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Posts posted by MplsBison

  1. Any idea on how much it would cost a school like NDSU, or anyother school to launch a network? Also, if they did decide to launch a network, will someone like Fox College Sports automatically pick them up or is there more to it than just purchasing the equipment and telling FCS "here we are and we're ready to go national with our sports programs"? :D ??

    Assuming you've got teams worth watching, you need the camera and editing equipment and then the talent to create a product with some professional quality that people will want to put on their screens. That's one aspect.

    The other is you need some way to distribute your content. Currently the best way is cable networks, but the internet might be the future of distribution.

  2. La Tech isn't going to any other FBS conference any time soon...no one wants them.

    Denver to WAC is possible, but I Sac St doesn't hold a candle to Montana as far as football membership.

  3. Sac St has a nice track stadium. I've watched the NCAA championships and US olympic trials on TV when it was hosted there.

    Not as nice for football.

    If WAC takes Sac over Montana, they're desperate.

  4. What excuses are you talking about? The state and the school have strong financial concerns. Changing conferences and moving programs up are more than just about the sport itself. This will be a major business decision for the University and for the state of Montana. If if doesn't make financial sense, which many people feel it does not, then the school won't try to move to the WAC at this time. And it doesn't matter what the conference wants because they aren't paying the bills for the University, the school will decide for itself what is best.

    You must get really bored if the most important thing you have to do is to try to pick a fight on an internet message board about something so minor. It's too bad that you don't have something more constructive to do with your time. I could try to help you find somewhere to volunteer if that would help fill your days.

    I'm talking about all the excuses you keep parroting. Those are the kind of things that won't matter in the end.

    The things that matter (like average attendance, program competitiveness, tradition) are the things that Montana has.

  5. This isn't the same thing at all. In those cases they were listening to a prediction of what "would happen" and going along with it. These are people talking about what they believe "should happen" based on their knowledge of the situation. And in many cases it is against what they "would like to happen".

    The President of the school has come out and said it shouldn't happen. The AD of the school has said that he doesn't think it will happen. The state has financial problems. The school would have major issues to address to make it work. The majority of the fans realize that it probably can't work because the school and the state can't afford to make the move even though they would like to do it. But you are sure that some money guys are going to force it to happen.

    Like I said, petty message board excuses.

    If you're the WAC taking a look at Big Sky and Great West football programs, Montana is the only program that is ready to go. There will be plenty of meetings between the WAC and the decision makers at Montana to find out what's really possible. And these are things that won't be seen on message boards and blogs.

  6. A majority of the posters on egriz think it's a bad idea for Montana to move up because of the financial issues. But I guess you know more about the situation than the fans of the school. Oh wait, of course you do.

    Right, just like all the message boards and parroting media outlets were saying that Missouri was a lock for the Big Ten. :glare:

    The businessmen behind the closed doors are the ones making the decisions, not message boards.

  7. It's tough to tell if star2 is really that glib when he goes into "ss.com's contracted conference expansion expert" mode.

    Anyone who thinks that Montana is going to be looked-over because of this or that, it doesn't matter what petty reason you come up with. They're the only team in the Big Sky that is potentially FBS bound.

    UC Davis (not in Big Sky obviously) is another one to watch.

  8. Texas supposedly announces move to Pac 10 on Tuesday. OU, OSU, TTU will quickly follow once UT moves.

    Missouri has "recommitted" itself in its marriage to the Big 12.

    Texas A&M is flirting with the SEC. The SEC wants another Big 12 school: it might even take Baylor it that brings Texas A&M and it's TV market and Texas recruiting.

    If Texas A&M goes to the SEC, Utah would likely bet chosen as the replacement for the Pac 10.

    Kansas, Kansas St, Missouri, Iowa State etc are supposedly in negotiations to absorb Big East Football schools. A Big 12 could still exist, but it could include UConn, WVU, Louisville, Cinn, Pitt etc, but with some Big East schools headed for the Big 10 or ACC. Houston and TCU would also be in the new Big 12.

    The Big East basketball schools would retain their conference name and expand - likely St Louis, Xavier, maybe Dayton, possibly Creighton.

    The remaining Big 12 schools could obtain a huge $ amount from schools leaving: up to $15 million / school in exit fees + basketball credits.

    The Big 10 is still targeting Notre Dame, + Rutgers, Maryland, + Syracuse or Virginia.

    Reports are that the SEC wants Va Tech + UNC in the east. Will settle for NCSU.

    As seems likely, if the Big East basketball schools are jettisoned from the football schools, the whole eastern and midwestern basketball league lineup will be affected.

    The Summit League and Big Sky can now both expect membership changes.

    I'll take that bet.

    Assuming the BE bball schools add anyone (maybe Xavier and that's it), no Summit member is going to leave due to the trickle down.

  9. You're assuming the coming super-conferences stay in the NCAA and don't just go and form their own govering body.

    Who is going to be the governing body? The BCS?

    Seriously, while the idea sounds sexy for the big schools...I think the logistics that the NCAA takes care of for these schools for non-football sports is being underrated.

    You might be right, but I think if four 16 team conferences do eventually form (and it may not be right away), they won't immediately leave the NCAA.

  10. That says to me to expect four 16-team superconferences to come out of this where each division champion goes to a "BCS tournament".

    Welcome to the "Year One" bracket:

    Pac-10 West champ plays Big Ten East champ

    Big Ten West champ plays SEC East champ

    SEC West champ plays ACC East champ

    ACC West champ plays Pac-10 East champ

    The MWC is going to be too powerful of a conference to be completely left out. They should get one bid, perhaps WAC or CUSA does too.

  11. There's no reason for the MWC teams to leave now. They know the Big XII is dead.

    Pac 10 - UW, WSU, UO, OSU, Cal, Stan, UCLA, USC, UA, ASU, OU, OkSU, UT, TAM, TT, Bay

    Big XII - dead

    Big 10 - NU, UI, Minn, Wisc, NW, Ill, IU, PU, Mich, MSU, OSU, PSU

    MWC - ISU, Mizzou, KU, KSU, CU, CSU, AFA, Wyo, Utah, BYU, UNM, TCU, UNLV, SDSU, Boise, Houston

    SEC - Same

    ACC - Same

    Big East - Same

  12. I wonder if things (rumors, media, conferences leaping each other for Big 12 schools) hasn't gotten so far out of control that the Big 10 will have no choice but to take a few others than just Notre Dame. Especially now that Mizzou and Nebraska have an ultimatum. If Notre Dame is only school moving does Pac 10 really want all six Big 12 schools? Sure Texas is a grab, but I don't think they'll make up enough revenue to offset adding that many schools. Now if they get there own network going and on TVs...different story.

    I don't think so.

    If Big Ten doesn't take Nebraska and Missouri, then the Big XII is saved...for now. Texas would rather stay in the Big XII with unequal profit sharing than move to the Pac 10.

  13. It's not adding "top" football schools: if it did it would consider Cincinnati and West Virginia. Rutgers has never accomplished anything meaningful in football except play the first collegiate game. Missouri's has effectively been a non-player throughout it's history. Notre Dame's program has been a recent joke. The Big 10 is filled with bottom feeder programs (Minn, Indiana, NW, Illinois) and would be quite satisfied with more (Syracuse, Missouri, Rutgers) if they brought in more TV sets.

    A football playoff, if truly inclusive, opens up the possibility of a TCU or Boise State to win it all. That was the Big 10's, Big 12's, and Pac 10's concern: it tears down the myth of their invincibility. The Big 10 is especially concerned about a playoff, because it knows it chances of ever winning one are minimal: the Big Ten simple doesn't have the talent base that the SEC, Big 12, Pac10, or even ACC has. Boise St - by recruiting California, TCU with Texas, and USF, with Florida (earlier it was Miami) all have the potential to blow out Big 10 teams. The Big 10 can not tolerate such scenario: so it squelches any "newcomer" with placing financial and competition hurdles to frequent that from happening. The Big 10 wants monopoly control.

    Yep -- we all know that talented football players only come from the south!

    Hopefully UND can recruit 75% of its incoming classes from CA, TX and FL!! Otherwise, might as well not even play the games.


  14. Because Sac State has an FBS-ready stadium, I still view them, as well as Portland State, as the favorite to move to the WAC. If both are gone from the Big Sky, the Big Sky would almost have to go to an expanded football conference.

    Sac State and Wanless want move to WAC

    Cal Poly has interest in FBS, but has no concrete financial plans for a stadium expansion

    Opportunity for Cal Poly into FBS?

    Correction: Sac State has an FBS-ready track stadium. The stadium is set up to host premiere track events, not football games. Yes you can play football in the in-field, but it's not the optimal set-up.

    Portland St will have the best stadium of Sac, PSU, Davis and Poly in the short term. Long term, both Davis and Poly could have the best football stadiums of the bunch (Davis expandable to 30k, Poly expansion plans to 25k).

    But then you start throwing in other factors: of the four, only Davis has a legitimate DI bball facility, Poly doesn't bring a significant market (probably not as huge of a concern for a conf. like WAC, but still something worth noting) and then Davis has the best academics/research of the four.

    That tells me that Davis has the highest potential for the WAC with Poly being a solid runner-up if they could fully expand their stadium and build a DI bball facility.

  15. That's why all politicians should only be able to hold office for a single term at a time (unlimited total number of terms, but no consecutive terms).

    Too many try to "play the game" knowing that they're going to run for another term and don't want to make choices that could cost them votes.

  16. This issue is not over yet, and i have a feeling the tribe cannot risk not letting the people not vote. It would be political suicide. And if they do vote and approve the name what would this do to Kelley and the SBoHE. Boy did they ever jump the gun. Oh and the offical timeline ends in under 6 months (11-30-2010)

    You mean the NCAA's arbitrary timeline.

    The only thing that's been officially said is the ruling of the ND Supreme Court saying that there is nothing in the agreement requiring the board to wait until Nov 30th.

  17. 70% of the Sioux people who have voted support the nickname.

    Ok, but how many total people in the Sioux nation (in the entirety of North America) agree that it's acceptable for the University of North Dakota to use "Fightiong Sioux" as the nickname?

    Certainly less than 70%

  18. No surprise, UND fans are doing the same thing that NDSU fans did back in 2004: getting your hopes up for the Big Sky.

    Take it from us: don't waste your time.

    Big Sky will never expand west of Montana. It just flat out won't happen! DON'T BOTHER.

    (and there is obviously a bunch of childish people on this board who want to "punish" the Summit by having UND not join the conference...selfish and childish :glare: )

  19. I think your comments are pretty good.

    The former student hasn't been wrong yet and was aware of the problems with Chapman from day 1. As a former student he or she has no particular bone to pick with NDSU but the information has been right on over the Chapman years. One might figure out her or his position is such that they would be close to the situation all along. As I have suggested check with SBoHE members or Hanson (if he is willing to discuss) about the details of the mess Chapman made. No reason to believe me or my source but my source hasn't been wrong yet. The information I hear isn't confidential.

    The Sanford Health Involvement will be Sports Med support for NDSU atheltics and there will likely be a donation for the Urban Plains Center. There will also likely be a nice donation to the addition to the community center in Detroit Lakes, Mn. from Sanford Merit Care in the $100,000 range.

    And a donation to the BSA remodel. :glare:

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