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I need some assistance


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Hi, All you Sioux footballers. Not sure if this is the forum to ask this question.

I live in Iowa and I would like to follow Sioux Football via telecasts, radio or

or home video. I plan to attend a couple of games in person, but that would

be about it. Where do I go, or who do I talk to to answer these questions? I

would appreciate any help regarding this matter.

What is the current status of the Fighting Sioux name?

Thanks, Spookie

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After next season, I believe that all games will be available for streaming at www.bigskyconf.com (for free) and for the most part you can catch radio webcasts athttp://www.961thefox.com/main.html Also, I believe you can watch most televised UND sporting events at www.fightingsioux.com (but you have to pay for membership). Hope this helps!

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After next season, I believe that all games will be available for streaming at www.bigskyconf.com (for free) and for the most part you can catch radio webcasts athttp://www.961thefox.com/main.html Also, I believe you can watch most televised UND sporting events at www.fightingsioux.com (but you have to pay for membership). Hope this helps!

Some of them should be televised on FCS as well, again..I believe.

The official schedule on fightingsioux.com should also tell you the video and radio options that are available for each game.

The current status of the name is that we are playing the waiting game. A delegation from ND is scheduled to meet with the NCAA at the end of this month and then more will be decided then, iirc.

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