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Everything posted by mikeypat15

  1. Radke it's ok we forgive you Hak please smile Toews, Oshie, Chorney please stay
  2. Class act, I just wish some of your peers would act as you have, thank you, and let's just hope both teams have a healthy offseason, and not lose to many players.
  3. Dane reacted pretty emphatically, but Dave smirked and seemed relieved. It seems that way also, when the Gophers lose, no one seems to have seen the game. What fans they are, maybe Lucias was right.
  4. New scheduled arrival is 11:25 will probably be closer to 12 And chandler, just a heads up, our airport is busier than yours over the course of the year, and the Cities will be non existant once Northwest folds in a few months
  5. Did anyone laugh when they showed Hak's reaction after the 2nd goal.
  6. He's just doing it to make us mad, at least in two weekends we'll have hockey to watch, he'll just be living in the cities, what fun that is.
  7. HaHa, plane still hasn't left Denver yet though
  8. Like me
  9. Number 3 for Fabian and Porter (should be 4), thats a mighty fine college career.
  10. Yes we are dorks, are you heading out to the airport? There is a thread now for it
  11. Without a doubt Chris Porter is the classiest leader we have had in many years
  12. Yes, there has been many gracious fans, but IMO, I stay away from talking on GPL, as should Gopher fans on here, just stay in your crease.
  13. I again had that feeling the moment he went behind that net, you see those goals coming every now and then. Ton of emotion for all of us too. Who was it that fell on the way to the pile up?
  14. I just remember all the trolls we got after last weekends lost, where did they all go, I was hoping to have a chat with them about graciousness
  15. Your whining about us on our board, what did you expect us to not be biased. Look at GPL you'll see everything in the other way around. Grow up.
  16. It may be late but let them know were proud of them. Were organizing a party to go on out. http://flightaware.com/live/flight/JUS195
  17. Probably just cheer that grass might be quite wet and I'm sure security won't like us out by the fence at night, IMO
  18. Yep already got that page up
  19. I'm going to head out along with a bunch of my friends, I'm going to watch the flight tracker once they takeoff so we get a good idea of arrival time. Should we start a thread?
  20. You better start driving to get up here and do that in time
  21. USA Jet Airlines flight 195 Just planned as of now, but it will change 10:57 arrival time
  22. I'm doing some research and it looks like Denver, I'm watching the departures out of their to see for any departures for GFK, fog may hold them up, it may be late but let's give the boys a rousing welcome home. Anyone with me?
  23. Wondered the same thing, Gopher fans and players got out of there quickly, unlike Holy Cross last year at least being honorable
  24. Anyone know the airport their flying out of, you could easily figure out what time their plane will be arriving, I'm willing to drive out to greet them.
  25. Same way here, just on a high, I felt that the odds were definately against us this weekend and if we did get through it would just be easier. The team showed a ton of heart, and adversity, Congrats to all of them, no one better than Porter getting the big one, truly a great leader. Too bad Johnson has to buy his ticket to St. Louis
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