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Posts posted by aleah

  1. You dirty rabbit! I just emailed your mom sites to get tickets! I hope you and sis come! Hope you all do! GO SIOUX!!!

    I know I really want her to come! We had a BLAST seeing you guys and going to the games with my brother, Let me know before you guys leave where your tickets, lodging etc. are at. I know you got my nubmer. Let's kick some BC butt!!

  2. We are going!! Got a great rate at Residence Inn SW of arena. Didn't have tickets but acquired them after Gophs choked. For those looking for tix, I'd suggest going to Gopher forums under "tickets" or even Classified sections of newspapers. Good Luck! we need all the green we can get!!

  3. Has there been a topic started to update the progress of these players and their teams? If not, let's do it. Since the games aren't on TV (at least I've heard they aren't) can anyone who finds out scores of games or progress of our wonderful sioux boys update it here!? USA starts action on Dec 26 against Norway.....

    Just a thought...Merry Christmas! :lol:

  4. If it is of any interest to you, To save on those expensive NY to MPLS to GF flights, You can purchase E-Certificates on EBAY. Type in northwest coupon and you'll find them. I've used them whenever I fly and I believe they have set round trip costs for $268-$298. Not a bad deal and they really work. Good Luck! :silly:

  5. Actually, If you look at the schedule Warroad plays, You'd have to remove the boot from your mouth. I think it's terrible to cut down the high school points that TJ has worked so hard to earn. Teams like Moorhead, Totino, Edina, Eastview...to name a few. Some of these are AA and are very highly skilled teams that Warroad chooses to play. In Warroad Vs. Moorhead (possibly the best HS game I've seen) it ended up as a tie after a grueling OT. It showed they were just as good on any given day, maybe better on some days as Moorhead. We all know Moorhead has struggled getting a title but how many runner ups have they had in the last 10 years. My point is that TJ's points came against great teams with skilled players. They didn't play Hallock, Red Lake Falls and other weaker teams in their section because they wanted the tough competition. As far as the A, AA thing, Roseau is a good example of why it may not be the best idea to move up after a couple great years. In fact, When I was in High school (late nineties) East Grand Forks went to state 4 out of the 5 years claiming 2nd and consolation champs the rest of the years. Warroad was knocked off in the quarterfinals and semis those years! So should the every team move up and down based upon the last couple years of play?? I don't think so. I aslo think with the stacked private teams in A the competition is just the same.

    And one last FYI, TJ has very strong family roots in Warroad. His father, grandmother, grandfather, great grand father, great great grandfather and many of aunts, uncles and cousins are all from and reside in Warroad. TJ growing up spent a fair amount of time in Warroad as well. In fact, it was his dying grandfathers wish to go back to his roots and play for his town that he had held so dear.

    Back in the day when UND beat UMD and BSU by a dozen goals, should we strip those of the record books because of the lopsided talent on the two teams??


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