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Posts posted by Siouxtimestwo

  1. maybe, maybe not. it sucks we lost but lets be glad it was tonight and not in the regionals so regroup and kick some butt tomorrow!

    Most of these boys have been within sniffing distance of a title the last couple years. If that didn't teach them you need to a full 60 minutes of hockey to win come playoff time, I have my doubts about whether or not a loss to Tech is going to register on their radars. It's not so much that we lost, it's how we lost. While Tech was trying to win a hockey game, we were trying to put together a highlight reel. Unacceptable in the playoffs.

  2. Well, I hope everybody that has been talking about how terrible is to win are happy now that our team has finally lost. Absolutely pathetic. That is the worst choke job I've ever seen by a Sioux hockey team. Hopefully, we put up a touchdown on Tech tomorrow, but that doesn't help much right now.

  3. Yeah. Believe it or not, I think Thul is a good ref. He's done a good job. A few missed calls, but really harmless missed ones imo.

    Daddy Shep is going to have to sit down and talk with him to correct this.

    I agree on both points. I've been impressed by not only Thul, but the rest of his crew as well, which means they're obviously doing a terrible job in the eyes of the WCHA bigwigs.

  4. With the exception of Oshie being upended and hurt right in front of the tech net.

    That should have been called, but Kozek completely crapping his pants and whiffing had more to do with us not scoring than the non-call.

  5. Unbelievable! Well I guess we find out if we really are a title team right here. Championship teams don't allow stuff like that to happen. We tried to turn the last period into an And1 mix tape of hockey rather than just burying this team, so we better bounce back.

    Great job by Thul and the boys tonight, especially on the cross-check at the end. It was an easy infraction to see, but not an easy call to make. The whole game has been clean up and down ice hockey.

  6. http://www.collegehockeystats.net/0708/boxes/mmtundk1.m14

    Interesting that there are 7 UND penalties, and they are for tripping, interference, interference, interference, tripping, roughing, roughing. Of course, 3 of those were committed by Zach Jones, who I love.

    SX2, I don't think you understand the mixed messages sent by this fan base. "[Player x] is always getting interfered with! Why won't the refs call it!" is juxtaposed alongside "We're not goons, we play a physical game." I think I understand though... Sioux players can flatten whoever gets in their way, but they also are off limits.

    My point about TJ stands. He is not only a skilled player, he is a physical player as well. He can hold his own and dish it out. I don't think he's crying about how his opponents play.

    RW77, you are too elusive to stalk. I can send MafiaMan creepy text messages, but I can't do that to you. He is an easy target, too, with the light glinting off his head and his neon blue Sweden jerseys.

    So why the hon if you weren't specifically implying that I said those things? I agree that Oshie is a very physical player that initiates contact on his own, even when controlling the puck. When he commits a penalty it should be whistled, just the same as any other player in the league. So if we agree about that and my comments are dumb, then what are you saying about yourself?

  7. Wow. I guess you didn't read what I wrote. I said "IT WAS SAID" not "SIOUXTIMESTWO SAID." Don't kid yourself that I'm following you around. I have other people I prefer to internet-stalk. MafiaMan, for example. I can't help it if your dumb comments are the only ones I respond to, but really, I just don't have the energy bitch at everyone. It's hard, yo.

    And HaksHomey, spare me. TJ dishes out plenty of hits. He can hold his own. If you can't hold your own in the WCHA, you'll never make it to the NHL. The Sioux take plenty of hooking, tripping and interference penalties of their own.

    I read exactly what you wrote. If you weren't insinuating that I was one who compared hockey to ballet, then why the hon? If someone else on this board wants penalties to go uncalled and compares hockey with penalties properly called to ballet, what does that have to do with my post calling for penalties to be called correctly. I guess you didn't read what I wrote. I never stated that checking should be banned from hockey. I merely stated that the referees should enforce the rules, regardless of what period it is or the score. If you have an intelligent reply to my inquiry, I'd love to hear it.

  8. Uh.... gonna disagree with part of what you said. Radke's been SOLID since rejoining the lineup. I agree that it is difficult to take anyone out of the lineup at this time, but I doubt Radke is being kept out of it because he's not good enough to play. Health is a concern and if that's the case, so be it.

    I guess we'll have to wait until game time to see what happens. I would not be surprised at all to see Radke in the lineup, but I wouldn't want to be Hakstol. Making this decision will be tough.

    Ya, after rereading my post, I did sound a little hard on Radke. He's good enough to play college hockey on a lot of teams, but on this team, I don't see who you take out to put him in tonight. Either way, Oshie carries us to victory.

  9. I believe it was on this very board that it was said that this is hockey, and if you don't like physical contact, go do ballet. You can't have it both ways, hon.

    I didn't realize that in the NHL, skilled players were allowed to skate to the net unchecked. What have I been watching? I guess it's a good thing that major juniors is such a clean league, so the precious little Oshies and Duncans of the world can play without getting quadruple-teamed. I don't even know if there are penalties there. I think they have flags attached to their breezers, and if you grab a player's flag, they have to give you the puck. The rest of the world looks at the WCHA as a bunch of savages! It's like A Brave New World.

    Actually, you must have me confused with someone else. I don't ever remember saying that. I'm sorry I asked a question about your arena a couple of weeks ago. I didn't realize it was so dear to your heart that you're now going to follow me around putting words in my mouth, hon.

  10. So...on the topic of hockey:

    I was surprised to read in the Herald article that the coaches had been considering sliding Marto up to forward for quite some time. It definately says something about his work ethic and/or talent that the coaches want to find a way to get him in the lineup, whether or not it's at D.

    I think everyone would like to see Radke in the lineup tonight for the sake of it being his last game at the ralph, but based on last night's game, who do you take out? I didn't see the game, so I don't know if any forward stuck out as being a little off. Maybe Radke sits tonight as well.

    You don't take anyone out of last night's lineup. The Sioux played very well last night as a team, but especially that 4th line. They've been looking for someone to step up all year and they finally found someone to give them the energy they need. I agree it would be nice to see Radke on the ice one last time at the Ralph, but this team has a lot to play for. It's playoff time and seeding is crucial to this team. Playing Radke probably won't make a difference between winning and losing, but it might, so I don't think it's a chance worth taking. Radke's had 4 years to step up and bring what Marto brought to the ice last night. This isn't Little League anymore, it's Division 1 hockey. You're either good enough to play or not. Senior or not, right now, Radke's not good enough to play.

  11. A great shot indeed, but, WOW, one of the greatest shots in recent history? That's a stretch. We're not talking about a Lorenzo Charles dunk at the buzzer to give a team an NCAA championship here. I bet you could find a dozen similar buzzer beaters from any regular season or conference tournament game this year alone. One of the greatest in RECENT HISTORY? Wow.

    I would have to agree with gopherz about it being one of the best shots in recent college basketball history. Actually, it was very similar to Laettner's buzzer beater against Kentucky, which is considered the greatest shot in college basketball history. Lorenzo Charles's dunk was a great play to win a title, but not a great shot. You can find lots of buzzer beaters, but not a turnaround at the buzzer after a 60 foot heave. Besides Laettner's shot, the only other one I can remember was Bryce Drew for Valpo in the 1998 Tourney. You can find plenty of dunks and layups at the buzzer.

    But back to hockey. I mentioned this in the UND/Tech thread because I didn't see it being discussed elsewhere, but this thread seems more appropriate. What is the deal with not calling any penalties in OT? Minnesota was giving a hell of a lot worse than it was getting, but Mankato was hardly innocent. Other than the first period, I didn't think last night showed how badly the WCHA wanted the Gophers to make the Final Five, I think it showed just how terrible their officials are. Honestly, if you shot somebody on the ice, would they call a penalty in OT? Many of these players have a lot of money at stake in the form of future NHL contracts. If this is the way they're going to officiate games, why in the hell would NHL caliber players play college hockey? There were a ton of blatant penalties last night that weren't called, then they call a too many men penalty when the guy is half a stride from the bench? As great as last nights UMN-Mankato was, all it takes is one game like that where a star player is seriously injured due to the non-calls and all of a sudden the future Oshies and Toews and Parises of the world might decide WCHA hockey isn't worth the risks anymore. How can the league not give a !@#$ about this?

  12. Just got back from a buddies place. A great UND win. If Oshie is hurt, I'd hate to see him healthy. Phenomenal job by the D.

    As far as the MN game is concerned, after the first it sure looked like the refs were going to hand the game to the Goofs, but after that, I don't think they were one-sided. Terrible, yes, but not one-sided. There were lots of penalties they could have called on Minnesota as well as Mankato. I just think the Gophers adjusted quicker to the fact that the refs weren't going to call any penalties. UMN got away with a lot more than Mankato, but it wasn't all Gophers in the last two frames. The too many men penalty was terrible, but I think that speaks more to just how incompetent the Shepherd boys are, rather than them being biased, at least in this game.

    On a side note, as a man who grew up playing basketball and has never even skated in his life, could you pull a Last Boy Scout and shoot members of the other team in OT and get away with it? Why even have rules in hockey if they're never enforced? I don't like the concept of the shootout in hockey(can you imagine a game of one-on-one deciding a basketball game), but if the refs allow every single malicious hit to go unpenalized, isn't it in the best interests of the players, many of whom have a lot of money at stake in the form of future NHL contracts?

  13. I'd wondered what it meant too. Not intending to interpret, but since 'Siouxtimestwo' didn't reply, just referred to the incident that popped up when searching for "Goodelled". Perhaps Sweeney would be 'called up' to defend comments he made re: what he saw on tape, the evidence (tape of the goal) would need to be destroyed, whatever. OOps, I guess that would be interpreting what it 'might' mean and I wasn't going to do that!! Oh, forget it :(:lol:

    You guys pretty much summed up what I meant. I was referring to the NFL commissioner. Since FSSN was showing the ref reviewing the tape, we could see what he was seeing pretty clearly. After all the controversy with goal reviews this year, if the ref had come out and waved off the goal, I figured Shepherd would have gotten ahold of the tape of the broadcast and destroyed it.

  14. Glass half full: We can play like garbage and still pull out a W.

    Glass half empty: We've got a lot to play for from here on out and can't afford to have a letdown for even a second.

  15. With all the talk of who will where against who and what advantage any team will gain as a result, if we play like this in the tourney we might as well save the travel expenses and stay home. I guess Mankato cared more about helping us in the WCHA race than we've seemed to care the first 52 minutes.

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