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Everything posted by Sioux_Yeah_Yeah

  1. You mean the "Sioux fans wish for a better Pohl" sign? Because that was totally us!! We got a lot of nice comments from the Gopher fans. Even Pohl's roommate/best friend came and found us after the game and chatted with us for a little bit. We got a lot of "that's very classy" from the Gopher fans.
  2. Most recent news.... Continuance Granted
  3. That IS face value....... Sorry I'll sell them for $29 each, since that's what they really are...
  4. You'll be seeing some signs in Section 111, Row 23 (probably some ideas from this thread)
  5. There were some pretty good ones at the Ralph this weekend! (That's a hint for those people that are on SS to bring theirs) I've got plenty of poster board, maybe my friends and I can bring some! Maybe an FSN one? Can't think of what I'd put though...
  6. I have an extra ticket for the play-in game on Thursday night (Gophers vs. SCSU at 7pm) and for the 3rd place game on Saturday. Section 111, Row 23, $30 for each game. Message me if you are interested. (You'll be sitting with Sioux fans)
  7. Section 111, Row 23... for all the games!!! So excited
  8. Teslak signs with the Flyers
  9. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but isn't he a senior? And it's too late in the season to redshirt him, right? Just saying.... I hope he recovers quickly.
  10. Completely agree... I hope he recovers soon!
  11. Hope to see lots of Sioux fans there!
  12. If we can play like we did last night through the whole tournament, we'll be seeing the Broadmoor!!! GO SIOUX!!!
  13. So do A LOT of the other students, I'm not the only one... I'm just one of the very few who voices my very blunt opinion whether people like it or not, it has to be said. Another thing, people know who I am and voice their complaints to me because they KNOW I'll let it be heard to whoever needs to hear it. And you're right, I don't HAVE to go to the games... But I DO because I am probably the biggest Sioux fan ever. I go to most of the other sporting events as well, not JUST the men's hockey games like most "Sioux fans"... So nobody tell ME that I can't let the students' voices be heard. Because it's NOT just me...
  14. Some comments on the student section... The student section in the upper bowl was asked to sit down on either Friday or Saturday night, which was really frustrating because that's the only place where people are SUPPOSED to stand. Don't buy student tickets if you're not prepared to deal with the students standing and cheering. On Sunday night, the lower bowl student section stood up about halfway through the 3rd period while chanting "Stand up old folk"... and they got in BIG trouble for it!! Hockey games are meant for STANDING and CHEERING, especially in a big game like that was. I don't think the students deserve to be yelled at for actually trying to create a good atmosphere. (I may be biased in saying this as a student, but I'm just sick of the students always being told what to do by the Ralph.) I just think the Ralph needs to give the students a little bit of slack. It is a HOCKEY game after all...
  15. Yeah that's what I said to a couple of my friends as they were reviewing the goal
  16. I already have a Final 5 thread.... But since you're azsioux I won't argue ha
  17. Oh I dunno if this was mentioned, and probably a bad time to mention it, but we ARE talking about college hockey playoffs that's not Sioux: Northern Mich beat Mich St in OT tonight F**** Goofs win
  18. Mankato's so close to scoring, I can SMELL it!!!
  19. THAT WAS SO CLOSE!!!!!!!!
  20. Yeah I'm tired.... GO MAVS
  21. Aren't you supposed to be writing a paper?? I see where your priorities are!
  22. Huh? Sorry I'm sick and tired, and a little slow right now.... Oh well... LET'S GO MAVS!!!!!!
  23. Gophers are definitely puttin some pressure on the Mavs!
  24. More announcer quotes: "And the crowd is sitting again. It's like church." haha
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