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I ask the question now that the "HO" is gone. Should there be another

sports bar?Or will the MADD & SADD be up in arms over having a "bar" close to campus.

IMHO, the old Fire Island/Highway Host. Would fit. I might even donate items I

purchased at the "HO" auction. :glare:


As I said here:

I've always thought a good open air commercial development near UND could really succeed. What UND is really lacking that a lot of other campuses have is a good collection of shops / restaurants / bars near campus (think State St. in Madison). I think students would embrace alternate eating options within walking distance (a mix of small cafes, burrito joint, Starbucks, etc...). Also, Grand Forks would be a lot safer at 1am if there were more watering holes near campus. Throw in some clothing stores, a shoe store, etc... interspersed with the sidewalk cafes / bars and the campus could have a real jewel.

I can see how some would be concerned about more bars near campus, but I think it's the right thing. Students are going to drink. UND students will go to bars, but having to go off campus just increases the amount of drinking and driving.

UND is one of the few campuses to which I've been that doesn't have drinking / eating / shopping options within walking distance. Add to my list of desired improvements (see above) a sandwich shop and a couple nice restaurants (for when mom & dad visit, and to draw the local businesspeople to campus). I guarantee that when students visit campuses they notice what ameneties are locally available; an accessible commercial district would increase the attractiveness of the school. Also, making the campus area more of a destination for the community reinforces the college town feeling (the locals are a big source of revenue for the school, particularly in athletics).

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