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Posts posted by Mariucci

  1. Good for them. Doesn't change goaltending issue though.

    True, but there's not a better D corp in the country than what the Gophers have next year which will help the goaltending. Return all 8 on the roster and have two blue chippers coming in. Last years defense(GAA) was one of the best in the nation and that was in spite of Patterson having the nations 50th best save percentage.

  2. Guess this is the quote I should have referenced, so actually with this quote, it really isn't an out of left field comment. Just saying the beloved Lou Nanne is Canadian.

    He's from Canada but he's an American citizen and was the captain of the 1968 US Olympic hockey team.

  3. I think most Gopher fans that are Wild fans will have no problem cheering for a former Sioux and a former Badger!!!

    Yep and Im one of em. The more college players on the Wild roster the better as far as Im concerned.
  4. Gopher fans look back on 03/04 with fondness? The memories of that NCAA regional final loss to Duluth must be great. :D

    That loss sucked. :) And I didnt mean Parise didnt accomplish anything at UND, that didnt come out right. He was easily one of the best players in the nation those two years. But no recruit that the Gophers have lost in the past stung like Parise choosing UND, none. So watching Parise win an NCAA title for UND would have been too much salt in the open wound and maybe would have been to much to forgive for the average Gopher fan.

  5. "I hope the fans can forgive me for not playing for the Gophers" - Zach Parise

    I think they will!!

    Had Parise accomplished anything at UND while he was there it would be tougher for Gopher fans to cheer for him. For obvious reasons Gopher fans look back at those couple years with fondness, not bitterness.

  6. It's always OK to stereotype white people. I can't believe people that think they are open-minded can't see they are doing the exact thing they are campaigning against.

    It's a real pet peeve of mine.

    Its not even close to the same thing. Being white is an advantage in this country whether you admit it or not.

    • Upvote 1
  7. I've lived in the Twin Cities for a long time. Downtown Minneapolis isn't terrible, but it's far from safe (especially when you are used to "North Dakota safe"). I've seen enough incidents to be wary. While going to school at the U of M, I worked on campus and bused to Brooklyn Center (via downtown) every night. Without a doubt, downtown St. Paul is safer. I don't anticipate too many people having a lot of problems, but you have to be careful.

    In 2009 Forbes ranked Minneapolis "America's safest city."

  8. here is a funny one; I was just making fun of this post to my wife and her response was, "um most schools are only big time in one sport." She then went on by citing Notre Dame, KU and Florida State. She doesnt even watch sports.. Classic.. Oh btw before you fire off examples to the contrary, she did exclaim that some schools were two sport schools.

    His post went right over your head. You have one Div 1 sport, hockey. And no, I dont count football as Div 1 when its in a lower divison. BTW, Notre Dame has always had a solid basketball program going back to the seventies and FSU is actually quite good at basketball now as well.

  9. $200/night (besides Best Western and Holiday Inn). Yes, tons of cops....for a good reason. Either way...I'll be there.

    In my 36 years of living in the Twin Cities, not once have I ever felt unsafe in downtown mpls. The area around the Target Center is as safe as it gets, I have no idea why you think otherwise. You sound like a country bumpkin who's afraid to go to the big city.

    • Upvote 1
  10. Yeah, saw that a few day

    Yeah, I read that a few days ago on uscho.com. The Target center is a terrible venue.....but I don't know where else they could have it. The Ralph would be sweet....but only the Goofs get that type of advantage.

    Yeah cause so many Final Fives have been played at Mariucci. :silly:

    • Upvote 2
  11. Relatively speaking, the attendance was good. But I still think the attendance was surprisingly low. Attandance was actually higher for the regional title game in Denver between the same teams in 2007. Still scratching my head about that.

    The ticket prices were ridiculous, it kept a lot of fans away.

  12. How many regionals has MInny hosted recently? I've lost count. I rest my case.

    Thats because the U makes bids and the area is a hotbed for college hockey. Does not mean in any way that the NCAA favors the U.

  13. I think they are a top ten team, and extremely talented, but at the same time their goaltenders combined have exactly zero NCAA wins.....Patterson was huge for them last season....it will take some adjusting without him.

    Those rankings are also assuming Bjugstad returns which I still think is less than 50/50. But returning all 8 D-men on the roster and two blue chip recruits should help the goaltending situation but obviously it's still a big question mark heading into the season.

  14. Anyone here have a theory why UND has developed great NHL forwards(Parise, Toews, Oshie, Stafford) over the last ten years or so but not D-men. Is Greene the only UND defenseman who plays regularly in the NHL or am I missing someone? Not meant as a flame post at all, just seems odd especially considering the fact that UND typically has a strong D-core.

  15. I could take the time to explain this to you, but I won't.....I'll just leave you with this little bit of advice for yhour future endeavors.....

    There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity.

    You would know.

  16. Much in the way that the NCAA policy against Native Americans is hideously racest. Yet most of us see crap like this and get some sort of comfort in the belief that our world is a better place for it. Me, I just want to throw up

    What a ridiculous statement. The NCAA is against Native Americans? The NCAA is against schools using them as a mascots thats all.

    You know what's racist? A bunch of white people in North Dakota taking the most discriminated group of people in our nations history and turning them into your schools mascot.

    • Upvote 1
  17. What is amazing is how many whacky liberals get so bent over a work of fiction.

    Kind of like how conservatives went crazy about The Da Vinci Code, another work of fiction?

    • Upvote 1
  18. I know it is weird to read that but here are the US defenseman from the 2010 Olympics, I included alternates as well. Rafalski, Suter, Martin, Komisarek, E. Johnson, Orpik, J. Johnson, Whitney, Gleason, Niskanen, Hainsey, Goligoski, Carle, Scuderi. As you can see, not a great list. The only absolute lock I see is Ryan Suter and Keith Yandle, who was not even named an alternate last time. If Jones keeps progressing he could make the team. Toews was 20, and on Team Canada which was even more impressive but a generational talent? I don't think so. The only player in the league that someday might be considered a generational talent is Sidney Crosby, but he isn't there yet.

    How about an all Gopher Olympic D Corp of Johnson, Leopold, Martin, Ballard, Goligoski, and Leddy? :)

  19. If it were Wisconsin and UND leaving, the Gophers would have done the exact same thing w/ DU. Don't tell me otherwise. They think they are the hockey gods and everyone else should just fall in line. Tired of Minnesota playing the innocent victim here. They didn't support the smaller schools in their own state like UND has/will. Sick of this arrogance that Minnesota is doing everyone else a favor by scheduling them. Talk to me when your BC.

    I LOVE posts like these, just love em.

  20. Excellent point. UND has always reciprocated. For years Minnesota would never play Bemidji State until they were admitted into the WCHA and were forced to play them due to scheduling.

    Gophers were at Bemidji in 2000 I believe, maybe 2001.

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