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Posts posted by YourInSiouxCountry


    11 minutes ago, MadScout03 said:

    While I don't believe we've ever been able to stick around for an hour after the game, there were times last year when we did hit the parking lot, pull out the cooler and a few chairs and enjoy the win for a bit.  I bet we sat there for 20-25 minutes with GFPD driving up and down the parking lot.  They didn't say anything to until the end when they said, "5 more minutes guys", we gave them a wave and they waved back.  We were probably there another 10 minutes or so but they never hurried us out.  When it was time to leave, we knew it.

    Even so, I agree that an hour of post game tailgating wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. 

    It does state in the tailgating rules you have 1 hour to clear your spot after the game.  There were several games last season our group would stick around for a few beers after the game and used all of that hour without any trouble or being asked to leave.

  2. 5 hours ago, shep said:

    I was at last night women's BB game. Lots of players joined Bubba and Freund. I saw whom I believe to be Tank walking with a boot on his foot. Looked like he was moving Ok, but it was a boot. Another player, smaller guy, was on crutches. Another had his left arm in a sling that I thought might be Santiago but could not be sure. Anyone else see them?

    Saw Labat wearing a walking boot at the MBB game Tuesday.

  3. With the bye week coming the last week of the season, I don't know if a top 8 would be a good or bad thing.  We do have some guys that sure could use the time off but having 2 weeks off between games is a long time to wait for those guys to get back on the field.

  4. With hockey in town this weekend, there should be no reason they can't offer $10 tickets to football if you show your hockey ticket.  It's done all the time for basketball or volleyball games.  Doubt we pack the place but a crowd of over 10,000 would be nice.  This team deserves that!

  5. 5 hours ago, CMSioux said:

    We've had threads on this before. No reason to allow people to reserve tailgating spots and then never show up - happens every year. Huge empty gaps in the lot between sites and the excuse we hear is "They paid their money they get their spot" well if they never use it they should be moved further out. They need to get people more excited about tailgating - shake it up, loosen the rules, offer incentives. As far as no Champions Club tent for the last game that is on the members of the Champions Club - a majority in attendance are over age 70 and don't want to be outside in a tent in November when the temperature drops - I understand why they don't have a tent when less than a dozen show up (they move it inside for the last game). It only costs about $130 bucks to get started in the Champions Club the benefits easily surpass the cost. 

    The Champions Club moves inside to Playmakers the last game of the year and it is packed but I agree that it should remain outside.  That is where the tailgating belongs regardless of the weather.  Rain, snow, sun or cold, I will be tailgating!  Can't wait for the season to start and hope we can fill the Alerus this year!

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