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Bison Doc

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  1. They don't care, BD. Cue the crickets.
  2. Bison Doc

    Goodbye NCC

    As per your mantra, nobody will ever change your mind (are you married and can your wife change your mind? ). They won't change your mind because your bound and determined to make these three schools look like the bad guys. You have yet to address the fact that these smaller schools begging and pleading to cut scholarships had a ton to do with schools like UNC, SDSU and NDSU leaving DII. But given your nature, you'll brush that off as some fluke and state it has nothing to do with other schools departing or other schools wanting to try something different and be where their peers are. You'll attribute it to NDSU particularly being the bad guy and you always will. What's new?
  3. Bison Doc

    Goodbye NCC

    With the exception of WBB, there haven't been many of the non-revenue sports that have competed for much other than a conference championship. I think somebody on the site had a link to the Argus Leader from yesterday in regards to the disbanding of the NCC. They list all the championships that have been won and for those who have/are moving to DI, the main ones of course are, FB, WBB. As you said, FB will be fine - the others are probably trying to win a conf champ and a single game in the BB tourney's. Yes, the individual champs are going to be few and far between. Dave, nobody forced anybody to move to DI - including UNC, SDSU and NDSU. If they did, then I blame the likes of Montana and Montana State and U of N Iowa for forcing us. Again, maybe you should be blaming the likes of MN-Moorhead, SW-MN State, Winona, etc for forcing us by begging for the lowering of FB scholarships. Not saying that was the lone reason for schools moving up but it sure didn't help.
  4. Bison Doc

    Goodbye NCC

    Of course you do, Dave. Blame those whom you hate the most. Why not blame those who left before the three you mentioned? Why not blame UNI for leaving the NCC years ago? Why not blame those piss-ant schools who sucked the life out of DII by whining like a little baby that they couldn't compete with the big schools so they got scholarships cut? Classic myopic view point from you Dave - blaming the ones you hate most even though they weren't the real cause.
  5. Appears as if OCU may not be moving up - at least not declaring this coming year. AGS Link
  6. Both subdivisions ARE DI. They compete for different championships and the quality of play is different but they are the same division. You never heard while they were using the letter designations behind the 'I' people use the terminology DIAAA when referring to a school in DI without football. They were just DI. And for those that say a small school can't compete with a big school in the "other" sports like basketball, you'd have to convince somebody like Gonzaga of that which I don't think would be to easy. I could ask you this for arguments sake. Do you tell people that UND has an asterisk by their name when talking about DI hockey because they're really a DII school? No, because it's DI - regardless of the size of school the team comes from that you play. Same holds true for all other sports besides football. I think this is what the others are trying to get across. In reference to competition levels, most would argue that the top 5 or 6 in DII could compete on a week-to-week basis with those in the top 10-15 in FCS. No offense to the Sioux or Grand Valley or NWMS or the like, but there wouldn't be much competition throughout a season against the likes of App St, Mont, Mont St, etc. At the funded scholarship levels, any given Saturday, yes. Throughout the season, highly doubt it. Now, they probably could compete throughout a season with those lower than say 15 but only a handful could.
  7. If it has to be, I like Cavalry.
  8. Not at all. I don't think anybody has ever said there isn't a difference in competition levels between FCS and FBS. Only that DII and DI FCS are the same, right?
  9. That's all fine and good. If you notice, they are using the proper terminology - Football Bowl Subdivision - and put I-A and I-AA in parentheses, probably for those who are slow on the uptake. Give the writer a little slack - he's just trying to educate the obstinate. If you go to these guys, they don't have to be told, they already know.
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