on taking that position. If UND doesn't do something their going to miss their chance to be North Dakotas flagship school, and will be playing second fiddle to NDSU until the population doubles in 75 years, if ever. If UND makes the move in 5 years after NDSU is more established it will either 1. fail or 2. cause UND and NDSU to cellar dwelling D-I schools for the next half century. I think all of you know that too, you don't want to admit it to yourselves.

  8. Bringing in two more schools (to twelve) decreases the prospects of any one school going to the Big Dance by 20% and divides the conference revenue sharing pie among two more hungry mouths. Twelve makes economic sense when a conference has football or when a conference gets multiple basketball bids, neither of which applies to the Mid-Con.
    Look at it this way... if a school brings in $300,000 (I think thats way too high, but for arguments sake just take it) for a one in done in the tournament (pretty normal for the mid-con I think) and you divide that by 10 that comes out to 30 K per school. If there are 12 schools in the conference that $300,000 gets divided into $25,000 from the conference, which means theres a 5,000 dollar loss for having two additional schools. If you divide the conference into two divisions I would be willing to bet that the 5,000 is more than made up in savings from travel expenses. If denver is added I can't see how SDSU and NDSU won't join also, its too much travel for the southern schools to go to denver. A north/south division conference would make more sense.

    If population was the determining factor, UND and NDSU would be smaller than USD and SDSU. They are not. North Dakota schools have made more significant inroads into gaining allegiances of Minnesotan
  9. The Fighting Sioux, dominating Div II, with new facilities to showcase all their sports, are without question a compelling addition to any mid-major conference. On their knees, begging forgiveness for past transgressions, the bisson administration 
  10. wonder what Matt Jones is going to do?
    I doubt he's leaving. Who would want to waste a scholie on a guy thats played 2 months of basketball in the last two seasons? I know Jacks fans won't like it, but his career is probably over with.

    which women are leaving???

    I heard that USD was getting Brenda Davis, and theres a possibility of the star Freshman Vogel leaving.

  11. NDSU seems to be taking the "win now" attitude to the move. SDSU seems to be taking their time, which will lead to more losses in the "big 3" sports of football, and the 2 basketballs.

    I can see the advantages of both sides, but I think NDSU's way is a bigger gamble. Right now their taking a "win now" attitude at the cost of funding their endowment for the future, while SDSU is concentrating on funding their endowment. I think the first couple of years for a transitional school are the most important, because thats when the most excitement (opportunities for funding) will be present. SDSU using this opportunity to fund their endowment fund for scholarships so they won't have to worry about it anymore seems like a smart move to me. Later they can use other sources of funding for their facilities improvements (God knows they need it). The bison on the other hand, while having the advantage right now, not only are hoping to be successful, but need to be succesful in at least football to avoid losing there annual donations. If they aren't succesful in football and they lose some of their annual donations from people tired of giving to a losing program, then they will be in a world of hurt, and without their endowment, I don't know where the cuts are going to come from, unless they just take a deficit for those years. On the other hand, NDSU succesfully pulling off this gamble would pay big dividens for the school in public perception for the school.

    As for basketball, even with the additional scholarships and SDSU's loss of Moeller, I don't think the gap has narrowed too much in terms of mens basketball, I'm very impressed with SDSU's recruiting class thus far. God, I sound like an SDSU supporter :D .

  12. Bison Fans, you're missing the point! Lets look at the facts:

    1. NDSU hasn't started playing D-I right now and there already at the top range of what the Carr reports said was a reasonable budget to sustain, without even fully funding their scholarships.

    2. NDSU isn't really title IX complient, and again, ther're already at the top of what is a reasonable budget according to the Carr report.

    NDSU is so worried about being able to play a D-IA school and pretend that their in the big leagues that there not funding their endowment fund. What are you going to do after you have a bad season of football, and the donations stop coming in to fund that years 8 million budget? Cut scholarships? Not travel to california for football games that year? Maybe cut some womens sports out, as long as football is ok, right? It truly amazes me that bison fans can think that theirs enough money from the same school that had a 5 mil. budget last year to fund an 8 mil. budget annually. Right now you'll be able to generate the money because of the excitement of the transition. But in 5 years, when nobody wants to pay more to see some D-Iaa school getting their asses kicked at everything except for some D-I wannabe league of football the money will stop flowing in, the then you'll start your endowment fund, except by then it will be too late, and you'll be condemed to either raising student fees by 50% per year and suffering through 20-30 years of huge budget deficits and 4-23 basketball seasons. I can't wait to see the next evolution of your problems, when the sales projections for your department doen't come through, and you find out that the pres. has been lying to you all along. Its too bad you won't see the truth until its too late.

  13. Rumors have been swirling for a while on this, but it is aparently done according to someone in the know, SDSU's Andy Moeller is transferring to Mankato. Mankato is going to be darn near impossible to defend next year with 15-20ppg scorers at the 2 (Moeller), 3 (Anderson), and those 2 both being great shooters, and Jamal Staten going inside and out at the 4. That will be one fun team to watch. If they can find a point guard they have a legit shot at playing in the Ralph come Elite Eight time with that much punch in the lineup. I'm sure we are going to be told otherwise, but this has to kill SDSU for next year and isn't a good sign.

    I thought so too, but SDSU does have a very impressive group of recruits coming in for next season. The latest one, Steve Holdren, is a top 50 Illinois player that was being recruited by several D-I schools, and seems to be a very good pick for a transitional school. Landon Scott also seems like he will be a very good player, as well as the Cadwell kid from minnesota. I'm sure their lack of experience at guard will hurt next year, but if they add one or two more recruits like these ones they'll probably end up alright, and definitely better than the bison. On the bright side for them, with the loss of moeller the smallest kid they'll have on the court will probably be between 6'3 and 6'4.

  14. Since we're tossing out proposals, I propose an NCAA system that eliminates "divisions" and is more of a "cafeteria" type of plan:

    - 5 levels of football (no more than 80, 60, 40, 20, 0 scholarships, and stepped student-athlete eligibility requirements)

    - 3 levels of basketball (no more than 15, 10, 0, and stepped student-athlete eligibility requirements)

    - 2 levels in about everything else ("about" because there may be exceptions I am unfamiliar with; scholarships levels set by sport, and stepped student-athlete eligibility requirements)

    Its a good idea, but it won't work because of basketball. Under your plan you could theoretically have a D-I school with a total of 26 (Highest number for basketball is 13, not 15 :D ) scholarships. If you could do this I think that the entire NCC and NSIC, as well as almost every other school in the country would promote their basketball programs to D-I because of the relatively low number of scholarships you have to implement to do it. I like the idea of having football scholarships be independent of other sports, but maybe have the cafeteria have 5 levels of football scholarships, and then 3 levels of everything else including basketball. This would help to ensure that D-I basketball is flooded by all of D-2's basketball and wannabe basketball schools.

  15. I don't think you can judge Kennesaw states success soley on the JUCO's, although I'm sure thats a big part of it. At the beginining of the season SDSU beat Kennesaw by 15 pts., and then didn't even make it to the elite eight. I think a big part of Kennesaw states wins might be a very talented coach that had the right players to work with.

  16. So, basically the only way that UND could have had a good game and SDSU had a bad would be if UND won and SDSU lost? The terms good and bad game are relative. I think its possible for a team to play well for their circumstances (UND with all of their injuries this year) and still come out of the game with a loss. I think that UND had decent game, even though their percentages were lower, because the two best players on their team were out with fouls, and they still stayed in the game.

  17. I also don't think its fair to compare nagy to Ruley, since ruley was trying to devalue a loss, while nagy was saying that his team was bad even after a win. I don't think he was trying to insult UND, he was just saying that sdsu wasn't playing up to their potential over the game.

  18. About Nagy saying that SDSU played terrible the other day, I think that was pretty true. Schantz and moeller both played terrible, I think I even remember someone talking about how schantz's shooting percentage against usd was "brutal", and it definitely didn't get any better against UND. If jones hadn't be available to post a double-double, SDSU would have lost that game. I think that it could be said that UND did play well, just from the fact that they stayed in the game (and took a lead) even though the two highest scorers on the team were in foul trouble, and couldn't contribute as much as usual.

  19. I would say that Johnson would be crazy to coach a MSU. Seriously, after his first couple of years and already having a national championship I think the only place he'll go is to a division I program thats not in the transition phase. I'm sure he'll leave SDSU soon, but why would he want to try to rebuild MSU?

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