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Posts posted by proudsioux

  1. you guys jsut find more excuses if ur team didnt make it to state. Im usre if RR didnt make it, their faithful would be like not fair, central is clsoer to purper or my team is so rich they jsut get spoiled ro some s&!t liek that. jsut grow up and face the fact ur team didnt make it.

  2. My friend currently student teaches at red river and he says that all of the hockey players he knows of that he teaches are very quiet and well mannerd and work hard in the classroom. He said most of the bad apples are the kids who skip class and stay in the commons and those kids are the kids that wear all black clothes and are mistreated by other classmates. he said though he can difenatly tell whose rich and whose not as rich by most of the rich kids have more friends (wonder why).

  3. I sell hockey equipmetn to many riders including galbreath. When he came in the other today (u can tell cuz all of them wear RR coats with there name) he looked fine for me and told me they are pretty healthy with 5 guys that are taking it a little easier this week but all are ready to play.

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