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Posts posted by ringneck28

  1. 59 minutes ago, UNDBIZ said:

    We did put billions in reserve funds this time. We're just refusing to use them. 

    The Legacy fund can't be touched until after June of this yr.  Plus it takes a 2/3 majority vote to have it used.  If you want to have people get up in arms, try using some of that money to save a sport. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Lest we forget, the State of North Dakota is cutting 20% out of the State budget across the board.

    Across the board.

    The Public Service Commission (consumer protection) is being hit; K-12 education is being hit (hence Fargo's recent vote to raise their mill levy to try to make it up); DOT (they are looking at closing a dozen local snow plow shops in just southeast ND). Across the board. Nothing is escaping the budget knifes of Gov. Bergum and the Legislature. 

    So, yeah, it really sucks to lose a college sports team or two or three. But driving on unplowed roads sucks. So does getting gas from pumps that aren't checked for accuracy. And teachers wondering if they'll have jobs (and choosing to leave the field) when finding teachers is hard enough already sucks. 

    There's a whole lot of sucks going around.

    To those feeling it, I'm sorry.

    To those just noticing, the party started a while ago. Where were you? 

    Oh, believe me, there are lots of people in ND who are feeling it.  Not just state employee's.  I can attest to this personally.  Lets just say, drill baby drill is going to sound good in the future.

  3. 2 minutes ago, yzerman19 said:

    Just researched him- yep, he gets it

    Which as a taxpayer in the state of ND we asked the SBOHE to hire someone who would make the tough decisions.  The good ole days of free flowing money are behind us for now and we need fiscal accountability.  This was not a popular move, but in the end, they are a state run institution and I want my tax dollars spent wisely.  He just did what the Gov. asked him to. 

    • Upvote 2
  4. It is ok to cut a program that cost millions in losses every year.  I don't see anyone stepping up to cover those losses year after year.  In the end, it is a business of education.  Someone has to pay for it and if my tax money is being misused, I ask for accountability.

  5. 2 minutes ago, gundy1124 said:

    NDSU football to Alabama football, that's a gap of epic proportions.  Geographic limits do apply I understand.

    UND Hockey to what........UND Hockey.  I agree this one is near maxed out.  But let's keep it maxed out and grow FB and BB.  I think that's all some are saying.

    (Gundy, this isn't directed at you)

    I guess I don't understand this theory of "near maxed out".  How do you max out a program that is a premier hockey program in the nation.  So do you think that Alabama says, well we have won this many national championships, so we are maxed out?  Same with Kentucky Duke or NC basketball?  What an asinine statement.  If this is the feeling of someone who is envious of the success of the hockey program, I suggest you go to Berkley and settle for mediocrity, where this mentality belongs.  I want to max out the rafters of the Ralph  with championship banners, we can make the print smaller to fit more championships on the banners.  MAXED OUT???? Never such a thing. 

  6. 2 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:



    2 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    I could write a book on this topic, but I'll resist lengthy dialogue on this specific issue ... for now. 

    Higher education provides instruction that ultimately benefits all of society, which includes benefit to even those who do not or did not attend post-secondary institutions themselves. You want to know why tax dollars should go to higher education? Because UND and other forms of higher education both directly and indirectly help the community, region, state, country and world community. This should be self-explanatory, so I'm not going to waste my time on explaining this any further. UND's mission statement echoes this exact premise. 


    I will again include the same sentence I did with my prior post.

    Many people of North Dakota have a difficult time accepting higher education as a critical function of society.The State of North Dakota directly sponsors the University of North Dakota for the reasons mentioned above, yet folks would rather hemorrhage dollars with a sport program that draws less than 1,000 attendance per game and loses millions of dollars per year versus properly maintaining the academic, service, and creative integrity of UND's mission statement? Just today people are protesting that UND should drop administration positions in order to keep an unpopular, financially-inept women's hockey program - that is absolutely asinine. 

    As for my University of North Dakota athletics agenda, there is a reason that 39 of the 50 states in this country have either a college football or college basketball coach as the state's highest paid public employee. Its because it directly benefits that specific university through attendance and boosters, and, thus, it also benefits that particular state. The athletic programs themselves may lose money, but how do you quantify the impact that major DI athletics has on other tangible and intangible factors, such as enrollment and longstanding alumni pride? It is quite difficult. I may not agree with the numbers that today's market has produced (multi-million dollar coaching contracts), but I agree with the premise that these programs promote pride, support, and interest for their respective universities. 

    UND should want to compete with other universities around the country. As a DI athletic institution, they need to better emphasize football and/or basketball. NDSU has grown tremendously in support (via both enrollment and donor dollars) due to their football and basketball success. The same is true for universities around the country. UND should not fall victim to complacency. UND needs to look to invest in the mainstream sports - football and basketball - while maintaining hockey. I get tired of this pro- versus anti-hockey argument ( @Oxbow6 ). I donate $ and purchase season hockey tickets every season. I do not dislike the hockey program; however, I feel that program is beyond maxed out, and if UND wants to take the next step as a successful institution, it needs to better emphasize and expand DI football and basketball. 

    The idea that UND should only be a "hockey school" falls right into the competition's hand. The status quo is not good enough. The prior DII status of UND was not good enough. UND athletics needs to continue to expand within the competitive environment that exists today, and I commend President Kennedy for making a logical move on Wednesday that will actually promote UND athletics forward. This is what I like: moves that confront the status quo and look to make UND more competitive within the state and within the country. 

    The people of North Dakota may have a difficult time understanding higher education, but that shouldn't deter those who fully understand it. The consensus within North Dakota is not superior purely due to uniqueness; that is where isolationism comes into play. Continuing to resist change is not a strategy that treats those kindly in the end. I hope North Dakota, and even UND, figures this out sooner rather than later. 

    And where are you from?

  7. 3 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    To the folks upset about how this information was released:

    UND had to inform organizations with which they have contractual obligations (see: WWCHA, WAC swimming). The first "real news" (note the quotes) about this on Wednesday was from Todd Milewski on Twitter. Knowing his ties, someone in the WWCHA offices leaked. That's not on UND

    Next, how, when you haven't announced anything yet, do you tell coaches and teams, "Uh, yeah, you're fine for now, but, uh, don't practice or recruit or have visits this week." To quote the great and wise Det. Lenny Briscoe, "I think that's what they call a clue ..." 

    Finally, to those that said "individual meetings" should've been held. And you didn't like how it came out this way? OK, schedule 26 meetings with WIH players, and another 40 with WSD and 30 with MSD. Really. Really? The meetings alone are a tell, and after the first one goes down, with social media? 

    In closing, the WIH coach knew. He admitted as much in the GFH story; however, he probably couldn't admit it to himself. Putting his team on the ice with a recruit coming in says as much about him as anyone or anything else. 

    There's no go way to do something like this other than to just do it. 

    Who did you hear this from? ???

  8. 8 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    You may want to expand on what you're saying.

    You may be trying to crank out a negative response from some, or perhaps I just misunderstood your post, but I'm a bit concerned about the potential lack of understanding of DI athletics from a national perspective. 

    A political, and subsequently educational and collegiate athletics, issue that has plagued the region and state of North Dakota for decades has been isolationism.

    Unfortunately, many local traditionalists are certainly terrified that progressive movements will recognize logic and disrupt the inadequate status quo. 

    You may want to expand on what you are saying?  What is the purpose of higher education?  What is the mission statement of UND?  Maybe there is a local perception in GF off campus, but that would not be on campus.

  9. 21 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    False.  When they were here.  Attendance was just as good at both Basketball teams are right now.  Averaged about 1500/Game. Problem is the REA seats 12K and seemed empty.



    But right there is the problem.  Last years average attendance was 808.  Can't live off the past, which we all tend to do to often. 

  10. 25 minutes ago, HockeyMom said:

    This thread and its comments make me even sadder than the program being cut.

    How it was done was completely classless.  And to read that the photo of the players being on the ice was a lie...come on!  Former players found out about it and started showing up at The Ralph-that's how they knew something was up. 

    Have some compassion, people.  These are UND athletes, recruits and coaches that had their lives completely turned around yesterday.  And they found out about it on Twitter.  

    Not to be harsh, but the reality is, someone in the WCHA leaked this to a source in Wisconsin to get back at UND for leaving the men's conference.  Yes, they found out about it on twitter because of a jacka$$ move by someone inside the WCHA.  Brad didn't leak it, but he only RETWEETED the source that sent out the news.  If you think for one minute that the program didn't have an inclination of this coming then there is naivety involved.  Certain sports had to be cut.  Summit league doesn't have swimming and diving, so that is a no brainer.  The next sport to cut would be the one losing the most money.  By cutting these 2 sports, it effects the least amount of people and has the most financial impact.  Unless there is a large donor who would step up and finance the losses, this is what needed to be done.  Again, sorry to be so blunt, GOOD LEADERS MAKE TOUGH DECISIONS. 

  11. 1 minute ago, mksioux said:

    To those people who are not following this closely, I can see why this might look like a dumb decision.  The University has never really publicly admitted how much money women's hockey loses.  They even went out of their way to allocate expenses to the men's team that should have been shared by both teams, all in an effort to make the women's teams numbers not look so bad.  Even today, they didn't talk about the numbers.  And you certainly won't read about it in the Herald or other media sources.  But the people who dig into this stuff and follow it closely know this was the right decision.  Others may seem mystified.  I personally think the University did not handle this well in the sense that they should have justified their decision better with cold, hard numbers to better inform the casual observer on why this decision was the most logical one.

    But why have all the facts when you can create a great story by not telling all the facts.  This is where social media helps others make up mind without knowing all the facts.  Just put one of the twins out there and all their followers alone will create a movement away from facts.

  12. OK, I put this out on twitter too, so here is something that just dawned on me.  I would put money on it that someone in the WCHA leaked this to the writer in Wisc. for some ill will  from the men basically being a part the breakup of the old WCHA.  Just putting in my 2 cents on why a guy from Wisc. breaks the story and not Brad.

    • Upvote 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Irish said:

    Sadly, Women's Hockey is not a flagship anything/

    You hit it.  When you average 808 fans a game, there is a problem.  But no lets keep chasing bad money with bad.  It sucks that the school had to make cuts, but this is where they are at.  Leaders make hard decisions sometimes and this is why they are leaders. 

    • Upvote 1
  14. 1 hour ago, jk said:

    Judging by the unanimity of the comments here, I guess I'm in the minority.  I'm not close to the details, but from a distance, the state appears to be incredibly poorly managed.  In the 10 years since the oil revolution began, the state is unquestionably massively more wealthy than it had been. How they managed to turn that into a higher education funding crisis is beyond me.  

    Hockey is the school's flagship sport.  It should have men's and women's teams.  In addition, the school is the state's flagship university, and should have a full roster of sports.  That they are not investing in the education system after having a mountain of money dropped on their heads is embarrassing. 

    DO you want the real answer as to where the states oil money went?  I can see some funds that are untouchable because the people voted it that way.  Rainy days are here.

    • Upvote 2
  15. 2 minutes ago, geaux_sioux said:

    Pretty simple fix. Blue line cams. These days small HD cameras don't cost all that much. 4 per rink and peace of mind for all.

    Not only that, but I am thinking that they need to have a central location for replays like NHL does.  This on ice BS is killing the game with long delays and overturning based on what they think and not having the actual view needed.

    • Upvote 1
  16. 3 minutes ago, AJS said:

    In general with early departures, the mass majority of the time, the saying where there's smoke there's fire holds true. I agree that it's a little weird that the only bit of news on the Poganski front has come from Strickland, where he used the  term "likely". Today in Schlossman's blog, he talked about Poganski as if he were to leave ("If", not "he's gone"). Probably reading too much into it, but he doesn't talk about him the same was as Tucker, where he assumes he'll be gone. I just don't think Strickland or really any of those guys would tweet something out of the blue. I'm hoping the "likely" from Strickland meant he was leaning that way, but nothing concrete.

    I was hoping for a little information from Schlossman, but right now he's much too preoccupied worrying about what's going on with the US Women's national team.

    He has to keep his sources happy. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, siouxfan512 said:

    Seeing how we lost the Fighting Sioux name, because we had to get approval from an Indian tribe that was located partially in South Dakota, the NCAA better not consider it too far away.

    In all reality, I would think that if any school was to host in SF, it would be Mankato.

  18. 7 hours ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    I think so but can't be sure. I know he was the events manager(or similar title) at REA but not 100% sure he was in 2006.

    With everyone talking about SF as a possible regional site, I have some questions.  Who would have traveled an extra 239 miles to go to an arena when it for sure would have been 2 nights hotels and everything that goes with it?  Do you think that a 10k plus stadium would sell out if it isn't UND there? Would NCAA let UND be the host school that far away?

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