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  1. I am looking for tickets. If you are thinking of purchasing additional tickets and would like to sell them or others please let me know. I would like to purchase 2 tickets for all three games. Mike P.
  2. Looking for 2 tickets for Thursday and Saturday night. Thanks
  3. I know that I said that I was done posting. I feel that somethings need to be said. I do stand behind my statement. It was not because of what happened Thursday night. I have felt this way for a while. I felt that when Hak was hired, the hiring should have come from outside the program. I am sorry if others do not have my same feels about this. I understand that we have made it deep into the playoff on a yearly bases, but not have a title does upset me. I thought that if I was to post on this site that I was allow to be able to have discussions like I would if I were among friends. Believe you me that this subject has been talked about. By my posting I have been put through the ringer. I have never personally attached others on this site like I have been. My member name is egfhosejockey not egfHOSEHOUND. I am sorry but that was not called for. For of you who do not know what a Hose Jockey is, it is a term given to firefighters. I am not playing the firefighter card here, but I take pride in the name that I use. I will offer this to the people that run this board, if what I posted was out of line then let me know and I will no longer post here. I will be visiting SiouxSport.com because of the other sections on this board. Mike P egfhosejockey
  4. Posts in the forums are the opinions of their respective authors and are not necessarily those of SiouxSports.com or its affiliates. Posts are not actively managed or regulated.
  5. For you guys that want to shut down this thread, what ever happened to being able to view there feeling or thoughts. Well this will be that last time I post on this site. So if you need to shut it down good right ahead. GOOD BYE
  6. It seem that people are ok with is trend. Well I not. The talent that has played on this team and not one Championship. I feel that the coaching staff may need a shot in the arm, before next season.
  7. Well at least we can watch Sioux baseball
  8. Thank you
  9. This is a pattern for Hak. BC I feel was ready for this match up. Hak did not have this team playing good hockey for the whole playoffs. Yes player play the game, but the coaches also need to light a fire under butts. I do think Hak has that in him. Some time a little fire and brim stone has never hurt.
  10. The the Meat Loaf go phone commercial. The best play all game
  11. Why? This is the fourth year in a roll with the same results. So you are o.k. Well I am not. With the talent that they have had, we should have at least on title.
  12. Well there is going to be a few happy pro teams after this game.
  13. Four straight Final 4. Four straight NO TITLES. It about time to look for a change. Hak is not a coach that can lead a team to a title. FIRE THE WHOLE STAFF.
  14. There are off!!!
  15. The team is now is on the airplane and will be departing in about 10 minutes for thier SKATE FOR EIGHT. GO SIOUX
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