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Everything posted by Sioux_Fan@hotmail.com

  1. Sec 114. Row D. $80 total obo Venmo payment. Electronic transfer. Text 701-740-3837.
  2. I have TWO UND Men's Hockey tickets for Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. St. Cloud on Nov. 23rdSEC 315ROW JTwo great seats right on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!!$60.00 for the pair OBO.Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  3. I have TWO tickets for Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. St. Cloud on Nov. 23rdSEC 315ROW JTwo great seats right on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!!$60.00 for the pair OBO.Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  4. I have TWO tickets for both Friday and Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. Miami on Nov. 8th & 9th.SEC 315ROW JTwo great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!!$50.00 for each pair.Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  5. I have TWO tickets for both Friday and Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. Canisius on Oct. 11th & 12th. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $50.00 for each pair. Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  6. Members 90 posts Report post Posted October 8 I have TWO tickets for both Friday and Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. Alaska on Nov. 23rd & 24th. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $40.00 for each pair. OBO Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  7. I have TWO tickets for Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. Bemidji on Oct. 13th. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $100.00 for the pair. Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  8. I have TWO tickets for Friday night's games at the Ralph vs. Omaha on Jan. 5th.SEC 315ROW JTwo great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!!$35.00 per ticket....$70.00 for the pair.Tickets are in GF and can also be emailed if needed. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  9. These need to GO today! Leaving town tomorrow. BEST OFFER takes them!!
  10. I have TWO tickets for Friday night's games at the Ralph vs. Miami on Nov. 10th. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $40.00 per ticket....sold only in pairs for $80.00 for the pair. Tickets are in GF and need to be picked up by Wednesday evening. Text Shawn at 701-740-3837
  11. I have TWO tickets for BOTH Friday and Saturday night's games at the Ralph vs. Denver on Nov. 12th & 13th. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $50.00 per ticket....sold only in pairs for $80.00 per night. Please email or text Shawn at shawn123@gra.midco.net OR text (701) 740-3837.
  12. How much for the tickets? shawn123@gra.midco.net
  13. I have TWO tickets for Saturday night's games at the Ralph (Oct. 15th) vs. Rensselaer. SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $40.00 per ticket....sold only in pairs for $80.00 per night. Please email or text Shawn at shawn123@gra.midco.net OR text (701) 740-3837.
  14. I have FOUR tickets for both Friday & Saturday night's games at the Ralph. (Oct. 7th and 8th) vs. Canisius. SEC 315 ROW J Four great seats on the aisle!! Easy IN and OUT!! $40.00 per ticket....sold only in pairs for $80.00 per night. Please email or text Shawn at shawn123@gra.midco.net OR text (701) 740-3837.
  15. The Saturday tickets are sold. The (2) Friday tickets are still for sale. $60.00 OBO for the pair.
  16. I have TWO tickets for both FRIDAY and SATURDAY night's games at the Ralph (Jan. 22nd and 23rd) vs. Colorado College SEC 315 ROW J Two great seats on the aisle!! East IN and OUT!! I will only sell in pairs for $75 per night. ($37.50 per ticket) Please email Shawn at shawn123@gra.midco.net or text to (701) 740-3837. Tickets are located in Grand Forks but need to be gone by Thursday.
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