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THEsocalled(bison)fan's Achievements


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  1. Sioux fans..... Guess what happened now? Sounds like NDSU is going Gateway in football. See the Forum today. Just room for two, however, and SDSU gets to ride NDSU's coat tails. Boy, I would hate to cheer for a school that is a day late and a dollar short......this will kill the Great West.
  2. I was there. Mason is an aweful coach after whitnessing what happened first hand. If I were the Gophers (yes, I know Mason has a 1.9 million buyout), I would go after Bohl or Lennon to take it over so they can have some decent coaching for a change.
  3. I always hate doing this, but you are not Minnesota's biggest rivals. Wisconsin is Minnesota's rival. You need to play in more than one sport to have a good rivalry. I hate to tell all the Sioux fans out there, but after meeting many, many Gopher fans, they do not consider you thier big rival. Yes, they consider you a annual powerhouse in hockey, but not a big rival. There is a difference.....rivalries have true hatred and it MUST be mutual. It is not enough for Sioux fans to hate Gophers..... Go to Duluth, they also cosider the Gophers their big rival and I also have had to talk sense into them. Your true, hated rival is, and will always be, NDSU. They played in multiple sports and they hated each other completely. It is a special rivalry and I can't wait until it gets going again. I will be there and I just hope the Sioux can give them a good game.
  4. Not sure what attention you are reffering too....I have heard none in Duluth (where they are in the dying NCC) and they certainly weren't talking about UND in Minneapolis....
  5. DaveK, I admire your passion for UND athletics. Thank you for being a fan of Division II North Dakota football. I would never make fun of you for spitting out hatred of NDSU (as the feeling is mutual from many of us), but I can't believe you go after a Boston UND guy, obviously one of your own. Dave, please grow up and realize: 1. Your President is not a leader. Leaders don't b$tch and moan about how the NCAA is being unfair and say NDSU is crazy for making a move up. (Notice how he is following NDSU to D1? That is called following.) Leaders lead. Leaders set a goal and achieve it. Did you read about the UND state of the state address? Well, I did. Again, Kup complained and did not lead. He is blaming funding issues at UND for falling behind; Chapman has never let those issues stop him and soon NDSU will be the largest University in ND (just BARELY smaller now). 2. Roger Thomas, although a great football coach, was an aweful AD. Be thankful he is gone as you have a classy guy there now. If UND ever gets another game with NDSU, it will be due to your great AD. The irony is that if UND had leaders and went to D1 with NDSU, it would have been UND playing Minnesota, not NDSU. Chew on that one..... Now, please say you are sorry to all the great UND fans who have realized the above facts and want to give NDSU their props. Even I did that after the UNI victory, but I did admit I wanted UND to lose so I won't lie. THEsocalled(Bison)fan My mom is a UND grad, and even she was there cheering on the THUNDERING HERD!
  6. And they say Bison fans live in the past.....
  7. Congrats to the Sioux on the big win! I have to admit I depise UND, but I give credit where credit is due. After reading through the info, here are my thoughts: 1. DaveK may have brain damage, but I admire his hatred for NDSU. THAT is what the rivalry is all about! 2. I have never been one to say UND would get killed against any I-AA opponent. But what Sioux fans have to remember is that your brain dead president and old AD put you in this position to take the abuse even if not fair. You even had a chance to keep playing NDSU to show you are as good and UND said no! 3. I need every Sioux fan to keep putting on the pressure to get the game resumed. Nothing is more special to me in sports than when thsoe two teams play each other. If you promise to keep pushing UND, I will keep pushing NDSU. NDSU is still pretty miffed with the way they were treated when they led the way to D1, but I refuse to stoop to Kup or RT's level. You now are blessed to have such a class act AD. 4. Remember you will need to come to Fargo for the first game. Accept it and lets get it on! Then, get into the GreatWest so NDSU actually has to come up to that tin can you call a football field. As an aside, I was at NDSU's so called rivalry game with SDSU game last year. On a sad note, I felt like the current students were confused as they had started understanding it is really just a made up rivalry, but on a positive note, they are learning to hate UND from us old folks. Please keep teaching UND students to hate NDSU and we can keep this tremendous rivalry going! Again, great work and let's start playing for the nickel again! THEsocalledfan--I promose to be at the first meeting!!!
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