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  1. It is not the referee's that are the problem 1) Checks from behind are unfortunately part of the game and will occur no matter who refs (CCHA, HE, etc all have multiple check from behind penatly called this year). They happen in peewee's and you still see them happen a few times a year in the NHL...they are illegal, and unfortunate when someone is seriously injured when they occur, but its not the refs who commit the hits... 2) The WCHA officials call the game the way they are told too. Each year all ten WCHA schools along with RIC (ref in cheif) and Dr McLeod and others meet to discuss how the league will be officiated (along with other things). For awhile now, the WCHA has decided to continue to allow the clutch and grab, late hits etc to continue 3) Each league is different and this is obvious if you guys watch HE or ECAC or CCHA games played between two teams from those conferences using conference officials. Other leagues have decided to adopt more NHL/USA Hockey standard of play and the WCHA is just behind the eight ball in adopting this in my opinion. That is all....Go Sioux
  2. BU will either be in Manchester or Bridgeport since the committee will keep the #1 overall seed close to home, and since # two seed Yale (#5) is a host school BU will def be in Manchester and UND will likely be there with BU, UND, UNH (host) OhioST
  3. As I'm sure some of you are aware, Brad and Chay played together at Shattuck and they were both fowards. Chay (who in my opinion is our best skater and best defensemen) is a converted forward. Had they converted Miller to defense earlier in his career his defensive skills would be much stronger than they are today (not that they are weak now, just not as solid as someone who has years and years of defense under their belt) and he would be a great defensemen because he really does shine, like chay, with more time and space to skate and make decisions.... I think he is hands down our most improved player since last year and he is doing what all teams need their seniors to do, lead by example and step up.... Should be fun weekend, I'm looking forward to possibly seeing nodak with temp above 0 degrees (has never happened in any of my previous visits).... To quote dirty "Sioux Sweep"
  4. sweet pass there from miller
  5. PP Goal Sioux...1-0
  6. to say the announcer is completely biased would be a major understatement
  7. Was slightly off.... Brad Posted lines as: UND's lines 17 Jason Gregoire--16 Ryan Duncan--26 Brett Hextall 19 Evan Trupp--29 Chris VandeVelde--21 Matt Frattin 20 Matt Watkins--11 Darcy Zajac--8 Ryan Martens 9 Mario Lamoureux--22 Brad Malone--18 David Toews 2 Joe Finley--5 Chay Genoway 3 Derrick LaPoint--25 Jake Marto 6 Zach Jones--14 Brad Miller 31 Brad Eidsness 30 Aaron Walski Happy to see miller playing D and lamoureux crack the line-up
  8. broadcast working for anyone yet?
  9. Despite being in GA i heard that he got hurt in practice weds
  10. Toews should be in the lineup as Kozek did not make the trip... I would hate to see Miller back at forward since we've been pretty successful with him playing D but wouldn't be surprised if the lines turned out like this Finley/Genoway Marto/Lapointe Jones/Blood Gregoire/Duncan/Hextall Frattin/VandeVelde/Trupp Watkins/Zajac/Martins Miller/Malone/Towes Lamoureux and Fienage make the trip These are just my predictions...
  11. i may be echoing the sentaments of others but I really like genoway and miller on D...love the shots on net from the point
  12. finley is having a horrible period
  13. assist to miller and marto....miller now solely leads the team in points...another point playing Defense...move him back Hak!
  14. He is recently a father...maybe that responsibility is not allowing him to solely focus on hockey... These boards are mildly annoying...The rodents are typically a powerhouse, obviously not as good as the Sioux but they had a rebuilding year last year and they are back competitive again...tough to be amazing every year esp when you lose guys like oshie, JPL etc... Lets give the boys the a break, there is still plenty of time to turn it around...
  15. webcast was ok....no CC tiger heads, thank god....but a bunch of times the game would be going on and the screen would only show the harvard logo.... wisc is up 3-0 on AA DU is up 4-0 Mich 3-1 over mich st
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