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Posts posted by dlsiouxfan

  1. I am basing this off of what is said on here about focusing on the pass this year and also on the way UND has recruited for the 2012 class and the 2013 class. Lot's of receivers, smaller RB's.

    Looking back UND has been pretty balanced between the run and the pass for the majority of the last 10-15 years. The last few years have been the exception due to how poor the QB play has been. If you look at UND's national championship team and most of the playoff teams you could almost argue that some of those teams were pass first, as opposed to run first.

    UND's recruiting hasn't changed but actually reflects the continuation of this strategy. UND has always had large possession receivers (Lueck, Stottleman, Trenbeath) to complement smaller, quicker receivers (Dressler, Dan Graf). Theyv'e also generally based their RB recruiting on speed of the player with less of a focus on size (i.e. Strouth, Beatty, Jim Miller were all different body types but were all RB's at UND). NDSU recruits RB's the same way because the guys who are 6'2", 220lbs and run a 4.4 aren't playing at this level unless they have off the field issues that scared off larger programs. The defense will be the same attacking defense it always has been.

  2. I don't think the winner of the Great West should be automatically ranked no. I think we can look at each conference on a year to year basis and determine if the quality of play within the conference is at a high enough level to warrant a certain ranking.

    Last year, no, and believe it or not it has nothing to do with my opinion on UND. There were no playoff teams out of the Great West last year, even if UND and USD were eligible they still wouldn't have made the playoffs. So, no, I don't think that last year the Great West was playing football at a high level.

    For the first four years of the Great West's existence the only fully funded teams were NDSU and Cal Poly (and I'm not sure about Cal Poly). How can the league have been that much tougher back then when most schools were funding 35-40 scholarships than it was last year when every school was fully funded to the FCS max? I'm anxious to hear your reasoning.

  3. What I really object to is that the Alumni Association and Jody Hodgson and members of the alumni/ae did not vocalize publicly and forcefully their concerns with Hoeven, Conrad, etc. They should have made it known that the NCAA meddling was unacceptable and should have demanded that they intercede, especially after the 17,000 strong referral vote. Would Hoeven and Conrad say "no" to a formal public demand by such a contingent? No. They did, however, have no problem ignoring letters from the CUR and from the Tribal Council of SL and from the Tribal Chairman of SL himself.

    To Chewey, Watchmaker, DaveK and all the other losers on both sides of this issue who fought night and day to try and destroy this university and it's athletic programs, I want you to know that by every measure you've failed.

    For Watchmaker and the rest of the anti-nickname cabal, please remember that UND is now in compliance with NCAA policy and there are few, if any, North Dakotan's who actually feel that the Fighting Sioux nickname is racist. As a result of UND's lawsuit, some of the logos at REA will be in place for the rest of your lifetime and UND will face no ill repercussions as a result of it. You have failed at winning the hearts and minds of ND's populace and ultimately the state's appreciation for it's flagship university overshadowed your cause.

    For Chewey and DaveK and the rest of the nickname at all costs crowd, UND is now able to host playoff games,host regional Division I opponents, and will win championships. The university and it's athletic programs will succeed without the Sioux nickname and I want to let you know that for every success that you would have compromised, there will be those, like me, waiting to rub your noses in it. You tried to destroy this university and it's athletic programs and failed miserably.

    Feel free to throw yourselves a pity party where you applaud each other for your steadfast committment to your beliefs but never forget that ultimately you're all failures and, unless you change your ways, will always be so.

    • Upvote 4
  4. "The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair and "The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck are both much better than Atlas Shrugged. Both books are inspired by what life was really like for most Americans before the reforms introduced during the New Deal. They both paint pretty stark pictures about the terrible abuses that took place when the wealthy of the country had free reign to exploit the working class without any interference from the government.

    I've read Atlas Shrugged and really can't describe it as anything other than the selfish rantings of one truly selfish human being. I still find it amazing how conservatives have embraced Ayn Rand considering her views on religion and on gun control. The views she espouses throughout Atlas Shrugged are completely antithetical to those championed by Jesus Christ yet you'll hear many politicians on the right list both as being prominent influences on their ideology.

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  5. Still looking for facts, other than innuendo and self-serving "the hairs stand on the back of my neck and that person across the room there must be thinking of me in a demeaning way when the nickname is mentioned" type statements. If you're looking for a frivolous suit, this is it. Say what you want about the Spirit Lake lawsuit, it has more merit than this one. If these yahoos beat Rule 56 Summary Judgment or 12(b)(6) and the matter goes to trial -- good luck there -- the Spirit Lake suit may go the same way. The viewing of facts in a light most favorable to the non-moving party and the genuine dispute of material facts are not tantamount to giving full and credible evidentiary weight to self-serving, factually unsupported statements and that would apply in both suits. These guys just have a particular bitch with a political backstop. Part of me wants to see their case go to trial where the good ol' boys and girls on any jury in Bismarck would deliberate for 10 minutes and send them packing. Part of me wants to see it get thrown out on 56 SJ or 12(b)(6) grounds. I'm sure there would be an appeal but I believe any standard of review would be quite high. The State should call Archie Fool Bear, Eunice Davidson, etc. as witnesses if it goes to trial and of course include the bit about the government coming in and finding no violation of civil rights vis-a-vis use of the nickname and logo. If the "violation of civil rights" is tantamount to and dependent upon one's own self-determination that one's own peculiar psychological sensibilities have been "offended" or "abused", we're in for a lot of trouble and that's a gross misuse of the legal system. If those dolts had been smart, they would have gone to a few psychologists or reported some "crimes" to campus security or to the GF Police Department but, as obtuse as they obviously are, even they understand that falsely reporting things usually gets people into trouble. I believe UND and Julie Evans are still stinging from a recent case were a rape was falsely reported and a kid had been expelled from school. It would be worth the time to see it go to trial just to see what the plaintiffs' medical records would show. Probably nothing which is why it would get bounced.

    I know this will probably send you into another nonsensical rant but the lawsuit you're railing against is no less frivolous than the Committee for Understanding and Respect's lawsuit against the NCAA or the lawsuits you advocate against schools like Minnesota that refuse to schedule UND because of the nickname. All are or would be frivolous lawsuits brought by parties that lack standing and haven't suffered any damages. You can't really rail against one and then piss and moan about the other just because you agree with one side.

  6. I have been involved in quite a few of them and that is without merit at least for the ones I've participated in. Slander? Really? Faison and Kelley have been justifiably criticized, as has the SBoHE and Shaft. If muddying the waters is what you have a problem with, there's a pretty good example with Faison pre and post Wanless interview and with Shaft's baseless Notre Dame claim. Our "side" has acknowledged the existence and continuation of sanctions, as spelled out in the surrender agreement, with retention of the nickname. There is the claim that this is about more than a sports team and a nickname. There is the claim that the sanctions can be endured and tolerated and there is the claim that the Big Sky issue has been exaggerated. The Wanless interview and Faison's apparent backtracking would lend credence to this claim. Whether or not people think that his claims are entitled to any credibility as such concerns are "above his pay grade", the fact remains that you had Faison/Kelley/SBoHE claiming doomsday scenarios and Wanless, AD of Sacramento State a BS member (last I heard AD's were involved in scheduling games) contradicting them and saying that the matter was not even an issue in the discussions of conference ADs. The sanctions are a reality until or if SL wins in Court, ND's Congressional delegation gets a collective spine or the NCAA changes its position. Of these three, only the first seems to be remotely realistic. Who are these people who have received the misrepresentations? Please, give their names? Why have they not gone to the papers saying publicly what those misrepresentations have been and naming the locations and the petitioners who made them? We know the petitioners at every location. Why have these people not attempted to discredit the process then? You had a claim by people where some petitions were supposedly unattended in Cavalier. Why weren't these claims stated?

    If honoring the Sioux tribes and observing and respecting their traditions and listening to what they have to say are of such concern with respect to the nickname and if determining what is intended and conveyed by their ceremonies is important, Frank Black Cloud, Archie Fool Bear, Eunice Davidson, John Chaske and 70% of the Spirit Lake Tribe all have a lot more credibility than you or those whom you mentioned.

    That's a pretty bold statement. So Frank Black Cloud, Archie Fool Bear, Eunice Davidson, and 70% of the Spirt Lake tribe have more credibility than Dale Lennon, Dave Hakstol, and Chris Mussman? What have any of them ever done in service to the university? Not a goddamn thing and you know it.

    Frank Black Cloud lied openly regarding the sanctions in the Grand Forks Herald when he said that the nickname will not harm the university. It already has and he knows it as he's a shameless liar much like yourself.

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  7. Wanting a team to fail doesn't mean you are a troll. I do not puff my chest about my team on here a whole lot. I comment on the issues I do understand, and ask questions about the ones I do not. I have a solid knowledge of UND athletics history, in fact probably better than most of my UND fan friends. The presence of a non-UND fan does not make them a troll. I started out as a troll, I've eased up on you guys quite a bit. Few friends? I don't know how you would have any idea how many friends I have, but thats nice. Lack of common sense? There are people on here who think sanctions won't impact UND. That sir, is a lack of common sense. Not pointing out the experiences that I have witnessed with friends/family (ND Residents of voting age) who are UND fans and what they think about the nickname.

    I'm going to guess you'll have to call 55-60% of voting North Dakotan's in June trolls then. At least I'm voting "No" for logical/comical reasons....and to make some relatives happy. You got PLENTY of UND fans voting yes because they actually think it is a good thing for UND athletics. At least you can discuss with this "troll" about the implications of what the Nickname-Crowd wants. You can't have a conversation with them about it, because you will be on two different pages.

    Why would it matter what Grand Forks county wants? People outside of Grand Forks go to UND games too I'd imagine sometimes. The NCAA is going after one school, and one only.

    Al Carlson and his cronies will have their knives sharpened for NDSU next. When that time comes NDSU will need allies and I hope a lot of UND supporters remember NDSU grads like you that helped him destroy UND. You'll reap what you sow.

    • Upvote 1
  8. So Grant Shaft's public statement, without any corroborating proof, essentially that Notre Dame would not play UND because of the nickname is a half truth? Moving up a retirement deadline more than a year before its expiration in response to a tribal wide vote is a half truth? Terry Wanless contradicting much of what Faison and Kelley had claimed is a half truth? Pat Seaworth's commentary about Fighting Sioux jerseys being akin to just other piled up dirty laundry is a half truth? This is all there in black and white. It's neither a quantum leap in logic nor an employment of deceit or propaganda to realize and conclude that the SBoHE and other parties in charge handled this whole debacle - indeed, are still handling it - very poorly. That does not mean that they had to kiss the posterior of anyone. Certainly, this would mean that you don't make statements a la Shaft and Seaworth and certainly it means that you don't engage in the lobbying process vis-a-vis legislation and then initiate and engage in a legal scrum claiming that the legislative process which you just got done participating in is an unconstitutional infringement upon your authority. Certainly, it would mean that you don't truncate an approval process by over a whole year. Certainly, they could and have done all of this and more. Has it been smart? Obviously not.

    So are Lennon, Kelly, Mussman, Hakstol, O'Keefe, and Faison all lying? Your side has slandered all of them. They all have substantially greater credibility on this issue than you, Rob Port, Frank Black Cloud, and the rest of the nickname idiots.

    To this point all nickname supporters have done is lie repeatedly to muddle the issue. Petition circulators told numerous signers that keeping the law would force the NCAA to get rid of their sanctions. Their is zero evidence that this is possible and your side has blatantly misstated that position publicly.

  9. No "perceived grievances"; sorry to disappoint you. I suppose regurgitating propaganda from the same body that has presided over this debacle counts for original thought?

    All your side has is perceived grievances. It's also laughable you'd label anything propaganda since nearly all of your posts include half-truths, outright lies, or slanders against those who disagree with you.

    • Upvote 2
  10. Call it what you will and employ the hyperbole and histrionics, if you must. The nickname has done nothing and is a huge part of the tradition at UND. The school has done nothing. The players have done nothing. If you want examples of puerile behavior, you have to look no further than the NCAA itself, many of the professors and administrators at UND, Pat Seaworth - attorney for the University system, who publicly equated the Sioux jerseys as being just pieces of dirty laundry that get thrown in a pile at the end of a game, much to the consternation of the Sioux indians (in truth - at least according to Mike Commodore - the jerseys never touch the ground), the SBoHE who can't seem to handle the situation with any kind of tact or competency and who push up deadlines in response to a tribal-wide vote and the President of which makes baseless allegations concerning Notre Dame not wanting to play UND, Faison making broad and irresponsible claims and then saying he's "mistaken" or whatever after the Terry Wanless interview, the SBoHE actively participating in the legislative process (lobbying, etc) and then saying that the very law they were lobbying against is unconstitutional (wouldn't that mean that the law allowing the retirement of the nickname- for which they lobbied intensely - is also unconstitutional?), spineless Congressional delegation who won't commit one way or another, etc.

    A lot of very committed people are addressing a massive screw-job in which the SBoHE, though its obvious and irresponsible incompetence, has been actively complicit. A lot of very committed Sioux Indians demand that their ceremonies be respected and demand that they are heard. There was never any good faith detente or engagement with the tribes at all. The moving up of the deadline by the SBoHE was certainly an indication of that and there are, no doubt, other examples. Call it whatever you will. It's a matter of perspective and you are obviously entitled to yours.

    Chewy, why don't you do us all a favor and not post on this topic until you have an original thought instead of continually posting your same laundry list of perceived grievances over and over again.

  11. Now who's crying and whining at the potential of not getting their way? I'm sorry to break the news to you, but those of us who support the Fighting Sioux will fight you every step of the way in your cruel attempt to brutally murder our beloved nickname. We're not coming over to join you on the dark side and never will, deal with it.

    As a former athlete who poured blood, sweat, and tears into the programs at UND I"m disgusted that you're going to have more of a say in this than I am. What have you ever done for the athletic program at UND other than sit on your ass and cheer at hockey games? What was your contribution to building up the nickname you supposedly love so much?

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  12. I read today the article on the new TV schedule for the Big Sky on DirecTv and I am so anxious about our ability to get into the Big Sky...I know they state we are on the schedule, but like Faison and Kelley say we are in a precarious position with the Big Sky by not getting rid of the Sioux nickname...I'm just waiting for the final shoe to fall and UND will be kicked out of the Big Sky which they aren't technically members yet...Oh, the anxiety...I hope the sky doesn't fall!


    The athletes, coaches, and most of the fans and alumni no longer want to be known as the Fighting Sioux anymore. Grow up and deal with. Please find another team to be a fan of and stop being such a crying, whiny bitch.

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  13. It's going to be a pretty pyrric victory for fans of the Sioux nickname. If the nickname is retained after June 6th, UND will likely be dropped from the Big Sky conference which will be the start of a rapid decline in the quality and competitiveness of UND's athletic teams. For UND basketball and football the effect will be almost immediate as athletes and coaches will transfer and leave for other schools. The football program likely won't last more than three or four more years without a conference. Basketball and the other sports at UND will be rendered entirely non-competitive.

    Hockey would likely remain competitive for one or two more seasons but would gradually begin to decline until the program more closely resembles programs like Alaska- Anchorage or Michigan Tech. UND will be incapable of recruiting the talent necessary to win another championship or even make a Frozen Four.

    When this happens Rob Port, Al Carlson, Frank Black Cloud, and the rest of the nickname crowd will immediatly begin deflecting all blame towards the UND administration. Every one of them is gutless coward and is so lacking in integrity that they'll refuse to accept any accountability for their actions.

    After 7-10 years of athletic futility, the voters of the state of ND will finally allow UND to retire the nickname. Fans like Dave K, Chewy, and Fetch will no longer be Sioux fans at that time as they'll likely be cheering for other more successful athletic programs like NDSU and Minnesota. Real UND fans can then start the process of rebuilding UND's athletic program. A task that will likely take a decade or more. In the end the Sioux nickname won't survive another decade regardless of what happens in the next few months.

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  14. So I decided to go to the Sunday night game in Denver va the Badgers, ya know the first round of the WCHA playoffs two weeks ago. I usually don't get to go to DU games because they play at the same time as the Sioux so I would see the outcome of the Sioux game on the scoreboard and it would ruin my Sioux game for me...

    Anyway I figured I would take my son to the game, a chance to see some good college hockey live. We got in for free after looking for tickets for about 2 mins. We got tickes in the gold club free food and all. The arena was about 1/2 full, there were about 300 Wiscy fans there, needless to say a far cry from a Sioux DU regular season game.

    Anyhow, I had quite an interesting evening to say the least. See I wore my Sioux jersey, ya know Sioux pride and all. I got zero !@#$ for it BTW. The bizzare thing was that I was approached by people, I would guess somewhere between 10 and 15 times, asking me what is going on with the Sioux name battle.

    First I got questions about it in the food line in the gold club. Then at my seat, then in the smoking area. Later we decided to go sit with the Wisconsin fans and cheer them over DU because DU fans are pathetic hockey fans to say the least. I sat right behind Dahl's mom and #19's mom, so they ask me about the name, the people behind me ask me about the name. During the intermission, we had two different people walk over to our seats to ask about the name.

    So no one cares about it huh"??

    BTW, I asked all of them if they were aware that Native Americans were leading the fight to keep the name and guess how many of them did??

    Ya, you got it buddy, Zero!! The really funny thing was how uniform their response was when I told them the truth of the matter. "Someone needs to do something about the NCAA, they are out of control"

    ...So you keep thinking that no one cares becase the MEDIA hasn't told you to care, and I'll keep knowing the truth about it and you. People care. Period!!

    They said "Someone needs to do something about the NCAA, they are out of control" and then went back to doing whatever they were doing before you told them this story, most of them probably forgot about it 10 minutes after you were done talking to them. I guarantee that none of them called their congressmen in righteous indignation, none of them will send donations to UND's athletic department to mitigate the harm from NCAA sanctions, none of them will send a single dollar to Spirit Lake so that they can hire an attorney competent enough to at least proofread a legal brief before submitting it to the court.

    Not one of the people you talk to will do a single thing to help UND keep the nickname and they "know all the facts" as you claim. It's time to grow up and move one.

    • Upvote 3
  15. Yet another national article which omits the Spirit Lake fight against the NCAA dictate..

    Like all the others, plenty of backgound info in the article but conspicuously absent is Any mention of the Sioux peoples fight.

    People file ridiculous lawsuits that have no chance of success everyday in America. Not all of them are news stories and neither is this one.

  16. Those are good questions.

    1. Yes, the tribes should have a say. I don't believe that the SR tribal elders have allowed their people to have their say, but that is up for debate.

    2. No. The honoring of the Sioux tribes should not be the SOLE purpose of UND or UND athletics.

    There. Hope I cleared it all up for you now! :lol:

    To clarify, I agree that the tribes should have a say in how the logo and nickname are used. However, especially now that nickname supporters both within the tribe and outside the tribe are expecting the athletic programs at UND to suffer serious consequences to retain the Fighting Sioux nickame, I don't think that tribal support of the nickname alone is a good enough reason to retain the nickname. The opinions of the tribes matter little when UND athletes will be the ones who actually have to suffer to keep the Sioux nickname.

    • Upvote 1
  17. You sort of forgot about the people who, once again, matter the most. The ones who started these petitions. I attend all sports and wear the Sioux icon everytime I go, not just hockey. I wish we could vote on this next week, instead of a couple months.....

    Why exactly should the opinions of these people matter the most? Should the fact they they were born Sioux Indian trump nearly everyone elses voice in this, including alumni whose dollars bankroll the programs they want to co-opt? Is UND and UND athletics sole purpose to honor the Sioux tribes? I'd really like to hear your answer on this.

  18. I bit my tounge when this first came out because the anti-nickname zealots here are never going to believe me, but now I must reveal some information. Our hockey coach was FORCED to say what he said. It was a matter of make the statement that he made or lose his job. I have contacts with inside information. Someday down the road if and when he leaves for another job I expect that he will reveal what all went down behind closed doors. The statements that he and Mussman made were mandated. That is a fact.

    Your source is a liar. I spoke with every football coach regarding the nickname this past summer. They were in universal agreement that it had to be changed to prevent serious consequences with conference affiliation.

  19. Well then what are we going to talk about....if we can say well you expected this and already knew about this when the student athlete decides to still go to UND.

    We won't be able to complain:

    FYI, as the women sit they won't host a playoff game, regardless. Barely make the tournament as they are sitting 7th in the PairWise.

    The FB team has workouts at 6:00 AM tomorrow morning much like they do every day of the offseason. I'd imagine that the women's hockey team has as rigorous a workout/ practice schedule as the FB team. If you really believe this crap you just wrote, then I challenge you to go to a workout/ practice session and look those athletes in the eye to tell them that it doesn't matter that they need to go on the road for any future playoff games. If you don't have the balls to do this then quite frankly you're a coward who should STFU regarding this issue. It's as simple as that.

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  20. Pretty sure the NCAA will just put UND on the hostile abusive list, use the sanctions already talked about and say you knew this was going to happen to you if you broke the settlement agreement.

    I think if they went beyond that they could give UND an avenue in which to sue, right now I don't think another lawsuit will go anywhere if the NCAA just does what they said they were going to do.

    This is exactly what will happen. UND will go back on the sanctions list and every athletic team on campus will pay the price so the hockey team can call itself the Fighting Sioux. I wouldn't really put it past ND's idiot legislature to try and pursue another court case against the NCAA and get hit with punitive damages for re-litigating a settled issue. Think about that nickname supporters, we'll get to keep the nickname, the NCAA can keep us on their sanctions list, and at the end of the day we'll get to write them a big fat check.

    I use to try and defend the school when Bison fans said that UND was a hockey only school, but it turns out they were dead right. 90% of this board could really give a !@#$ about anything else at the university other than the hockey team and the nickname and they're proud of it.

    As a former athlete, I'm going to say it's a real shame that athletes who show up every day, bust their ass on the practice fields and in the classroom will now get to pay the price so that fat, asshole fans can call themselves the Fighting Sioux while patting themselves on the back for "sticking it to the man".

    I'll still support the football team and the rest of the university, but it will be cold day in hell if a single dollar of mine ever goes to supports this asinine nickname fight or your beloved hockey team. As for this board, I'm done with it. It's obviously for Sioux nickname fans and I'm a fan of the entire university so this isn't the place for me. I may stop by and read from time to time if I feel like pounding my head against the wall, but for the most part I'll probably just ignore it.

    Enjoy your victory while it lasts, it's only a matter of time before the NCAA goes after UND's golden goose. I, sincerely, hope they do so the rest of you actually have some skin in this game.

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  21. I can't believe this idiocy is going to pass. The ND legislators pushing for this must be functionally illiterate. Isn't there an attorney anywhere on this legislative committee who can explain what it means when something is "dismissed with prejudice"? If a lawyer in private practice pulled something like this they would be sued for malpractice and deservedly so.

    This is pretty much going along as I feared. UND athletes in sports like BB, FB, etc. will take it in the shorts so the hockey team can wear the Sioux jersey for a few more seasons. It's not right and those athletes deserve better than to be used as fodder for politicians who really could give rats ass about the issue but see it as an opportunity to grandstand.

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