With the exception of WBB, there haven't been many of the non-revenue sports that have competed for much other than a conference championship. I think somebody on the site had a link to the Argus Leader from yesterday in regards to the disbanding of the NCC. They list all the championships that have been won and for those who have/are moving to DI, the main ones of course are, FB, WBB. As you said, FB will be fine - the others are probably trying to win a conf champ and a single game in the BB tourney's. Yes, the individual champs are going to be few and far between.
Dave, nobody forced anybody to move to DI - including UNC, SDSU and NDSU. If they did, then I blame the likes of Montana and Montana State and U of N Iowa for forcing us. Again, maybe you should be blaming the likes of MN-Moorhead, SW-MN State, Winona, etc for forcing us by begging for the lowering of FB scholarships. Not saying that was the lone reason for schools moving up but it sure didn't help.