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  1. I hope we see a nice Lammy flip out this weekend, god knows he's good for a double handed ax chop if things aren't going his way
  2. Are you sure Mankato just wasn't playing sioux style "old time hockey" when they were crashing the net this weekend?
  3. Wait a minute, let me get this straight, so if WCHA officials screw the other team by calling penalties on them, then that will actually work to a disadvantage to the gophers and they will loose? Well SCSU better hope that they get tagged for no less than 5 "BS" calls during each period Thursday night so the Gophers win Do the events that unfolded this weekend completely disassemble the Sioux conspiracy theory that the WCHA cheats to make sure the gophers make the final five? Does anyone know how many unsold ticket packages were left as of Saturday night? ?
  4. They hired the Patriots camera guy
  5. I seem to recall that some felt the Jersey Pops were classless, so I guess you can throw that argument away going forward
  6. The bigger question is-what will we call you when the hostile and abusive nickname gest taken away Sioux are people-not mascots
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