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Posts posted by Eskimos

  1. cant think of the name but lets rememeber it was his rookie season as well and not everyone can just jump in to a top 2 line situation....he sure has had a hell of a 2nd year so far with zajac having a very solid rookie season as well!

    The coach's name was Larry Robinson.

    He was a rookie, but was only getting a couple shifts a game, sometimes less than 5 mins of ice time, until Lou became the coach and than he started to see regular shifts and a lot more ice time last year.

  2. Do you think UND Graduates that were here 4 - 5 or 6 yrs are more Hardcore Fans, than say people who did not graduate from UND and have attended games for less than 10 yrs ?- more than 10 yrs ? or - 20 - 30 or 40 or more yrs ?

    And just how exactly do you measure if someone is a "Hardcore Fan"?

  3. Since the most important issue in the nation is, according to the NCAA, sports teams names, then why are they and the Big Ten raking in a lot of money from tournaments held at the same arena where the Chicago Blackhawks play?

    The Blackhawks are nothing more than a tenant in the United Center.

  4. I should have majored in political science. Possessing the ability to read the collective mind of the American public must be pretty cool. :D

    As a poly sci graduate from UND, I must not have been going to the correct classes, because I don't garner that ability either.

  5. Wow, so a few notes on this tourney i'm at:

    -Bob Hartley's (coach of the Thrashers) son was the goalie in the team that trounced us tonight 8-0.

    -I got to meet him (GO CANES still)

    -This tourney is in Alpharetta, GA, which some of you may know is where Brad Miller is from. In the shop at the rink they had 2 Sioux jerseys for sale (for $80 a piece) AND one signed by Brad that says "thanks to the cooler for everything over the years" (the Coller is the name of the rink.)

    It's been an interesting trip so far. The boys have to play at 8:30 am now. If they lose, they are out and we have the rest of the day to explore Atlanta. I thnk some of us may head to Phillips Arena for the game tomorrow night.

    GO SIOUX!!!

    Why is this in the former player's thread?

  6. 2. Radulov was very effective. Would have been as effective as Malkin (0 points) had Lehtinen not given him a gimme. Makes you think "Wow, he was more worthy of the spot than Statsny, that's for sure!" Seriously, if this game mattered and my name was Paul Statsny, I'd be pissed.

    Seriously, do you have to over-analyze everything?

  7. It seems that the only label of "underdog" that could be attributed to either team would be to tOSU, which recieved markedly less press attention and, therefore, less hype than Florida coming into the game.

    You must not have been watching or reading the same coverage I was watching or reading leading up to the game.

    OSU received less hype than Florida?

  8. GO TOEWS, beat the divers yourself, hope downie gets roughed up but i highly doubt russia has anyone on thier team that is tough :lol:

    Yes, we get it, you don't like downie, but want toews to score

  9. In my opinion I don't think the Michigan D should be blamed for the loss. I think it comes down to the Offensive Line, Henne, and the Offensive Coordinator (and other coaches such as the OLine Coach and QB Coach if there is one).

    THe O Line couldn't block, which made the running game ineffective. PLUS, the coaches were unable to notice that Henne's drop back was so long that it gave the USC pass rush a great amount of time to either get their hands up into the passing lanes or to get to the QB. Obviously, the solution would be to go to a 3 step drop. When I left the game (3rd Quarter, USC up by 13 after missing the PAT), they hadn't figured that out yet. However, USC's QB did and simply carved up the defense.

    I believe if Henne wasn't trying to consistantly go 15+ yards downfield and went to a short passing game with a 3 step drop they MIGHT have had better results and kept the Michigan D off the field longer. Instead, Henne played like an idiot whose best career option is whatever the hell he's studying at Michigan, Hart has a sore ribcage and backside from being hit all the time, and the Michigan O-Line has whiplash from watching USC's DLine fly by them.

    First of all, you think blame should be placed on some coaches, and you don't even know if they have these coaches or not.....interesting.

    There is a point to over-analyzing a game and then there is rw77.

  10. Eskimos- Are you serious? I apologize if that appears to be so, but I think it's kinda interesting that you are standing up for people saying "Finley should be signed by Washington right now" and "he should be cut" or "who would want this guy" :silly: I think that is only SLIGHTLY different than the posters that said "He has made some mistakes. I really don't like him turning the puck over every once in a while. His footwork needs work. He needs to hit more people." The latter is criticism. I don't mind that because they're right. He has a long way to go. But saying anything more harsh than that isn't called for and that's where I take exception.

    I'm not standing up for anyone in particular, and I might not agree with with what some of the people say, especially the constant negativity, but the fun of this board is the differing opinions on everything and for some reason, you don't want to read anything negative or critical, especially about Finley. By stating that Finley turned the puck over which led to a great scoring chance for Tech on his 2nd shift saturday night, doest not mean I'm "throwing him under the bus" or that I think he sucks, just stating what happened.

  11. RW77

    We get it already, you love Finley and cannot take any criticism directed his way.

    Just because people criticize a player or are negative does not mean they are "throwing them under the bus" or think they "suck" like you always say.

  12. I'm not trying to be a jerk but making statements like "they should not have kept that spot because blah, blah, blah" is either stupidity or just trying to get under someon'e skin.

    Thankfully you have never been guilty of either one of those.......I just call them like I see them.... :lol:

  13. Yup, even though I thought he was taken a little too high (I thought he'd go 13-15th overall), but if Ottawa sees good in him, then so be it.

    Can you explain to me your credentials in making such a statement? Were you flying all over the country, watching players, talking with coaches, other scouts, evaluating the talent?

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