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Posts posted by stonebreaker

  1. I am sick and tired of hearing all this "Fargo market, Fargo station" crap. We have a lot of alums that live in the Imperial Cass-Clay County Megalopolis (a fact that drives FU fans crazy) that have ZERO interest in the almighty Bison and are still 1000% loyal to UND athletics (and everything else for that matter). I guess those consumers somehow don't count and don't buy goods and services. Yeah, and the Vikings will win the Super Bowl next year. :silly:

    We have been outmaneuvered by FU for 5 years in getting our product on the air in places that affect recruiting, fan interest, sponsorships and so on. When KFGO was talking with NDSU about a contract, I would have went behind FU's back and offered whatever it took to lock up KFGO for as long as possible. Then FU would have had to go crawling back to WDAY; whom they had just finished having a major falling out with. But no, we just sat on our hands and did nothing. Then, I had to listen to all the talking heads on KFGO blather on and on about "This is where the BISON play". :angry: FU gets continuous media coverage and hype, while we are an afterthought (a.k.a. "That OTHER school in North Dakota). And if you think that doesn't negatively effect recruiting to a certain extent, then you are kidding yourselves.

    If it's going to be all about FU being in a bigger media market, then God help us in the future when we do win championships at a national level (I am confident we will get back to that level again....and soon). We'll get a brief mention on KFGO, a little more time on WDAY.....and then it will be back to talking about Saul Phillips and his "Slummit League" Men's Basketball team and their latest "big-time" match-up with IUPUIFW or whatever other two-bit schools they have in that hodge-podge, way-station conference of theirs. Of course, I'll be told that I don't know what I am talking about (again), but to paraphrase Jack Nicholson from "A Few Good Men": "Some people can't handle the truth". ;)

    End rant. Have a great Friday. :)

    Check your facts on that last statement. The Summit is ranked in the middle and for comparison The Big Sky is at the bottom of D1 mens basketball, that is fact. The rest of the rant I can appreciate and well said as UND probably should have went after KFGO more aggressively after NDSU made offer as the people in the know would have been made aware before deal was finallized.
  2. College football is cyclical. NDSU was never going to be the 'top dog' forever. UND football was never going to be the 'bad team' forever. Things are turning around as we speak.

    If Bohl, Klieman, and Vigen all leave during the same offseason that UND hires (hopefully) Pflugrad, UND will have already made huge strides in catching up to NDSU.

    NDSU has always had great teams and great coaches that move on and replaced with other great coaches that move on, the championship history and culture of that program provides that for the last fifty years, that program from what I can see will continue to be championship caliber in the division its in. They will continue to be top dogs, that train might slow but never stops.

    UND on the other hand has never had that kind of championship culture and history, except for a 2 year stint in 2001-2002, thats who they need to find is someone to change the culture within the community and program... what I would be worried about right now is losing a potential hire to NDSU if they open up job to outside, unlike UND, NDSU can have pretty much the pick of the litter at the FCS level.

    This is just an outside the box perspective for both of your schools.

  3. Wow over on BV they are pissed because Delaware St has an article about being on Gameday. Hello Bison fans its not only about you it's about the entire FCS. First they bitch about the location then bitch about any school mentioned that is not theirs. Anything else to bitch about? Oh and of course bitching about Lou Holtz wondering why the rivalry isn't going on (don't tell them it's all a UND conspiracy). What stupid idiots. I am sure if ESPN talks about the rivalry or even mentions the word UND it will be a total meltdown over there.

    You poor mental midget of a man, you have to quit, anything Bison or their success and you flip. You my boy are an emotionally weak little guy, quit letting a handful of people just frickin' own you.
  4. I know we've had far too many games like this but I have to say this is probably the worst loss in school history. I wasn't old enough to remember the 50 point drubbing of UND by NDSU but that might be the only game that's comparable to this. I keep thinking this program has hit rock bottom and is on it's way back up but at this point I don't really know.

    Home or Away last few years (dont say Idaho is FBS lets be serious and realistic for those losses also). I am changing my view Mussman must go as of yesterday.


    Sat, Sep 14 Montana Grand Forks, N.D. 6:00 p.m. 17 - 55 (L)


    Sat, Oct 06 Eastern Washington * at Cheney, Wash. 17 - 55 (L)

    Sat, Oct 27 Montana State * at Bozeman, Mont. 10 - 55


    Sat, Sep 10 Idaho - - at Moscow, Idaho 14 - 44 (L)


    Thu, Sep 02 at Idaho - at Moscow, Idaho 0 - 45 (L)


    Sat, Sep 26 Stephen F. Austin 12 at Nacogdoches, Texas 31 - 65 (L)

  5. I know we lossed, but don't you all think we will get some credit from the polls?

    For what??? Losing!! Thats all you want is a little credit from the polls? How is that going to help the team, do they all huddle up on Tuesdays and say hey look we got 4 votes in the poll, there we are listed in the paragraph below the poll with the rest of the teams that don't matter. The team got beat down for three quarters until SDSU started working on some things and to get some reps, and UND got some scores late. Thats the facts, the defense, quarterback play as of right now, and running game are not top 50, luckily there won't be any playoffs so these pink elephants in the room will not be exposed to any more opposing teams or fanbases than absolutely necessary.
  6. Wow, the only threads on this board that get alot of replies have something to do with the NDSU BISON.The jealous nature, hatred, little man syndrome, and obsession with anything to do with anything Bison is at heights I haven't seen with other forums anywhere and I am on alot of boards as I am a huge college football fan. As an outsider to this boards fans one sided rivalry, you make people who dont want to pick a side, pick a side, and this board is a screaming endorsement to pick the Bison. Drop all this crybaby !@#$, act like I hope the student athletes act and try to bring up the athletic program, the football program, and the university itself. Bitching and moaning about past issues with other programs doesn't do this program any good and drives neutral people to the other side. All this anti Bison crap makes you come across like self entitled momma's boys. So many threads on this board end up talking about the Bison. This is just another Bison sight, like a anti-bisonville, but still about the bison. And with publicity, bad publicity is always better than no publicity. Try bringing up threads that promote UND FOOTBALL, they need your help and support, they are a bottom half FCS team that needs a positive fan base. The Bison are 2 time defending champs they are doing just fine with or without what happens on this little board.

  7. Deserving yes. He should have been the first team.

    1st team is as follows compared to Greg's last stats

    Total yds yds/game TD rec/game y/catch total recpetion

    Erick Lora 1664 138.67 12 11.33 12.24 136

    Sean Price 1196 119.60 8 8.10 14.77 81

    Greg Hardin 1145 104 14 5.91 17.62 65

    I think Greg got screwed. Should put a chip on his shoulder.

    He is deserving and in the correct team selection given what you are showing as with the 3 WR shown Hardin is last in 4 out of 6 categories and playing on an unranked team coming off of multiple losing seasons since he has been at UND, it is somewhat gratifying he gets the recognition he does. He should still play with a chip on his shoulder though, because of this.
  8. It's all about the defense next year. The offense will be fine.

    So still not a complete team, at a playoff level, so if record is 6-5 Muss should get extension. A winning record for this team should be considered a successful venture, without a doubt.

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