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The Commodore

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Everything posted by The Commodore

  1. These tickets are gone. Go Sioux!
  2. Sec. 303, Row K, Seats 1 & 2 $50 for the pair Call 701-739-9093 These are NOT for sale to Gopher fans. Seats are surrounded by Sioux season ticket holders and we don't want to tick them off.
  3. I've got it -- the black jacket was a disguise. One of the ARs was Hak.
  4. You're hardly going out on a limb to claim that the difference came from 16 and 7. Duncan had 4 points, Oshie had one and was, at times to the detriment of the team, his usual one-man wrecking crew (I say detriment because at times he tries to win the game himself and because he's capable of doing so, it seems like the rest of the team sits back and waits for him to get them back in it). The real DIFFERENCE tonight? 2 penalties for 4 minutes. When was the last time we took so few penalties? Sorry if I'm rehashing stuff already said, I just got home from the game. My voice is gone and my arms ache from clapping. Great game to watch.
  5. This hardly deserves its own thread, but it's driving me nuts: why is it that when people refer to UMD online, they type "tUMD" or "tBulldogs"? See any of the weekly WCHA articles on USCHO for examples. I'm guessing the "t" stands for "the" but what's the origin of this and why is it necessary? Does this strike anyone else as weird or confusing? Maybe it's just a computer glitch with my browser or something. Go Sioux ... or "fSioux" as the case may be, I guess. Thanks for any insight and sorry to distract from what promises to be an awesome weekend of hockey.
  6. Is this the same guy as the former UND player? http://www.startribune.com/west/story/1513883.html
  7. Thanks for the info. My locale says St. Paul but I'm out in the sticks at the farm in rural ND -- so no nearby sports bars, and even so I've got a toddler to take care of tonight and can't leave the house. Oh well, we'll live. Go Air Force! less than ten minutes left!
  8. Is it possible to tune in C-Band Galaxy 16 transponder 8 analog on a Direct TV satellite? I'm assuming we're out of luck until 10 PM here. Worst part is we can't watch any of the other hockey games while waiting -- in case they post a score update or something and wreck it for us.
  9. Yuck. So there's not a single channel available via satellite which is carrying this game live?
  10. OK, maybe this has been addressed somewhere else on this thread, I read most of it but I'm trying to find out information while keeping one eye on the AFA game. We've got DirectTV, no cable access, but have all of the sports packages -- someone, somewhere, must be showing the UND / Michigan game live tonight that's not a cable access channel. Can anyone give us info? An FSN affiliate somewhere outside of the midwest? Any help would be appreciated.
  11. Hi, My family and I will be moving to Grand Forks from St. Paul this August, I'll be starting work towards my Ph.D. at UND. My wife and I have a toddler and we're planning to buy a house rather than live in campus housing. While I'm familiar with most commercial areas of Grand Forks and the campus (I grew up near GF), I really don't know much about residential neighborhoods and thought I might solicit information from some of you. We're looking for a house in a quiet neighborhood, ideally with a lot of families and not a lot of rental housing. We're looking pretty much exclusively at single-family homes as opposed to townhouses, condos, or duplexes. I'd like to be able to walk to class but it's not a big deal. Any recommendations or tips? We're going up to GF tomorrow morning for my wife's job interview and getting a feel for the city a bit, so if you post information today it would be really helpful for us. Thanks!
  12. Aw, crap. Forgot about that game as I didn't watch it on TV. Well... 4 out of 5 ain't bad. Apologies (and condolences) to any Bucky or Michigan fans that may be lurking about.
  13. -- He got knocked over but still came up with the puck! Hilarious.
  14. Just wanted to state for the record that with one game left to play, the 2004-2005 Fighting Sioux team has officially ENDED the season for: Duluth Wisconsin Boston University Boston College Minnesota THAT, my friends, is a thing of beauty. The only thing that would make it any better is to add the team that ended our NCAA hopes last year and prevented us from a shot at the Broadmoor Trophy this year... and we get a chance at that tomorrow night! What a season!!
  15. I've been looking for pictures of the 1987 blackhawks-style jerseys all day online and I can't seem to find any. Home or away or both, if anyone has a file with pics or else a link to websites that have them... especially the shoulder crest with the tomahawks. Thanks to anyone who can help me out.
  16. This is one of the funniest threads I've seen on this board. Come on Macplot, you were asking for it.
  17. What idiot writer gave the one first-place vote to Maine? "Let's see, the Bears were swept in their own building for the first time in 19 years.... but I still think they're better than UND. They've got MAH vote!" Everyone I mention this to seems to assume that it's whatever writer hails from Maine, but I doubt any voter who saw the series in person would be blind enough to vote that way. Inane. Also, in the USA today poll, BC moved from 2nd to 1st despite having a record of 0-0-0. How does that work?
  18. The BSU story must be the one he was talking about, as he cited the same general details of the incident. I was just checking. He might have told me the player was from UND just to rile me up.
  19. Just checking this out with y'all... A guy on my hockey team here in St. Paul insists that a UND player was arrested on alleged rape charges recently. I haven't heard/read anything about any NCAA hockey player being picked up on any charges so I was wondering what he was talking about. Anyone hear about anyone? Anyone from a different school/sport?
  20. Thanks, that's hilarious... I didn't hear about that. What a chump.
  21. Okay, I'm an idiot. It's early in the morning and I can't figure out who Greyeagle is referring to with "CD." Someone fill me in please.
  22. That's what Maine and BC are thinking too... and it's why they're going to lose.
  23. I don't know much about Denver but my feeling is that Gwozdecky must be a great motivator or they're getting some quality leadership from seniors and/or captains. They're really coming together as a team, there aren't stat-heavy standout players and the pressure/responsibility load is being spread out evenly. Hard work + quality coaching + some puck luck + lack of pressure (underdogs) = the Pioneers' game right now. Props to DU, congratulations to UMD on a great season... go WCHA.
  24. Connor James played today. He's back from injury.
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