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Everything posted by NLGrizFan

  1. If you're interested in this spot, send us a message on the page and I'll get ya going. https://facebook.com/bigskyfootball
  2. We're looking for a knowledge UND fan to post and represent UND football. Any takers? You guys kicked some butt on Likes, 100+ within 18 hours! Nice job!
  3. Its a very active day today!! It seems that I've contacted most of you guys about this but just in case... Big Sky Conference Football War Zone is posting as much as they can about recruits across the BSC!! We're sharing as much news that is being posted and that is available! https://facebook.com/bigskyfootball
  4. Ok great! Thanks guys! We'll keep our eyes open
  5. After Signing Day would someone be willing to jot them all down and send them to us at BSC War Zone in case I miss the posts, please? We're doing our damndest to keep everyone informed over there. 13 teams isn't impossible to keep up with but every little bit helps.
  6. That great to hear. I'm sure if you have any troubles learning how FB works someine will help ya out if you ask them. I'm not sure how twitter works but we have great admins and one of them started a twitter account for War Zone. Hes also an excellent computer graphics artist too. Thanks for the support! The UND fans have really came together over there. Theres no real way to tell who is who but we get notifications every time someone likes the page and it looks like outta 70ish new Likes 65 of them are UND fans! Thanks again for the support and don't be shy over there!
  7. Great! Thanks! Don't be shy over thete guys. We'd love to hear from all of ya. Theres not to much banter, I mean, every fan base has that one of 2 guys but between 4 admins BS comments get hidden or deleted relatively quick when they do happen. Most over there are pretty cool tho.
  8. Man, I guess! This has gotta be the fastest growth spurt since we started it. Approaching 60 additional Likes just today! Very Cool!
  9. WoW! 41 new people just today! And I'm guessing they're all UND fans. War Zone must've went somewhat viral in North Dakota. Thanks again for the support guys! Keep em comin! You're starting to make the Griz and Cats fan base look bad! I didn't want an unbalanced page and you guys are helping that happen. Tgeres really now way to keep track of who all is fans of what teams but I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say UND is probably inching towards the top. Not bad for only one day of advertisment over here. I knew you guys were solid! Thanks!
  10. Thanks! Its coming along. We've only been at it for just over a month. Its kinda tough finding people during this part of the season. But so far, so good.
  11. Great! Thanks guys! I havent checked in the past 30 mins or so but my phone is blowing up with new Likes! Gotta be 20+ over the last hour, maybe more!
  12. We do our very best to cover everything and everyone. Try should be the key word here lol. All 4 admins (including me) all have full time jobs and we try to cover all the forums and University FB pages. If you ever see something go unnoticed, say something, Please. We're never shy to look at new news or updates. The UND fans are really making an impact on the page today!
  13. Yup. I've been tryin to reach you guys for a few weeks but between work and waiting to get approved thru the mods here it took a little longer than I hoped for. The UND fan base is super solid and we're glad to finally get you guys on board over there. We started the page about a month and a half ago and have been slowly picking people up every day. As a matter of fact, 13 new likes in the past hour and looks to be mostly UND fans!
  14. Cool! Thanks guys! Keep em coming! We appreciate it! Get in on the Super Bowl contest too if you would like. Its kind of a trial contest for now but when the FCS season comes around we plan on doing weekly contests and give aways for free gear of the University of your choice and/or gift certificates to the Big Sky Store. We're trying to keep the Big Sky Conference fans as interested & up to date as we possibly can. It should be a great 2014 season! All news and updates that we recieve will be posted so its just one click away from being up to date with every thing in the BSC. Thanks for the support guys!! Signing day is just around the corner, so stay updated! And if you have anything that you would like to add, don't be afraid to bring it up!
  15. Keep up up with football in the Big Sky Conference! Follow the link and pound Like! https://facebook.com/bigskyfootball I've been trying to get on here to get to you guys but had to play the waiting game to get approved. We need some UND guys over there and I know this is a solid fan base. Come over and check it out.
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