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Everything posted by charlieUNDfan

  1. Anyone know if either game will be on Midco in GF, any channel? I don't think Midco has Fox College Sports Pacific or Fox Sports Rocky Mtn... Thanks.
  2. Sold as a season set, not individually. Upper bowl, Section 306 G 7&8 (behind away goal 1st &3rd periods). 701-306-4012.
  3. Re: your son going to MKE without a ticket, I've heard several people who have been to FF's in the past say it is often easy to get a ticket outside the stadium for face value or even below day of game. Even in WI, the UND/BC game at 2pm hopefully he'd be able to get to get into. Also did you see this put out by the BC: http://www.bradleycenter.com/news/06ncaa/fftickets.pdf I hope your son gets in. He has a good attitude. Also, there is still quite a bit of time, something might come to him yet.
  4. Tickets have been found! Yea! Go Sioux!
  5. http://board.uscho.com/showthread.php?t=57790
  6. here's from my mom who just talked with Al: Al did not get tickets for all bus-goers. He has some Thurs 2pm tickets but not enough for all. He has a lead on Championship game tickets, if BC loses to the Sioux (BC's ticketholders). He plans to try to buy Thurs 2 pm tickets on arrival in Milwaukee. Hope this helps anyone out there. Go Sioux!!
  7. We are on Al's bus and are not guaranteed tickets. He has been working since Monday to try to get them, meeting with REA, the Alumni office, and today althetic director? I think. Al told us the bus will go whether or not he has tickets in hand. Go Sioux!
  8. opps, sorry, I see above it says $150/person for SiouxClub members.
  9. Of course if the SiouxClub members know of another students who was going for sure - they should give/sell to them before selling to the common non-student Sioux fan, like me. But as I posted that, and still now, I'm not clear on whether the SiouxClub members had to purchase these tickets or were given them? Hopefully we'll find tickets somehow (and will not completely gouged ) , just thought there was a shot this way. Go Sioux!
  10. I would also buy 4 ticket packages from any SiouxClub members who might not be able to go. lilacs892000@yahoo.com or PM me. GO Sioux!
  11. Anywhere in rink is great. Thanks. lilacs892000@yahoo.com
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