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  1. In the case of policing issues. If civil forfeiture continues the money taken goes to schools and drug rehab not police hardware. If a person is fired from a department for cause there is a board similar to that for nurses where they are forced to register so they can’t be rehired. All civilian complaints must be considered when reviewing any current case so patterns can emerge. Co workers viewing the violence should be considered as participating in the same way driving the get away car for a killer makes you guilty. Brutality settlements should be made from police union and retirement accounts. Retaliating for reporting any abuse should be a felony with real time behind it. The limits on their immunity should be severely curtailed
  2. Except I don’t think it’s every white guy. I think it’s every white guy that says the stuff he does
  3. No added to it. The censoring of my profanity makes it confusing
  4. I know you as if I had sat across a smoked filled bar drinking a bud light with you Just own it
  5. That language literally damages people and you just don’t care !@#$ you
  6. And mr liberal fag up There and his defender are !@#!$ people too. And if you see it and don’t say it so are you. Enjoy the sharing of peace at church
  7. I keep looking in the background of civil rights photos at the white people screaming in the background. I keep thinking those people just went home to supper and thought they were perfectly justified. And I grew up surrounded by them
  8. Maybe they don’t mind the taste of the boot as long as it’s on someone else’s neck. Yeah and that they are racist too. And don’t tell me they aren’t. I’m from southwestern ND. I sat around the dinner tables and in the bars. I am from there so no one guarded themselves. I am them. But I’m not anymore. That ended when I watched the full video of George Floyd being killed. And again when I’ve seen the reaction So you might convince someone else that it’s not the racism. But.not .me
  9. I will amend to neck to be more accurate. Look at the face of the man as he lays dying as someone kneels on his neck.
  10. I don't know....the guy who murdered him by kneeling on his throat for an extended period wasn't out of work. I'm pretty comfortable putting all the blame on that POS and his unmasked, working compatriots. Although they are unemployed now. But are they unemployed from the quarantine or with the quarantine. It's so hard to know how they count those stats. Grand Forks I can't speak too.
  11. I’ve been watching the numbers in Cass county. Does anyone local have a sense if they contain large numbers of asymptotic people or if they are people who were tested because they were sick
  12. Just to speak to the rip the Band Aid off now idea. I’m a clerk/secretary on an inpatient hospital floor. Our particular state has plenty of beds right now. We have staff. What procurement can’t get are bleach wipes. Our ability to get Disicide has been hit and miss. After we can’t get that we’ll move onto a third option. When that dries up I’m not sure what the plan is. It’s one thing to expect health care workers to face danger. It’s another thing for society to turn it’s back on their part of the deal. If we can’t put bleach wipes in our hospitals it might not be time to open up the gates and let it rip. Add to that list masks, face shields, meds and all the basic gear
  13. 90 positives in North Dakota today. 68 in Grand Forks county.
  14. And it looks like it might be affordable to produce
  15. I think we can all get on that page.
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