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Drinking Age~~yeah its a REAL debate


The Debate Of the Month  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Drinkin Age

    • lower to 18
    • raise to 25
    • military pass for our yound soliders
    • abolish drinking age

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How are you going to enforce this?

dlsiouxfan- Am I serious? Yup. You, right off the bat, proved my point. You simply gave that wink and nod and said "well, kids will be kids." You dismiss it almost outright and scoff at me because I don't. Derail people's futures? Perhaps, but breaking the law tends to do that, doesn't it? Here's what you should do. Re-read my last post and take this to heart: I meant every single gall dang word I said.

It's nice to know people who don't turn out worthless drunks because they drank underage. I am not out to combat drunks. Drunks will become drunks whether the drinking age is 21 or 2. My stance is that breaking the law is breaking the law. PERIOD. I will not dismiss underage drinking as just kids acting stupid.

Right now, they pay a harsh fine or get a good lawyer to decrease the charge to DWI or reckless endangerment or whatever. They leave the courtroom saddened that their insurance has gone up and that they've had to pay this amount of money or done some sort of service or class. Big whoop. They know that, as long as they don't screw up TOO many times, they'll be alright. What's 1 DUI? What's 2?

In Australia, IIRC, you get a DUI, your drivers license is history for a year for the FIRST DUI! Imagine what happens if you get a second!

THAT is harsh treatment.

Besides, you are not at college to learn toxicology. You are there, one would assume, to get a higher educational degree. The problem with the age limit being 21 is that it assumes 21 year olds are mature enough to understand that. The problem is, many are not. I know 30 year olds who aren't mature.

DaveK brings up a point that makes sense: Take away the aura of mischief and it becomes less "fun." I would take it one step further. On Friday and Saturday nights and on school holidays (long weekends), I'd triple the police patrols along frat row and set up sobriety checkpoints at several places down University Ave.

I'm sick and tired of this dismissive attitude towards underagers doing stupid things. They are 18. They are adults. They are no longer kids. Time to raise the expectations to reflect that. No more dismissing anything. Great people do stupid things, but "goodness" doesn't excuse their stupidity. Throw the book at them and beat them senseless with it.

Deterrants don't work if the only "real" trouble they get in happens if they "do it again."

To clarify I was talking about underage drinking and not driving under the influence. They are two different crimes and it appears there may be some confusion regarding my previous post. I hope you wouldn't seriously advocate punishment such as suspension from the university for underage drinking. If you are then I would hope that you would apply this same heavy handed approach to your loved ones if they were to choose to have a drink at 19 or 20. I'd also hope that you never consumed an adult beverage before you were of legal age because if you had it would be awfully hypcritical of you to advocate such harsh punishments for those that do it now.

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To clarify I was talking about underage drinking and not driving under the influence. They are two different crimes and it appears there may be some confusion regarding my previous post. I hope you wouldn't seriously advocate punishment such as suspension from the university for underage drinking. If you are then I would hope that you would apply this same heavy handed approach to your loved ones if they were to choose to have a drink at 19 or 20. I'd also hope that you never consumed an adult beverage before you were of legal age because if you had it would be awfully hypcritical of you to advocate such harsh punishments for those that do it now.

First off, no, I can honestly say I never consumed a single alcoholic beverage before I was 21. I can even remember what my first alcoholic beverage was and where I drank it: A White Russian (gross) at the West Fargo bowling alley. It was gross. I definitely should have made a wiser choice than that.

Second, I do advocate heavy handed punishment. Do you know how many times Sigma Nu has gotten in trouble with UND for underage drinking? I'm actually curious if there is a number out there, but when I was around UND's campus (on and off between 1995 and 2005), they were constantly in trouble. IIRC, they've gotten better as of late, but it was remarkable how often I'd hear about problems at that place. Why shouldn't you get in trouble with the University (especially if you are receiving financial aid or scholarship money from UND, some private organization, or some public organization) for underage drinking? Is that what you are there for? To drink? Have fun at the law's expense? Are you serious that the entire reason for being there (getting a higher education degree) should be passed off as just a stupid mistake made by someone under 21? No way in hell! They broke the rules. They should pay the price. I cannot formulate a percentage of just how successful wrist slaps are at preventing repeat, if not initial criminal (in this case) behavior, but I'm not so certain they are all that effective.

Third, would I enforce it for my own kids? You're damn right I would. My son or daughter would know that the University and perhaps even the Police would be more merciful than I would be if they did something this stupid! Now, bear in mind I would NEVER EVER EVER resort to physical violence against anyone, but they'd feel 100 times more awful admitting their mistake to me than they'd ever feel doing the same to a lawyer (who they would pay for should they choose to contest it), police officer, or a judge/jury. I'd tell them "Well, son/daughter's name, you screwed up big time. But look at it this way, it's a great learning opportunity. Now you get to walk down that path that every adult that screws up like that walks. You are not a kid anymore, so I'm not going to bail you out or hold your hand. I love ya and I'll support you along the path you are going to take, but I will not pay for your screw ups. I will not sit there and blame anyone when there is no one but yourself to blame. I will not pass judgment on anyone else, your friends, or whomever. This was your mistake. Your bed. You're going to sleep in it. And I'm sure you will pay dearly for it. Now, show me that you will learn from it."

I'm not going to sit there and coddle them or comfort them or bail their asses out. I guess the question I have to ask myself is this: If they get caught drinking underage and they are not yet 18, how will I handle it? Once they are 18, though, they are adults, and I will treat them as such. They can bail themselves out of trouble or pay the price if they can't afford it. Tough assed love, but that's the price they pay.

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