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Posts posted by AZSIOUX

  1. i have the sioux going all the way for #8.maybe i am a homer :sad: . i believe this because of the way we ended the year on a hot streak.getting by BU then a tough game vs BC. jordan parise has been playing great. he is the top goalie right now for the sioux.

    also think mercyhurst will beat BC :lol::lol:

    So you guys dont think the Sioux can beat BC if they beat BU obviously? 

    I have another question, is JP Parise the top goale?


  2. thursday GF herald article...


    boston herlad article


    eaves (bruised lung) and gionta (seperated left shoulder) were cleared to practice for BC and to play friday vs mercyhurst....BU AND BC already talking crap to eachother in link below...lets have the sioux keep those bozos from facing off sat night!!!!


  3. they will be ready for sure...this team has been playing very well and i have a good feeling about this weekend. i am assuming we have 3 players out. murray, prpich and bina. get well robbie!!

    jordan will be on top of his game like the last month of the season and we will go from there..good luck sioux and wish i could make it out there...

  4. heres a article on the BC players...


    For what it's worth, I say CC, Denver, Maine and BC.  I know, it hurts me to not put the Sioux in there.  If they were healthy with Prpich and Murray and Bina, i would give them a fighting chance with BC, but not without them...although Gionta and Eaves are supposedly injured for BC.  Has anyone heard anything about that?


  5. you also have to add in the .003 .002 .001 bonus and the gophs #4 by theirselves..

    Pairwise Rankings

    Rk Team PWR RPI Comparisons Won

    1t Colorado College (CC) 26 .5957*

    1t Denver (DU) 26 .5916*

    1t Boston College (BC) 26 .5885

    4t Minnesota (Mn) 23 .5680

    4t Cornell (Cr) 23 .5882*

    Minnesota is tied for fourth in the Pairwise and wins the individual comparison with Cornell. So I guess a #1 seed isn't really a joke.


  6. siouxfaninboston...how far is WORCESTER from BOSTON. want to fly in this weekend if it works out and just need to know about rental car situation if it works..thanks

    Does anyone know if the university will be selling tickets to Friday's game?  I didn't expect North Dakota to be in Worcester so hadn't prepared.  Now I'm competing with BU/BC fans ...



  7. just order ESPNU for the month and then cancel it after the weekend series so you can see the games. :lol:

    I have directv on satellite, but don't have ESPNU. That channel we have to pay extra for to get, and when it first came on, and to my knowledge still is, show nothing but basketball, and really nothing for hockey. I know next weekend they will show the NCAA's, but with Wisco. and Colgate (I think) playing in the midwest regional at the same time, we probably won't see the Sioux play anyway.


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