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Posts posted by siouxhog12

  1. They are leaving tomorrow (Thursday) and staying overnight in Madison. Then getting up and going to Dekalb on Friday.

    Madison is about 2 hrs away from Dekalb, albeit driving fast... why would they stay in Madison and then drive 2 to 3 hrs friday and wait around until a saturday night game...just doesn't make sense.

  2. I"m gonna guess...........

    Northern Illinois ......21

    North Dakota ...........20

    Seems like a better matchup for our favorite squad..............and I can't remember the last time we were embarrassed two weeks in a row.

    I will also predict that Goska plays just one 4th quarter series that will result in 3 first downs, one 20+ yard gain, and no points.

    SUTTON + MURRAY + GOSKA = THE VEER........................

    That almost makes too much sense. I am going to this game and hope that the Sioux play a lot better than they did against Idaho. While i will be dissapointed if they lose I would at least like them to show up on offense and play with some passion.

  3. Board president richie smith along with president kelley are just another 2 of the liberals that are much smarter than we average folks. They know better than the incredibly large majority of North Dakotan's, let alone 67 percent of Spirit Lake tribal members who strongly support the Fighting Sioux nickname. We are so lucky to have "friends" like that on our side. They are identical to the 3 stooges we have in the U.S. congress representing the people of North Dakota, the stooges who dont seem to know the people they represent overwhelmingly dont support the health care bill they voted to pass. They are identical situations, where the will of the people is overruled by the people elected/appointed to represent them.

    Yababy8 is exactly right, this action can not stand! I am all for protesting this move.

    When AussieSiouxFan says f--k the summit league, he is 100percent correct! But truth be told, the UND head football coach would sell his soul and who knows what else to get into that league. He is 110percent behind this action today. That is the sad truth. And it is the truth!

    JODY HODGSON is my hero! Hearing him speak the truth in no uncertain terms tonight on the news was priceless! He said what many of us believe and he didnt shy away from saying it so everyone could hear it. I am sure he would be front and center leading a protest against this action.

    Errr... The summit league doesn't have football... :silly:

  4. why? He also loves his job and his wife loves living in GF near her family...i doubt he would resign over this.

    Very true, im just saying i wouldn't be surprised...not that it would happen or is going to happen. i doubt it too, but you never know.

  5. I wouldn't be surprised if Hakstol resigns tomorrow morning. That guy loves the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo more than anyone...Im sure he would be fine when looking for a new job. Its unlikely to happen, but i wouldnt be surprised.

  6. I am 63 years old, born and raised in GF, graduated from UND and attended Sioux games since 1952, and other than the death of my mother, father, and brother, this is the saddest day of my life. The Native Americans in the Dakotas should be ashamed of themselves for not coming forward sooner and faster on this issue to support it. 50 years from now the name of the Sioux will be long forgotten.

    Not too mention their history, and traditions...they will just be like every other native american tribe with no recognition at all.

  7. ryan millers olympic mask

    photo of helmet

    The Buffalo Sabres star came to Bishop with a design idea for the Olympics that included a caricature of Uncle Sam rolling up his sleeves. Bishop made it come to life with splashes of the Olympic logo, patriotic sayings and vibrant colors.

    "We talk quite a bit -- (Miller is) really good with ideas," said Bishop, who works out of his home in Grand Blanc. "Ryan will sketch stuff up even. He's not a bad artist himself."

    The mask took about 40 to 50 hours to finish, Bishop said.

    That is pretty sweet!

  8. I was there screaming the entire game in the front row just like usual....i was pretty dissapointed about the turnout but i got over it after the kick off and cheered just like i usually do...the athletic department needs to do something better about scheduling the games on hockey days. I mean it might be good to get out of towners at the game but most students usually just wanna drink before big hockey games or feel like they wont have time to get anything done if they go to the football game too and going to the football game would have prevented them from doing so since they would have had to get in line pretty early to get good seats. I stayed until the end of the game at the football game drove home then walked right to the hockey game...but some students have other things to do i guess.

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