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Everything posted by AKSioux

  1. Okay, perhaps its just me, though I strongly suspect it was an effort to put 3 games on 1 TV channel, does anyone else find it a little odd that the western Regional games will be nearly over today before any of the Northeast regional ones start?
  2. Thanks for the updates everyone... I hope Hak somehow manages to convince the gang its Win or go home now.
  3. Plenty of time WiSioux for them to play 4 or 5 OTs...
  4. I guess they just want to keep it close. Come on Sioux put them away.
  5. Oh yeah... thanks for the updates. Typically i lurk ane read along... but it was awefully quiet after the game started. I do thank everyone for keeping us outside the standard listening area. I can't stream Audio hear as it is a Govmnt computer system. Thanks.
  6. I am stuck at work so if anyone can keep me in the loop I'd appreciate it. Thank you.
  7. Well the they woul really want to be making money they would put Mn and ND in different brackets. Mn can fill the X at least for one game. ( okay that was cheap and I shouldn't have said it). But I think UND can do a good job of filling any of the arenas.
  8. Did Mn forget that there are three periods? But then again still a lot of hockey left too.
  9. Kozek
  10. Almost looks as if the Sioux is content do just keep dumping it into UAA zone. If they had a 2 goal lead I wouldn't be as concerned.
  11. I am getting it on channel 1 from GCI Cable in Juneau.
  12. Sioux got a little lucky on that last rush by the 'wovles there... with a guy sitting on crease all alone.
  13. Well it looks good on my Anchorage station. Just wish I could have afforded to go and cheer in person.
  14. Nice try there by Duncan from the ice
  15. Thanks, I was just about ask for a score update.
  16. But the important question here is how many OT's will St. Cloud and Minnesota go?
  17. Well everyone keep cheering ... and add a few for me. Must go to work.
  18. Nice, a couple more will help out the Hobey campaign.
  19. Sioux Win! Sioux Win!
  20. Did I just hear the annoucncer say uAA scored?
  21. 3:06 to go.
  22. Great shift there by Kozek
  23. That and Niagara was sent packing today by Alabama Huntsville.
  24. I see Bemidji St trailiing Robert Moriss 5-3 after 2 periods.
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