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Posts posted by siouxstudent

  1. 15 hours ago, Blackheart said:

    Do tell....

    Ive had season tickets since day 1. He sat next to us at a sioux gopher game at the Ralph. Cant recall the year but we were putting a whoopin on them. He literally lost his mind and started calling people out every which direction in the stands. Swearing non stop calling everyone f'n losers, saying we were all pieces of sh#t and should go back to our sorry loser lives in GF. There were alot of other things said of which 95% was coming from him. I just remember how bright red his face was the whole time. Thought he was going to pass out.

  2. 19 minutes ago, NoiseInsideMyHead said:

    Poll some players and get back to me. Those kids play under tremendous pressure under the best of circumstances. Why double down to make a few bucks?

    Are you prepared to say that if the weekend goes poorly, no fan is going to bring up the cost of admission?

    Consider the players polled...aaaand results are in. They only care about the games, not ticket pricing structures. I know plenty of players, they couldnt care less.

    • Upvote 4
  3. 55 minutes ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    Honestly? I just don't get it. The intensity when these two play is just so high. I don't see how it's even faded a little. Adding most fans' hate for the Big 10, I think it may have amped up even a little bit. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right? :)

    Id sacrifice an NCHC loss to know we are going to roll these goofs

    • Upvote 1
  4. Looking for some expert advice on here. First question is does this jersey seem authentic? Was told it was purchased at the Sioux Shop. Secondly how much is it worth if it isnt a China knockoff. Thanks


  5. 2 hours ago, fightingsioux4life said:

    Me thinks that the Avalanche could virtually promise him a spot in the starting lineup next season based on how big of a train wreck that team is right now. I don't think Jost planned on being here one season; it just worked out that way.

    How is Rocco not cracking that lineup right now ?

  6. 24 minutes ago, InHeavenThereIsNoBeer said:

    Before everyone piles on with the downvotes and ruins me forever(:lol:), I've heard from 2 separate damn credible sources that there's something to this.


    Could certainly be something to it, can you elaborate a bit.

  7. On 3/17/2017 at 3:19 PM, farce poobah said:

    Thoughts on Boeser departing early:

    First I think he's still playing injured.   No big secret.   If he goes to The Show less than 100%, he risks his long term future.   You get one chance to make a first impression.   Better to do that at 100%.   (even if the counter benefit is burning a year off a rookie contract)

    Second, this year's play seems a bit like Ryan Duncan after Oshie and Toews turned pro.  Clearly, his upside is higher than Duncan, but Boeser has a lot of work to elevate his game, AND that learning process is harder in the AHL (where its all games and minimal practice) than in college (5 days of practice and 2 days of games each week).   Something to prove still that he can dominate at this level.

    Thats all true but the Canucks probably dont care, he will be signing as soon as we are out ,all but a given.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Wilbur said:

    Can't stand Ciskie.  Trying to rationalize a goon making a goon play isn't worth the oxygen or ink.  If he knew anything about hockey he'd know that his team gets away with loads of obstruction crap and then they blow up (Tonninato) when it gets called.  They make up for it though with a unique diving ability.

    Sad part is they are loaded with talent, and probably have the deepest team in the country. 

    My thoughts exactly and Ciskie fits the bill of the players mentality as well. Must be in the water up there.

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