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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah
What's going on? It seems like our team doesn't have any defense today!
Alritey, here I am for my post-game comments. I was at the game tonight. My friends and I sat in the upper bowl tonight, which is not where I'm used to sitting. 1) I don't know what all of you are complaining about this game for. I thought it was a pretty decent Sioux hockey game, much better playing I've seen than in the last couple weeks. But you are right on one thing... these guys need to start getting some TEAM chemistry going or else not much is going to be accomplished. And that could make for a really long year! 2) We did however seem to be getting clobbered on by CC a lot. Most of the hits were Sioux players getting hit. It's kinda ironic when the best hit in the game is the ref getting hit haha! I believe we were also outshot, but I'm not totally sure. Someone will probably correct me on that one. 3) I'm not a huge fan of any of our defensemen right now. I think Lee played pretty well this game though, considering that I don't think he's very good. He seemed to be catching a lot of the pucks and keeping them from going into our zone. He may have potential. I think if the defense works together and stuff, they can all have potential. I'm not giving up on any of these guys! As a Sioux fan, I feel it's my duty to have hope for everyone! 4) Phil didn't seem like he was 100% for tonight's game. He seemed to be moving pretty slow, and he let in some really weak goals. I'm not blaming our goalies for everything, because they obviously can't do their jobs if nobody else is gunna do their jobs!! Phil will start tomorrow, I hope, so that he can get back into the groove of things. He's been pretty solid for us before getting hurt. We have to give him and our other goalies a chance. Don't just give up on them after we lose a game! As for CC, their goalie was pretty good, I was impressed. 5) Stop blaming the coaching staff whenever we lose too. It just seems like everyone's throwing in the towel and giving up faith. We keep talking about how young our team is, and that can't be an excuse forever. With people leaving early for the NHL, lots of teams are going to keep getting younger. We have to remember that our coaching is fairly young too. Hak's only been here a couple years. Give the guy a chance, he led us to 2 Frozen Fours. Hopefully we'll get to another one this year!! 6) This doesn't have a whole lot to do with the game, but we were sitting next to the Warroad hockey team tonight. Does TJ's dad or uncle coach for them or something?? And is there a tourney in town?? Also, we were highly amused with the Gopher fans sitting in our section. They would cheer when both teams scored, yet they were giving us so much crap that by the end of the game, we were all just getting pissed at them lol. Alritey, well that's all I've got for ya tonight. I'm sure I'll post this and remember other stuff, but oh well. I'm gunna go watch some TV and hit up my bed. It was a fun game to be at tonight other than it was pretty quiet most of the time. I'm not giving up on these guys, and I don't think any of you guys should either. Gotta have faith and cheer our boys to victory!! LET'S GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!! FIRE UP AND WIN!!!
Let's go Sioux! Fire up and beat CC this weekend!!
The band is not going to be traveling to Omaha.... You could also try a Super 8... Those are usually pretty nice with decent prices and friendly service... GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
Alrite so we had a crappy series in Alaska this weekend. I think our team needs to get their s&!t together and start focusing on playing some fricken hockey!! The boys need to look ahead and figure out what they need to do for the CC series next weekend... GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
Hmm, what to say, what to say.... I wasn't in the hot tub tonight as long as I was last night.... I can honestly say that I wasn't paying a whole lot of attention to either game this weekend, so my post-game/series comments might get some feedback cuz it's gunna be lame.... And I'm tired, I had a long and busy day! Alritey here goes nothin: 1) First off, I HAVE to give UAA credit. They have a helluva goalie in Lawson, and IMO an underrated team. From what I heard (since my computer's too slow to have the webcast like the rest of you) they played great this weekend!! So congratulations to them on their first home sweep of us in exactly 11 years!! That should give them some confidence... 2) Where were the Fighting Sioux hockey players?? I don't think it was them in their jerseys, coulda been some high schoolers or somethin. They obviously decided not to show up for this series. We can't blame it ALL on goaltending though, I believe everyone on the team is responsible for a loss OR a win. 3) Where the heck were TJ and Toews all weekend?? I know Toews got a goal and an assist, but I felt like there was nothin comin from those guys! We didn't have anyone really step up, other than Duncs with his 2 goals tonight.... Someone better be sayin somethin to these guys soon, I can't watch or listen to any more of this kinda hockey. This team better find something that works for them and step out big time against CC next weekend at home, or else they're in big trouble, cuz apparently they have a really good goalie too.... I know that was totally and completely lame and non-informative.... But I'm gunna watch both the games when they're on archive, and I can maybe do another post-series thing on here... or maybe not since it wasn't a very good series, whatever.... I'm fricken tired, I'm out... GO FIGHTING SIOUX!!!
Why am I not surprised that BRIAN LEE LOST HIS STICK.... C'mon Bri, you should know how to play hockey by now!!!
I'm obviously willing to pay.... But I sent all of them shirts, and let me tell you, that was NOT cheap!!!
Seriously, I've been trying to talk to the HC guys to see if they can get me one... but so far, no luck... I want a HC something really bad!!!!
I have no idea... I use my family's wireless...
ME ME ME ME ME!!!!! That would totally make my day!!!!!!
Nope not me!!!
Haha yeah... Go check out last night's game thread... I think I captured the Gopher/Badger game from tonight quite well lol
Apparently my video feed is the only one being absolutely fricken retarded.... Go fricken figure.... Whatever, radio's fine with me
Haha I like that I don't have any comments on the game yet, I'm tired.... Kinda seems like UAA is dominating again so far though...
My guess is that they will both play tonight again. However, if Grieco starts and does awesome we won't need Walsk in there... Same goes with the other way around..... And yeah that'd be hilarious if Phil showed up, it'd be a nice surprise lol
Yeah I know.... but I didn't realize that till after I'd written like 5 posts, so I figured I'd just keep going.... Sorry everyone!!! I have to admit, pretty good game to watch... Gopher/Badger games are always good! Last minute of the game: Not much happens, switches sides, Elliott with another nice save! 38 seconds left: Buncha cute guys just showed up, lookin good!! Who were they?!?!? lol 33 seconds: Badgers have an empty net, Gopher shot way wide, slides to other end of the ice.... Gophers win 2-1..... darn Post game: locker room reaction, goaltending battle... I'm not going to comment on those lol... I think you guys have had enough of this haha
BADGER GOAL!!!! Goal made by Carlson with 4:43 left in 3rd.... Nice shot!!!! Gophers are up 2-1