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Posts posted by AccountingStu

  1. "AccountingStu". :D Is that "hostile and abusive" to accountants? :D

    If so, what about the Rensselaer "Engineers" or worse, the Purdue "Boilermakers" (a derogatory term for mechanical engineers).

    I'll put the food on hold for a bit:

    "Accounting Stu" actually glorifies the 'Great Bloody Accounting Rebellion of 1888 that Hurt Lots of People's Feelings'. If anything, it's hostile and abusive to the Accountants' clients, who lost millions of dollars in the uprising. Sad, yes, but put it on a basketball jersey and it looks sweet! Totally worth it!

  2. No need to worry, Sicatoka - The picture has already been drawn and reproduced by the millions. You can go on about your business.

    Thanks for arguing with me, everybody. I got the attention I needed for the day, but now I need food.

    Go Sioux Go

  3. You're the one attempting to substitute your own skewed definition. The dictionary definition of a mascot that you quoted and the one I quoted are easily understandable.

    Unfortunately, even kindergartners can understand that your teachings are nonsense.

    Are you being peer pressured?

    Maybe this will help:

    The Fighting Sioux 'Logo' is a picture of our mascot.

  4. I love some of the things in Wikipedia under mascot:

    Gee, listed as two separate and distinct entities ...

    Where's the NCAA regarding a "Saxon" moniker? Oh, yeah, same place as "Irish" and "Vandal".

    If you use Wikipedia, then I get to, too.

    From wikipedia:"Stanford University's mascot is a color (cardinal)"

    Based on some arguments posted earlier, a mascot is a guy in a felt jumpsuit, with a large head. Or a real, live animal. How, then, can a mascot be a color? And I'm not talking about the Stanford Tree (wikipedia says the stanford band's mascot is a tree [which looks god awful, btw]).

  5. Your definition of mascot is skewed. It's that simple. A mascot doesn't have to be a dude in a felt costume with an over-sized head!!! We've gone over this! Like it or not, UND has a mascot.

    I feel like I'm teaching a kindergarten class, trying to get all the kids to sit in a tidy circle and LISTEN!

  6. ...your personal definition which isn't even supported by the dictionary definition you quoted.

    And that's the last time I'm going to say it.

    Are you reading the correct thread? Mascot is a person or animal that symbolizes the institution. What is there not to get? The logo is a picture of a Sioux Warrior, the mascot IS a Sioux Warrior.

    I am a North Dakota Fighting Sioux.

    I'm not just a picture.

  7. Funny. I have a dictionary that says, "a person or animal that is adopted by a team or other group as a symbolic figure."

    I haven't wavered on my definition.

    A logo is just an image. Add a nickname to the logo, and you get a mascot, which is a symbol. The mascot represents, in this case, the entire student body (whether they like it or not), the state of North Dakota, its alumni, sentimental feelings about the ol' college days and a sense of unity, especially when packed in an 11,000 seat arena with others just like you.

    Images and mascots are not the same thing. What good is an image if it's not tied to anything. The mascot is a symbol for much more than just an image stitched on a sweater. Mascot symbol mascot symbol mascot symbol mascot symbol. It's written in your dictionary definition.

    I take it you're an ardent follower of the NCAA? Whatever they say, goes?

  8. make sure you read this SLOW, so you understand...

    Letters are symbols. Pictures are symbols. The University of North Dakota has a symbol, let's call it a "logo." UND also has a nickname.

    Logo + Nickname = mascot.

    And since we've already gone over how a mascot is a symbol for a University that is greater than the sum of its parts (Logo + Nickname), what else do you have to argue about?

  9. Oh, you're being silly. To you, a masot implies a man in an oversized felt suit doing backflips on the 50-yard-line -- To me, a mascot is a symbol used to represent an entire student body or organization and its close followers; a deferential unified purpose.

    While both logos and mascots can be used by corporations and advertisers, to me, a logo seems like a brand name printed on cardboard. Mascot is a logo plus spirit, feelings, and sentiment. A logo is a design you put on a hat and a mascot is a symbol of the institution, and, in this case, an entire state.

    If anybody has actually read this, just know that this is my take on mascot v. logo -- everybody knows the stance of both sides of the nickname/logo/mascot issue.

    Have a good day!

  10. If you're asking whether your joke is still not funny, the answer is "yes."

    Oh well.

    When you're mascot is tied-up in court proceedings, spending his pension on lawyers and court fees, Stu will be at the ready. Just give him two-weeks notice so he can notify his boss. Also, Stu asks for Sundays off so he can be with his family. And NO accounting jokes - he has a terrific sense of humor, but not for derivative jokes about his left-brained personality.

  11. If the name and logo should ever go away, I would not want the administration to hold some cheesy contest for a new name. I would want the administration to just drop the name and logo and let one come about naturally. Give it time and see if one naturally comes to the forefront that most fans and alumni could get behind. Trying to force a new name on the athletic department that the administration chose behind closed doors just doesn't seem right. SDSU fans are pretty worked up that their administration just wants to update their logo. I wonder what SS.com posters would get behind for a new name? :blush:

    Has enough time passed for me to re-introduce your

    University of North Dakota

    Accounting Stu!


    hmm? hmm?

  12. Saturday's game, correct? The gophers only scored in the 1st period. I'll try and check it out tonite.

    I believe you are correct--must have been first period Howe goal?

    edit: I checked and it was 5:52 left in the first period, right before Stoa's PP misdirection goal.

  13. i remember that happening, though I remember him landing on the puck another time too cause my friends and I were trying to figure out where the puck was until we saw that it was under lammy in the replay.

    In this instance, Lammy dove onto his stomach to cover what may have been an imaginary puck--It's not the time when he's on his back, and it's not the time when the camera loses the puck somewhere unde his left leg. His Right leg is INSIDE the net when the puck goes in and lands between his right leg and the net. I believe Goligoski was the gopher to shoot it on net, they scored on the PP a few seconds later, and I think Jones was on top of a gopher giving him a couple light jabs to the face. Does this help?

    Holy cow, our boys can play!

  14. Quick thinking!!!

    I know, I know, not good sportsmanship. If the tables were turned a Goofy player would have been jumping up and down, yelling, 'Papa Campion, Papa Campion, come look, they made a goal, Papa Campion come look.'

    :ohmy: That's exactly how it would've happened!

    I can't believe a crowd that size missed it! Wa happened?

  15. In the second period, i believe, the gophers were crashing the net and lammy made what looked like a terrific save. If you slow it down, you can see the puck flip into the goal and land between lammy's leg and the net. Nobody saw this! THe refs were busy watching the scrums, and the gophers were busy getting their helmets pulled around their faces. The only person who saw it was a ND player, who was between the net and the ref, and he very calmly placed his stick on the outside of the net to cover up the puck from the onlooking ref. The sioux player then bends down to tell Lammy about it, probably to act cool, and proceeds to lift the goal out of the way. It could've been a big deal, but the gophs got a PP and proceeded to score a few seconds into it, so the contorversy has been wiped clean. Anybody else see this, or has it been posted already?

  16. GO williston :)

    Correct, it started on the 8th--I believe you need digital cable, directv, or dish network for it to work, so if this is you, then have fun watching the Devils, Oilers, etc tonight! Now if only they would do something about those "Puckhead" commercials :ohmy:

  17. Thank you for answering. The bottom line is we don't know why and may never know.

    if I had a guess, Hirsch probably had a small problem that Drs and Psychiatrists tried to solve using meds. Most of his problems probably came from switching meds/doseages to find the right course of action. Very hard deal, but don't count him out yet.

  18. Dude,

    You been smoking wacky weed lately? What in the hell are you talking about? I was commenting on how our country has become to sensitive and politically correct...Given today's media's coverage of Iraq and the middle east, if you were to have these people cover WWII we would have the public demanding an exit strategy for the US even after we took Iowa Jima! How do you get off on saying I'm disrespecting the fallen heros? Christ man, wake up! I wasn't even comparing the two wars? One more hit on the crack pipe stu and thats it for you!


    Iowa Jima, huh? What did they do, make Dubuque a double-freedom zone, then?

    What's wrong with demanding an exit stategy from a war in which we had no right entering unless...oh wait - I like your style BobIwabuchiFan. You think we should invade Saudi Arabia! Hard to disagree, seeing how they had the most suicide bombers on the planes that hit the WTCs and Pentagon.

    Have fun killing babies.

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